[i]O Satyr! Old goat! Old Man!
Thou hath played thy joke on thee.
Pray tell? – or I shalt wrest truth free!
And bear no burden, nor yoke, nor fee.
Hark, hark, once was blind and now I see![/i]
[i]O Satyr! Old goat! Old Man!
Thou hath played thy joke on thee.
Pray tell? – or I shalt wrest truth free!
And bear no burden, nor yoke, nor fee.
Hark, hark, once was blind and now I see![/i]
Why the 1,000 year old dialect?
It was necessary, lol.
why has he gone away?
His reasons were not clear in his ‘farewell’ thread.
He can be found at ILO where he regularly talks shit on this place.
I don’t see why this rivalry (More ILO bitching about ILP than vice-versa) is necessary, I like to check out both places. I would say that in terms of posts per day and overall enjoyment I prefer it here, but I think much of the discourse at ILO is enjoyable, as well.
two questions:
What’s ILO?
Why should a man known for his intelligence and writing skills appeal to random agressiveness towards a place in which he was so respected?
Many ILP posters deflect to there when they are not happy with ILP, or some post there and here - the site was recommended to me a while back, but I did not like it much, but may check it out for curiosity’s sake…
I just thought it’s rather ironic
2.) Judging from what he says, he does not seem to believe he was respected very much here. In his words:
'Quote from: yyy on November 01, 2008, 08:58:40 PM
‘If you want to rant about posters at ILP, do it at ILP. Ranting about a poster over at ILP (that no-one reads or cares about) is irrelevant and inane. Try to see that your real problem Satyr, is that you are unable to separate the wheat from the chaff. Discernment my man.’
Satyr’s response:
Unfortunately the chaff permeates the air, like a cloud, where the wheat is lost in the snow like blizzard of spinning crap.
It gets into your nostrils, it coats your clothes, it covers your hair and face until you feel like you can’t breath.
Because there is no clear air, no breeze, to push the light chaff away and allow the weightier wheat to land in plain view. The conditions are contained; boxed in and no fires are allowed to be lit, to do away with the rubbish.
Separating the wheat from the chaff is what my “rants” are meant to do.
It is how I uncover uncover the seed from its covering and how the dirt is exposed for what it is, even when it pretends to be the wheat."
That quote was from a topic Satyr started over there called, “The Other Place.”
The entire post is what I put there word-for-word. Fair and balanced, I report, you decide…lol
Perhaps it isn’t a good idea, to take forums/ILP too seriously.
that’s that, Magsj. I guess Satyr was expecting too much from this place then.
I can only presume that if anyone has high expectations of anything/of anyone, but themselves, they are asking for disappointment…
Maybe he should go to “Ilovebeingreallymasculinewhiletalkinglikeagaypoet.com”. Or maybe he might enjoy, “peoplewhostillthinkhanniballecteriscool.com”. He may find more people that he relates to.
He never expected much. You could tell by his level of vulgarity.
He was very disrecpectful. I’m not saying that justifies or makes right desrespect towards him, but it certainly is fitting.
We all lie in the beds we make.
I think Satyr got exactly what he expected and wanted.
Does anyone here also thinks that Satyr reads every post in this topic?
Probably not. He might carouse a few times a month, and if he sees it he wont be able to resist.
It’s hard for me to envision satyr having any hurt feelings… That may seem cynical but he would understand.
Does anyone here also thinks that Satyr reads every post in this topic?
He might, I know that he has been here as a guest since leaving because he thought The Rant House was deleted when it is actually just not viewable unless you are logged in.
I believe Satyr considers himself a martyr when it comes to this whole thing. One thing that I have to give him some credit for is he stands behind his actions, admits to his actions and supports his actions. He has some amount of personal accountability, and that statement cannot be made about everyone.
One last question: if Satyr was so aggressive, vain, disrespectful, etc, why wasn’t he banned?
One last question: if Satyr was so aggressive, vain, disrespectful, etc, why wasn’t he banned?
I’m not exactly sure. His feminisation of man thread got allot of attention. That’s probably where he got most of his arrogance from.
He did argue here and there, admidst his lyrically entertaining insults.
It’s like calling someone stupid after showing them a mistake they made.
Vultures have their uses.