just curious
prolly the worst tasting meal ever, but its a nice gesture.
spagetthi, ribs, acouple potatos, hawaiian pizza, and corn
I don’t suspect that I would ever have a last meal if I were on death row, unless you count the one I had previous to the guards attempt to escort me down the green mile. I would most likely be killed by a bullet while fighting the guards all the way to the bitter end. Hell, I probably wouldn’t even make it to the chair before I’d be dead.
Besides, who can eat twenty-four hours before their death? A week even, for that matter.
I take it back. I’d probably die in the courtroom where I initially heard the verdict. Upon knowing that I would die in [insert amount] of days, only to spend the meanwhile in a cell, I’d fight to the death to escape from that courtroom.
But probably pizza. The original military rations of the Roman soldier.
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-Warm coke in a glass with two ice cubes.
-Biscuits and gravy.
-Pound of well cooked bacon
-well cooked eggo homestyle waffles with country crock butter and whip cream top.
-bottle of water
-sleeping pills
Mountain Dew, cigarettes, and my last victim.
a fast in protest…or in remorse/reparation.
de’trop whats wrong with your head man? take a pizza! for christs sakes.
its that or a baton crack over the head …seems like an easy decision to me. do the math.
I liked all those responses. The question is as deep as you want it to be.
It boggles the mind that people have actually conteded with the question. I wonder how they decide. They probably just say “steak,” and don’t think much of it.
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Monooq and Abs:
Some of us cannot go quietly into the night. There is no way in hell I’m going to casually walk down that hall and into that room of death. You can’t be serious.
I’ll tell you what. Here’s a better solution. I will never have that last meal or be on death row, for that matter, because if ever I kill anyone and am in the process of being captured, I will shoot myself in the head.
I was locked up for four years…I ain’t never going back. Climbing the fucking walls, my friends, plotting my escape every waking hour. I won’t do that again. I’d rather die.
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What’s the alternative to a death sentence? Sitting in a cell for the rest of your life. You call that “hope?” One should know when a crime they have commited warrants either of these sentences, and if they will accept neither, suicide is the last resort.
Speaking of meals, you know today I came to the conclusion that one can put just about any kind of food stuff into a tortilla shell, and it will taste delicious. A burrito can be made out of anything.
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Well now, that’s quite the dilemma, Abs.
Those who I dislike the most, the liberals and the religious, are to become my saving grace? Can’t I just keep my honor to the death rather than sitting around waiting for the very people who made me mad to come along and save me?
“Let no priest utter falsehood at my grave”- Nietzsche
“Let no religious or liberal keep me from my grave”- détrop
dudes, If they are going to kill me, I might at least waste as much of their money as I can while I’m still alive…
having said this, I would have:
The largest, most tender, most quality, choice-cut of filet-miguen(??) imaginable.
An entire beer-keg full pf chilled (but with not ice to dillute it) Dr. Pepper.
A large Chocolate-Chip Cheesecake, with a thick brownie crust.
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some meat, rare steak perhaps