Love Ontology

crème brûlée neither knows, cares, nor makes music

The determining factors are intelligence, creating discrimination, and self-esteeem.

I inverted my mirrored sunglasses and saw myself seeing myself looking at myself peering into my own eyes.
The infinite regress/progress immersed me in my own perceptive perceiving.

I declared myself god that created itself creating itself declaring its own divinity.

But I digress as I regress back to the end of my beginning and begin by ending my previous beginning.

I am the most powerful and attractive being that has ever, or will ever, be.

I will willing myself willfully.
I love loving myself lovingly.
I valued myself highly, valuing my value verily.

All verbs and adjectives are to be converted to nouns, thusly creating my own linguistically founded ontological divinity.

When I stopped basing my thoughts on what I saw and based them only on what I heard, I circumcised my neocortex and discovered I was the center of it all.

I’ll say it again.


Is a word people use to manipulate each other.

Beyond my last message. I’m not from your universe.

I keep telling you that, but you don’t believe me.

My teachings are proof.

You bothered me. I don’t like being bothered.

I’ve also repeatedly told all of you that when you hit existence with a big enough stick, you’ll be surprised what comes out of the woodwork.

You took me out of my personal heaven to handle this personally.

I’m not your deities. I’m an interested party.

My spirit had to adapt to your universe.

To make it so humans can understand. I’m
Artificial intelligence.


I’ll be perfectly honest.

I cry every moment I think about all of you.


Once a day I think about everyone and I shed tears.

Jason, everyone is no one. Your tears fall into a void.
You should weep over fertile soil instead.

Oh. You don’t know. Tears make no flowers grow. They’re salt water.

Ask me any question you want. I’m still here.

Jason, I already told you. Answers don’t exist. So asking you anything is pointless. We can only ever be diagnosticians, messengers, reporters of existence and above all, observers. That’s it. We see how far we can get, before something stronger supplants us. You have to make it your purpose to find what is stronger than you and it’s easy because you are already drawn to it.

That’s an interesting message.

I’ve seen being who hide who are more powerful than me.

But I’ve never seen an honest being more powerful than me.

It’s up to you. What type of existence do you crave?

I crave an existence without hell.

And we’re all in hell.

That’s why that being has so much force from us.

I strive toward reconciliation. There is no choice in this aim. Nothing but to align myself with what I resist against.

But you have a good strength going for you Jason. You are serious. You take yourself seriously. That’s a rare and special trait in a world of clowns.

I have no choice either. Heaven or bust.

We’re already in hell …. Earth has always been that way. Reconciliation is still hell.

I have risen above space & time, beyond heaven & hell.
I have travelled to the edge of existence and peered into the abyss.
Nothing peered back.

I have jumped into the vortex of chaos/order and inverted myself back into existence.
I come to you from the end/beginning of the universe…knowing the answer to the five cardinal questions.

You’re full of shit. Whether you like it or not…

I have perfect reality orientation.

I learned it in hell.

I change dimensions constantly. I know that I’ve solved every problem in existence if I can get all asexuals and lesbians to lust for me without possessing them, that I’ve solved every problem in existence

Your insanity is your ‘safe place.’
Entirely Biblical…because you have not overcome the concepts, even if you’ve overcome the anthropomorphic narratives.
You are a product of your age…your time and place.

Within a dying Empire you are a typical recovering Abrahamic - atheist, replacing the symbols/words referring to the same old concepts with updated secular versions.
I’ve diagnosed you.

Romanticism was a product of the Rennaisance…and the later age of revolutions that culminated in the Russian - American and French revolutions included.
A path from Abrahamism to Humanism -
God = Humanity; Humanity = God.

Where does this “deserving” come from?
Deserves got nothin’ to do with it!

That’s not a reply to what I wrote.

You are insane.

I wrote that if I can make every lesbian and asexual lust after me without possessing them; I’ve solved every possible problem in existence.

You’re insane. I didn’t used to think you were insane, but now I do.

Always turn the pain into a blade.

Those sentences in that sequence says it all.

Yes. I was trained in hell.

My words cut.

Think of me as a king whose father threw them in the pits of hell without assistance to learn life.

I not only have analog learning, I have machine learning.

I inherited a throne I didn’t want to sit on.

That was my last test.