Natural Selection

No no you still misunderstand. Imagine that.

Nobody and nothing is ‘to blame’ in a moral culpability sense, because there is no freewill and morality is relative. What you can do however is observe contradictions and deceptions within a system of individuals and the institutions they uphold, and determine from that, that a corrective measure is needed - if you wish to improve anything (I do not) - or, that the individuals and institutions lose their authority by virtue of those contradictions and deceptions.

How I’d do this time? Did I explain it in a way you’ll understand… yet? Still scratching your head?

Think of the world as a machine. Once in a while the thing fucks up and stalls out or something. You don’t wag your finger at it and shout ‘you stupid fuck why did you do that!’ instead, you kick the shit out of it and either break the fucking thing or get it back working again. The machine has no freewill and no moral culpability, so you can’t get mad at it. All you can do is go to work on it.

I also like to use the analogy of insects. You wouldn’t step on a cockroach because it offends you. You step on it because it disgusts you, and you accept that being disgusting is part of its nature, something it does not ‘choose’ to be.

The state, the courts, the authorities, and many individuals involved in those institutions, are much like that cockroach.

Hey I think you’re starting to understand now. Once you get over your personal vendetta against me (from 2007-2008 when it all began grin), it might start becoming more clear to you. But you’ll have to pay the price and sacrifice the joy you get from hating me. Because if you do finally understand, you won’t be able to hate me anymore… and a profound personal crisis might ensue when you realize what a hopeless moron you have been for so many years.

No contradictions when there is no objectivity.
Deception is also determined.
What is deceiving who?
The universe is deceiving itself?

You participated in the determination of your current situation because you failed to adapt…and so you are now being excluded from the gene -pool.
Unless you pull it off in the end.
I’m rotting for you buddy.
I’m hoping you can offer me a critique of Judaism along with your scathing hatred of Christianity. are you a half- Leb? Yeah.
Try a hard target next time. Challenge yourself.

“No contradictions when there is no objectivity.”

If you say ‘i don’t eat pizza’, and I find you at little Cesar’s eating pizza, you have contradicted yourself. Whether anything is subjective or objective, is irrelevant. Likewise, if I find a prosecutor who takes an oath of following statutory law, but does not, he has just contradicted himself. Whether anything is subjective or objective, is irrelevant.

“you participated in the determination of your current situation because you failed to adapt”

No. I participated in the determination of my current situation by placing myself into circumstances that allowed prosecutors to deceive and contradict themselves, and effect me in an extraordinary way by that deception and contradiction.

I was wrong to assume that if I were caught, I would be charged with the crimes I did commit (which were minor by comparison) rather than crimes I did not commit.

“Im hoping you can offer me a critique of Judaism along with your scathing hatred of Christianity. are you a half- Leb? Yeah.”

If you are under the impression that a militant atheist is not critical of any and all religion, you might ought to take a refresher course on atheism.

Also, what demands would you make of a Chinese jew who was raised in Panama? Nevermind.

Race is not ethnicity, is not nationalistic, and religious belief isn’t determined by race. Hence our Chinese jew who lives in Panama.

Did the prosecutor have a choice to not contradict himself?
Wasn’t this always gonna happen?
And will eternally happen?

Genes and Memes.
We wear culture over bodies that produced other cultures.

But no philosophy here.
This forum is for fun.

“Did the prosecutor have a choice to not contradict himself?”

Alas, he did not.

“Wasn’t this always gonna happen?”

This one is a bit more difficult to answer and requires some physics which I am not entirely qualified to speak of. An ‘arrow of time’ theory would say yes, while some quantum models suggest that a time line of events can ‘branch’, such that after time A, both B and C are possible… which means we can’t speak of that future in such terms as ‘…was always going to happen’.

But what’s important - and listen up because this what we need to know - is that ANY event that happens was and is the result of antecedent conditions, with absolutely no room for randomness. That is, things don’t happen because they were ‘kinda’ supposed to, or because they were free from causation.

“And will eternally happen?”

We can’t know for sure. We’d hope… well I should say people who aren’t miserable fucks would hope… that we’d get to do it all again. But as we all know, there are some logical problems with the ER theory. So it just might be a one-shot deal, I’m afraid.

“But no philosophy here.”

Correct. This place is for poetry… and you’re quite the poet yourself, sir!

It’s philosophy, but it’s not formal, professional, technical philosophy.
It’s social philosophy, like social media.

Oh little Brian. determinism.
Hard determinism.

Your prosecutor had about as much choice to not fuck up as you did to not expose your wee-wee in public.

Now you are contradicting your own convictions.
There is no world where you don’t fuck up.
You are innocent, and so is everyone else.
You can’t have it your way.
You had no choice, but others do.

Is there natural selection without intermediate steps…breeds and races?

How does environment affect only body and not brain?
How does intelligence evolve?

Why is man exempt from speciation rules and no other species?

bruh im not sure if you’re too familiar with prosecutorial discretion in the US but they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Shhhhh this is about free-will…idiot.

If Brian has no free-will neither does the prosecutor.
If Brian had no choice, to not do what he did, then neither did the prosecutor, you moron.

Stop following me like a dog.
I will not fuck you. All I can do is drop you a bone, from time to time.
Now go off and listen to cRap.

more loser talk.

you call this philosophy? sitting around jacking off with your confused fantasies about how free will/determinism works?

See…you fucked up,.
You thought it was an opportunity to feel superior…but you failed to realize it wasn’t about the particulars of US law…you imbecilic moron, but about universal laws.

And now you are upset. And I’m all out of dog biscuits.

you’ll have to settle for a pat. :teasing-slap:

the prosecutors in the US follow US law. are you taking some kind of pills or something?

Tell that to B…

Natural selection of genetic combinations is replaced by social selection of memetic combinations.

If you don’t have the right stuff, the correct ideological synthesis, you’ll be left out of the future.
Female agency. They control the ovum, they exploit male thoughts and actions.
Paternalism tried to make their ovum state property - sexual Marxism - distributing them evenly among males…making them communal investors.
Sexual proletarians.
But that’s falling apart and we’re returning to the wilds - male competition, only this time with the added factor of technological interventions.
Male competition is being forced to adopt feminine seduction methods - masculine energy is toxic and criminalized, feminine energy is good and ideal.
Women are now selecting from a pool of lesbians with larger than usual clitorii…is that then plural for clitoris?
Never had to deal with more than one at a time.

But women feel something is wrong. It don’t feel right.
They conclude that it must be men’s fault. They fail to be “real men”.

It is not replaced.
Natural Selection still operates whether you like it or not.

NS only required the production of viable progeny to operate.
Memes do not necessite pregnancies.
Nor do social media “likes” give you babies.

There is a nice incel group you can join to separate yourself from humanity if you like!!

Yes you are infected with a diseased meme “idiots marxism”. You haven’t got a fucking clue what Marxism is and you are a fail when it comes to natural selection.

Spoken like a true BOT.

Blah,blah,blah Verbal diorreah

Just keep wanking. Happily your seed will not get into the gene pool

A real man like you??
:laughing: :laughing:

I love it…and yes, imbecile it hasn’t negated natural selection only usurped it.

You are pregnant with ideas that fertilized your tiny mind, using words, instead of semen.
You’ve been mind-fucked, and gestated the baby into what you call “your perspective” and “your opinions”.

Can I join your Incel club?

A typical reply…“you don’t understand”…not like I do…seen it a hundred times. I’ll see it a million more.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you evidence of what I’ve identified as ILP genius.

I’m a fat incel, eating Doritos in my mother’s basement…jerking off.
I’ve never been loved.
I have no friends.
I’m a virgin. Never had a girl in my life.
I’m ugly, inside out.

I’m a pop-cultural stereotype helping morons, like you, understand human beings.
South Park is your advisor into human nature.
Family guy is your affirmation of South Park’s insights.

I’m a goat, moron. The GOAT.

Keep laughing.
Eventually you’ll find out.

Natural selection, for morons.
Nature produces many mutations. the fit noes survive and reproduce.
The unfit noes perish.
When man intervenes to protect the unfit from suffering the consequences these mutations propagate and compound, creating all sorts of monstrosities.
The point is “human intervention” based on a nihilistic ideology.
Once this intervention becomes weak or evaporates - collapses - guess what happens to all those mutants.

It’s the same with a hypothetical naïve or sluttish girl named Mary Land.
What happens if human intervention stops supporting her naiveté or idiocy or her promiscuous lifestyle?

Natural selection through the interventions of social selection, produces…?
Natural selection is usurped…by ideological, dogmatic selection.

the very foundation of Evolution theory, natural selection, is incomprehensible to modern morons.
They know the words…they don’t get what this means in practice.
Nature’s brutality is incomprehensible to these naïve, snowflake buffoons.

What is selected?
They have no clue.

All they know is that it is unjust, or that there is some magical power, some consciousness, doing the selecting.


You’re not the greatest until everyone is the greatest, so shut the fuck up about that.

The retard has spoken.

Declarations …statements…insanity…
ILP’s greatest.