Natural Selection

i said it way up there at the top

Sweaty…try harder.
That shit ain’t gonna fly.

Tell me why you hurt…you’ve already told me and everyone that you hurt…and that is why you come here to post.
Was hedonism unfulfilling?
It will be…when you reach 50, or 60.
Oh, you’ll cope, but inside…a void.

You already admitted you hurt and that is why you come here to post. All we need now is why.

im not sweaty its colf af up here right now

Don’t worry,. it’s called natural selection.
You’ve been selected out of the gene pool, no matter hat you say or di or pretend to be.
At least you’ve got that philosophy degree, no?
Must impress someone ion your circle.

Seriously, it’s been over ten years, and not one philosophical insight from you…not one. Not even an attempt.

We both know why you came here and why you stayed, right Stan?
I’m not even guessing…you told us, in your way.
You repeatedly told us it is because you hurt. But why?

I think I know.
You thought gangsta, cRap, whigger life will satisfy; materialism sex…with whores,. drugs…you know Americanism, like in the movies.
But it didn’t, and you don’t know why.
You took a course in philosophy to figure it out, then you cam here, and still nothing. It’s helped, and so you come back…but still that empty space, growing, over time, expanding as you grow older and older.
Brian knows.

everything i say and do is philosophical.

You live philosophy, non?
You don’t talk about it…you do it.

for sure

Well then…live out the consequences of your understanding of philosophy.
It’s called natural selection and you’ve been selected out.

Ta, ta,

but i haven’t been

Go on.


Tell me more, imbecile.
you think your mind interests me in the slightest?
You are an imbecile. Your opinions have zero value, for me.
Your psychology, why you became as you are…only that interests me about you.
Nothing else, Stan da man.
I already know your fate…patterns, not determinism.
Patterns and self-awarenes.

have you ever cried during therapy?

Natural selection…bringing it back to the thread topic:

All have an opinion, a perspective.
Some are self made, others are adopted…the majority.
Are all equal?
Agreeing to \disagree simply postpones the inevitable.

Apply the perspective and then eliminate external interventions.
Natural selection.

But postmoderns crypto-Marxists want to share the negative consequences, they want to collectivize them.
So as to reduce the inherent genetic disparity between good judgments - expressed via choice - and bad judgments.

Ask Brian why he rejects free-will.
He’ll give you some bullshyte, pseudo-intelelctual reason. But the real reason is that he wants to escape personal responsibility, and regret…and primarily the brutality and indiffertrence of nature.
you see it when he accuses judges and police and others of wrongdoing, but then uses different criteria to claim that he had no choice in doing what he paid the price for.
He’s smart…but weak.
Will to power.
It’s not enough to be smart, and well read and book smart and street smart…there’s more to it…like control, like focus.
No focus and you are done.
It’s not enough to know, you must understand and then you must apply it.

Why does Brian criticize Christianity but never Islam nor Judaism, nor Marxism, which is no different than Christianity, other than the anthropomorphic, pagan aspects.
Because he’s a half-Semite; because he’s a coward and a hypocrite; because he can only attack what is easy…what Nietzsche made an easy target; because he’s a hedonist, an opportunist, with no values, no ideals, no objectives beyond his lifespan; because he’s become a cynical nihilist so as to cope with what he’s done to himself and what he is, and with what he’s inherited.
Of course he would deny free-will…absolutely, implying that man is nothing more than a stone.

With my hands in between my butt cheeks.

Little Stan, da man.
That shit don’t work…with everyone, all of the time.
It’s not enough.


There is nothing unnatural, if it exists.
Despite the hypocrites attempt to manufacture an enemy he would “thump” I never said homosexuality was unnatural.
Neither is paedophilia, nor necrophilia, nor rape, nor incest, nor coprophilia, nor bestiality…all natural.
Mutations emerge and then…face the consequences. God or bad.

But with man there’s an intervention to protect some mutations from suffering the consequences, and they are propagated…these unfit mutations.
Is this harmless…with no long term consequences?
See the US…the freaks rioting…the insanity…
That’s the consequence of accumulating mutations - or as Dutton calls them “spiteful mutants”.
All demand normalization, respect…protection from themselves, primarily.
Existential crisis…all empires come to this.
Success breeds its own demise. Power produces its own weakness.

Human history is full of such examples.
Parasites emerge to take advantage of the lion king when he is dying. Parasites that we already present in its mane now come out of hiding, preparing for the feast and their escape, seeking a new host.

None of the things mentioned in that mess are ‘mutations’ in a genetic sense, but learned behaviors that can be classed as statistically abnormal. And even granting that perhaps some who do practice such behaviors might be ‘genetically predisposed’ to do so, the predisposition itself isn’t necessarily, if at all, a result of genetic mutation.

Moreover, such statistically abnormal behaviors do not happen with enough frequency and regularity to pose a fitness level threat to the human species.

Now one is perfectly justified in personally disliking people who practice such behaviors, but you can’t pretend you’re doing real science or declare with scientific license that these things are degenerate and indicative of any real danger to society. Which means all the doomsday stuff and the falling empires ain’t gonna fly, either.

And that’s just one of his posts. Imagine how much time you’d have to spend calling out the bullshit in all the others. Who would even do such a thing ‘just for the hell of it’? I mean, what other reason would there be? To educate the peanut gallery that happens to be watching? To win an argument? Naw bruh. I need a little more incentive than that.

You’ll have to bring it up with Dutton.
He has all the studies.

One has to wonder how evolution occurs if its all “learned behaviour”…you know subjective, Dasein…we are thrown into there world and programmed by those, with power to think and feel and react as we do.
In a no god world it must be order, fate…the primal will that wills us to act.

Mutations accumulate if they are not expunged via natural selection. When they are protected by an external agency and allowed to pass on.
But nature self-correctgs… you being a case in point of how mutations are prevented from replicating when they prove to be unfit, i.e., unable to adapt. You were unable to read the environmental circumstances ands to adjust to them. Now you can give any spin to it…like it was inevitable, fated, part of universal order, that you could not have chosen any other path. giving your performance a divine sanction…and let us leave the judgment up to the reader.

Remember…da police and the judges did you wrong…'cause you had no choice, but they did, for some reason.
You are a victim of their miscarriage of justice, and I a victim of your genius.