On Sanity...The Divinest Sense

Individualism has always played an important favor in society, the more freethinking we are the more concepts we hold dearly in our hearts to contend with an ever evolving social climate. Yet once an absence of sanity stings the mind it’s forced to retreat into it’s primal instincts of flight or fight…

Where than does this rub off on society and the individualistic man/women.
There’s capitalistic methods of how to preserve knowledge in a way that we don’t go absolutely insane but like most philosophers had before they slip into delusions trying to disprove illusions and improve the already immersive design. Maybe like Emily Dickenson wrote on such a divinest senses is true, can predispositions of bias agendas be equal to just people going mad over the years?

My issued regard is what is at hand before all those struck with insanity and lost socialism through what is now anarchy. Laws have already portrayed they can be broken and peace isn’t going to make itself. We as individuals have to conquer our tumultuous republic by means of ourselves. Our sanity and problematic system of governing works by means of capitalism and is starboard at a governmental helm which we profess peace and sell weaponry.

The problem one may face maybe not the problem another sees they should face and behold that lies within us all. A turmoil of convictions which lasts for ages and relegates itself into a cataclysmic and abysmal existence of a mess for our future kin to adorn. Yet how do we contend with over-grossing madness and insanity pleating into streets of an already chaotic state that is governmental without means of superficial restraints by way of control? Violent tendencies provokes problematic proclivities. Yet how we not remain conceptual about ideals if we won’t stand clear of anger and rage to discern true madness and for heavens sake think more clearly about what we stand for and work so hard to protect is beyond me.

Sanity / Insanity is a divisive concept meant to sort likeness.
Discomfort and incapacity.

It’s divisive in what sense than?
Cause in my case of studying this disease it seems it’s delusionary, and doesn’t seem harmful. The mind seems more confused than anything. It seems to lose it’s sensory it’s more peaceful essence, yet doesn’t clammer to a certain conclusion, like a denial almost. Rejecting the reality of actuality. We resort to insanity when we no longer can find another conclusion to a problem. It’s almost like personalism was with philosophy, it’s structure wasn’t meant to be fully philosophical. Yet the insane went along and rationalized it and turned it into this big old thing.

personality the supreme value and the key to the measuring of reality

Maybe personalism should have stayed within the confines of time where it took place who knows? Maybe it would have turned into a religion even. But yet those conversations of the smart not being able to control their own logic maybe concerning.

Maybe the level headed are those within the boundaries and recesses of wisdom and not entirely knowledge, yet how do we find out? They’re all insane. Our capacity to understanding what we thought we could learned might be our very principles we go crazy trying to discern or believing we can perceive the impossible through what’s possible. There’s a thin line between sanity and insanity.

It’s simply just delusions of grandeur which make me sympathetic with how insane all these philosophers became. The ole Nietzche and Descartes went the same way, as did a lot of other ones. Even ones of the later era like Tesla, the maddening of precision as I like to call it. We thrive to achieve perfection yet fall short of it in every sense of the way possible and can only wish to aspire to those that came before it’s a cycle of relapse. A forgone conclusion to an already convoluted system of knowledge. Perhaps the wisdom was never meant to seek and remain hidden for a reason who knows? All I know, is we couldn’t clearly think rationally losing our mental as we have before thinking we know all the answers, when we don’t. Than why do we beckon so loudly as a whole towards learning? When truly it’ll never clearly define or inform us of how to acquire and save subject matter into perceivable experiences.

How must we learn if we’re all already insane from it all?


Funny how it is sanity, these days, that is under-rated… why, I wonder. :thinking:
…oh yea… because there’s no money in it. :rofl:

The term insanity is mainly used today as a legal defense and then it rarely used and even less is anyone found not guilty by reason of insanity. On the other hand, I’ve know otherwise intelligent people who go around saying everything is insane in a half serious way. In that case it seems to be a synonym for absurdity and there is certainly plenty of that in life. As far as the frequency of mental illness in philosophers, how would we determine it is any more frequent than in the general population? Anyway go in any university library and count the number of books on mental illness and you will see what a huge topic this is. Now perhaps you could say something more about “divine madness” of your title.That concept goes back at least to Plato and may also be related to what is called the alleged “crazy wisdom” of some gurus.

There’s no escape in it, either.

Also sane people have pride and self respect, so they will not go along with deranged socialist agendas.

Let them escape into obedience, they determined.

I use the term ‘insane’ for anything new/interesting or absurd/odd, in that it bends One’s mind.

I use the terms ‘negative mental-health’ or ‘mentally unwell’ when it comes to matters of a negative mind.

I get that.

I just began to notice that friends were frequently calling the behavior of others on the opposite end of the political spectrum ‘insane’. It seemed to be just a kind of term for the speaker’s emotional reaction. As such it appeared to shut down the process of trying to understand the other’s reasoning. So, in at least some cases, labeling others as insane can represent the failure of one’s own cognitive empathy.

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I mean…yeah. One sips so far into delusionary states of mind it takes one idea for all other ideas to go awry.

It’s not just one emotion to stir mixed feelings of absurdity that go astray yet the definite mind concludes certain truths to become more or so true or false and even from a negative standpoint can’t stop an infallible conclusion of what is and what isn’t this draws the line between failure to understand and draw a conclusion or lose all hope determine for themselves what they think isn’t true between tangible and intangible it’s complex to find actuality in respect to logic. Always questioning everything yet never finding conclusions without applicable sciences to find conclusions. As the same with any mental illness caused by behavioral, physical, or emotional damage. Health was always meant to be maintained yet caused a stir in the health clinics as to what we’ve truly experienced as traumatic. The love and concern I share with those that have mental illness such as febrile disturbances, ansemia, impaired nutrition ect. I truly want to see helped, yet there’s no help for those that don’t see they have a problem. It’s a cycle of craziness I tell ya. I however intend to find the cure. Or at least by the end of my life stabilize Mental illness and see what I can do to counter react this in ongoing clinical studies.

See who helped?

There’s always been help but some just refuse it… It’s a bipartisan confliction I tell ya.

Okay. But who is it that needs help?

It’s unbelievable, that the personal subjective choice of One’s political-leanings, has become an objective bargaining-tool/dangling-carrot for garnering votes with… in that, if you don’t vote/think a certain way you will be punished.

I can see why many want to vote for an Independent or a ‘long shot’.


So, in at least some cases, labeling others as insane can represent the failure of one’s own cognitive empathy.

…especially in terms of politics and other such talking points.

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Thinking that the human dilemma is the result of this or that political faction externalizes the problem and projects it on others so that one doesn’t have to deal with it one’s self. “Hell is other people not me.” It drives a lot of dialogue on ILP.

But here we’re trying to figure out who’s insane. Diplomats depend on the principle that players are motivated by rational self interest. When a players actions can’t be understood in those terms it looks “insane.” But, it may be that the rationality other’s worldview isn’t understood due to lack of contextual info.:man_shrugging:t2:

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There was zero implication of that, in my reply.v


moving on.


But here we’re trying to figure out who’s insane. Diplomats depend on the principle that players are motivated by rational self interest. When a players actions can’t be understood in those terms it looks “insane.” But, it may be that the rationality other’s worldview isn’t understood due to lack of contextual info.:man_shrugging:t2:

…and what ‘contextual info’ would that be, in your eyes?

For instance: From the secular western or Christian POV suicide mobbing are insane, but, taking into account the promise of reward in the afterlife it appears rational to radical Islamists. So practices of one culture can look insane to another.

As far as suicide bombing is concerned, I remembered reading comics when I was a soldier that we jokingly called “training manuals” in which causing as much damage to the enemy to protect comrades at the cost of one’s life was exemplified as courageous.

I even remember seeing a ridiculous movie, in which a hero, facing an enemy that was far too powerful, took a belt of explosives into their HQ and sacrificed their life for humanity. It is all a question of perspective, and less a question of sanity. Although, from the meta-perspective, the whole situation is insane (absurd).

Sanity is when you acknowledge in your thoughts, values, and actions that every self is an other to another self. Divergence from that is varying degrees of dissociation from reality.


Is that a redefining, of the notion of disassociation?

How does ‘every self is an other to another self’ support that, in today’s current global climate of warring and hate.?