Moron Methods & Motives

The goal of iamastupidcunt, is all-inclusion.
This is why she appeals to the “other”, this is why she constantly admits that she may be wrong.
She is virtue signalling, appealing to the fear of being excluded from the herd.
She’s saying: you are wrong, i am wrong - because there is no truth - so let us come to a compromise and each tolerate the others error.
so if you don’t offer an absolute certain truth, then all are equally wrong. That’s ideal because now we can come to a compromise and agree to tolerate each others idiocy.

A “fulminating fanatic” objectivists, is one that excludes, without offering an absolute final complete truth.
She equates truth with popularity, and appeals to the “other” to gain popular validity.
She admits she may be wrong, signalling that no absurdity will be excluded. All weakness, all stupidity, is welcomed.

She wants to build the largest herd ever…humanity as a single herd.
She triggers innate, primal anxieties about being ostracized or excluded… certain death in nature.
She will embrace all if they tolerate her ignorant idiocy.

Let’s support Mary Land - the litmus test of abortion, of bad judgement - because we will all find ourselves in her situation and will need the help of the herd.
Someone to bail us out of a bad judgement call, a bad choice.
This is her psychological appeal to the herd, to weakness, to mediocrity.
She has no clue about anything.
She refuses to define the terms she throws around because this will expose how clueless she is - and by defining a term contradicts another’s definition…and her idiocy wants all idiots to feel welcomed.

This is why she repeats, describing her enemies, that they think in us vs them…because she is all-inclusive.
Doesn’t mater how stupid your convictions are, you will be welcomed if you water your wine and make compromises.
Contradicting herself in the process.
How can all be included when those who reject all-inclusion are excluded?
All she feels she has to do is find a flaw, a incompleteness in any theory…this automatically makes it just as wrong as any other theory.
Certainty or total uncertainty. If you aren’t allowing for any alternative - no mater how absurd - you are a fascist. All must become equally uncertain.
If not omniscience then ignorance. If not omnipotence then impotence.
Either/Or, simple and effective among simpletons…her target audience - those “others” she constantly appeals to in her notes.

What are the long-term consequences of such herd-psychology?
She doesn’t know; she doesn’t care.
All must be included, because nobody knows for certain…there is no omniscience.

She is constantly undermining to cultivate uncertainty… and has nothing to offer but the nil…uncertainty.
This is her goal, her objective.
This is where she believes the great compromise ending all human strife will end, in Utopia.
Her goal is to reach this point of desperation, when man is willing to make any compromise.

She hasn’t overcome Abrahamism or Marxism…she’s adapted her tactics…she was given a new angle, a new method.
She doesn’t have the brains to invent anything…she learned it, and she liked it.
Having failed twice to produce a change world - see her signature - she was given a new strategy…psychological subversion.

Simply negate…dismiss mock…chiseling away at confidence.
When she frustrates you she feels victorious…she’s made an impact… chiseled away at your confidence, increased your uncertainty.

Doesn’t matter what you say… she knows it’s not complete, certain, absolute.
She doesn’t have to understand anything…she knows it is not absolutely one, complete, whole, certain…so it must be absolutely nil.
Jews gave her the god of nothingness.
The other side of Abrahamism.
Its concealed dark side - Satan.

A tactic used by Neo-Marxist opportunists.
Neo Marxists realized that the proletariat was not going to rise up and rid itself of its capitalist exploiters.
Instead they participate in the system they want to overturn…and undermine it from within.
They support policies that increase suffering, until the proletariat reaches a point where it ha nothing left to lose.

This is the cunt’s method.
It’s not her own.
It’s straight out of the neo-Marxist playbook. Opportunism.
Don’t oppose, undermine. Don’t attack the idea, the theory, attack the mind, reducing it to desperation, with nothing left to lose, ready to come to any compromise.


No, seriously.

ILP and Know Thyself.

Two utterly insignificant online “philosophy” websites that have virtually no impact whatsoever on the world we live in. And here he is creating yet another thread about me. As though so much is riding on him being able to convey to the world how iambiguous really is this “moron” that he has concocted “in his head”.

Me, I’m waiting for godot. I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about my contributions here. On the other hand, with the Philosophy Now forum at least there’s the possibility that “real life” philosophers might read my stuff and [perhaps] offer me some hope of being able to yank myself up out of the “hole” that “I” have dug myself down into.

Satyr? He comes to what’s left of what was once an actual philosophy venue…one month a year. And this pathetic “paper tiger” still seems convinced it’s something that is really, really, really important. #-o

Meanwhile over at his own clique/claque he accounts for 99% of the posts. And is still so insecure that as soon as someone does actually challenge him, he bans them from the forum!!!

Now she comforts hersl that none of ti is 'important"
Who reads any of it, right?
This is typical.
When at a loss it must find a comfort.

That this has to do with her and her relationship with the wold, does not concern her.
all she cares about is how it affects her reputation.
So few read ILP, she tells herself. Who will ever read it?
Who will ever know what I am?

Validity is measured by popularity.
She has no other way to evaluate what is true from what is false - all is a social construct, so whatever is popular within a society is true.
Reality changes as popularity changes.
Reality is a collective construct.

She has convinced herself that she’;s challenged satyr…why else was she banned?

I tell her. I have no choice.
It was determined.

But, seriously, if I wanted KTS to become another ILP shithole, she would be allowed back.
All she does is shit in every thread, the same garbage.
She responds to nobody.
All she posts is the same crap.
Cut & Paste.
As if nothing was said.

There is only one answer…all is uncertain. Any confidence is a sign of fascism, or fanaticism. All are equally ignorant.
Therefore, all must make a compromise to create a shared reality, form nothing, because there is only nothing.

She has convinced herself that she’ challenged satyr…why else was she banned?
Ask her what my positions are. She has no clue. What did she challenge when she has no clue what I am saying? - ‘up in the clouds’ it is for her tiny mind.

I tell her. I have no choice. If choice is an illusion and all is determined and man has no agency…how can I allow here to post on KTS, if I have no choice?
She is contradicting herself…again. She blames me for what I have no part in.
It was determined.

But, seriously, if I wanted KTS to become another ILP shithole, she would be allowed back.
All she does is shit in every thread, the same garbage. Month after month.year after year…and still no sign of Godot.
She responds to nobody.
All she posts is the same crap.
Cut & Paste.
As if nothing was said.
Nothing changes. No Progress.
She takes you all in circles, feeling proud of herself.

There is only one answer…all is uncertain. Any confidence is a sign of fascism, or fanaticism. All are equally ignorant.
If you do not humour her idiocy you are a fulminating objectivist fanatic.
Therefore, all must make a compromise to create a shared reality, from nothing, because there is only nothing.

Nothing is …God of Nil

Above we have yet another classic example of what I now effortlessly reduce this declamatory clown down to.

The spitting and sputtering Satyr.

I’ll post something that aptly reminds folks here of just how big a fool he allows me to make of him.

It pisses him off. So, in post after post after post – spaced just minutes apart! – he “thumps” me with his very own “clever” groots!!!

:banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance:

Note to Mo:

I owe you for that one. Keep them coming. But that was you “being” Lyssa, wasn’t it? Har Har Harr. :sunglasses:


No, seriously.

ILP and Know Thyself.

Two utterly insignificant online “philosophy” websites that have virtually no impact whatsoever on the world we live in. And here he is creating yet another thread about me. As though so much is riding on him being able to convey to the world how iambiguous really is this “moron” that he has concocted “in his head”.

Me, I’m waiting for godot. I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about my contributions here. On the other hand, with the Philosophy Now forum at least there’s the possibility that “real life” philosophers might read my stuff and [perhaps] offer me some hope of being able to yank myself up out of the “hole” that “I” have dug myself down into.

Satyr? He comes to what’s left of what was once an actual philosophy venue…one month a year. And this pathetic “paper tiger” still seems convinced it’s something that is really, really, really important. #-o

Meanwhile over at his own clique/claque he accounts for 99% of the posts. And is still so insecure that as soon as someone does actually challenge him, he bans them from the forum!!!

She has convinced herself that she’ challenged satyr…why else was she banned?
Ask her what my positions are. She has no clue. What did she challenge when she has no clue what I am saying? - ‘up in the clouds’ it is for her tiny mind.

I tell her. I have no choice. If choice is an illusion and all is determined and man has no agency…how can I allow here to post on KTS, if I have no choice?
She is contradicting herself…again. She blames me for what I have no part in.
It was determined.

But, seriously, if I wanted KTS to become another ILP shithole, she would be allowed back.
All she does is shit in every thread, the same garbage. Month after month.year after year…and still no sign of Godot.
She responds to nobody.
All she posts is the same crap.
Cut & Paste.
As if nothing was said.
Nothing changes. No Progress.
She takes you all in circles, feeling proud of herself.

There is only one answer…all is uncertain. Any confidence is a sign of fascism, or fanaticism. All are equally ignorant.
If you do not humour her idiocy you are a fulminating objectivist fanatic.
Therefore, all must make a compromise to create a shared reality, from nothing, because there is only nothing.

Nothing is …God of Nil

And yet…here I am…unable to ban anyone…and she does not challenge me.
All she does is all she ever does…all she ever did on KTS.


No, seriously.

ILP and Know Thyself.

Two utterly insignificant online “philosophy” websites that have virtually no impact whatsoever on the world we live in. And here he is creating yet another thread about me. As though so much is riding on him being able to convey to the world how iambiguous really is this “moron” that he has concocted “in his head”.

Me, I’m waiting for godot. I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about my contributions here. On the other hand, with the Philosophy Now forum at least there’s the possibility that “real life” philosophers might read my stuff and [perhaps] offer me some hope of being able to yank myself up out of the “hole” that “I” have dug myself down into.

Satyr? He comes to what’s left of what was once an actual philosophy venue…one month a year. And this pathetic “paper tiger” still seems convinced it’s something that is really, really, really important. #-o

Meanwhile over at his own clique/claque he accounts for 99% of the posts. And is still so insecure that as soon as someone does actually challenge him, he bans them from the forum!!!

And yet…here I am…unable to ban anyone…and she does not challenge me.
All she does is all she ever does…all she ever did on KTS.


No, seriously.

ILP and Know Thyself.

Two utterly insignificant online “philosophy” websites that have virtually no impact whatsoever on the world we live in. And here he is creating yet another thread about me. As though so much is riding on him being able to convey to the world how iambiguous really is this “moron” that he has concocted “in his head”.

Me, I’m waiting for godot. I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about my contributions here. On the other hand, with the Philosophy Now forum at least there’s the possibility that “real life” philosophers might read my stuff and [perhaps] offer me some hope of being able to yank myself up out of the “hole” that “I” have dug myself down into.

Satyr? He comes to what’s left of what was once an actual philosophy venue…one month a year. And this pathetic “paper tiger” still seems convinced it’s something that is really, really, really important. #-o

Meanwhile over at his own clique/claque he accounts for 99% of the posts. And is still so insecure that as soon as someone does actually challenge him, he bans them from the forum!!!

Be good sisters!!!

Reading you is like…

Fuck you and the God you rode in on. :sunglasses:

Uh, right, Satyr?


Seriously though, you should remind Satyr that he is really, really mean to those who actually do dare to challenge him. After all, just peruse his characterizations of me on this thread. And having to wade through the spitting, sputtering contempt he has for those who will not lick his doc martins is, alone, enough to turn me off.

The clown calls me a moron on the subject line and then is aghast when I won’t engage him in a substantive exchange!!

Look, there are those here who actually do believe that they can reason with him. But I’m not one of them. He’s here to be mocked by me. He’s my entertainment. Someone to amuse myself with.

Well, at least until he sees the light. :wink:

you both sound the same to me when you’re posturing at each other. kinda ironic how all posturing is a similar kind of noise/static.

try a different tack?

unless it’s the response you were going for, i s’pose