Pedro's Corner

The degree to which this is ever true is the degree to which astrology has merit. Now, you have to remember that when the fundaments of astrology where set, accross many cultures, people were paying a lot more attention to the skies, the Moon and the sun but also the stars, largely because they relied on them to tell time and locate themselves. Today we have watches and gps and maps, so we might be bothered to glance at a full moon if it intrudes into our eyeline. And then we might notice some correlations between it and what is happening in our environment, and compare it to, say, a new Moon or a crescent. In those times, they would be paying close attention to Mercury’s position, speed and trajectory in relation to Saturn and the Sun, let’s say, and also they would be possibly noting some correlations with their environment, and comparing them to situations where Mercury’s characteristics differed.

Are there magnetic fields, are there rays, are there energies, who cares. Supremely unimportant. Astrology is only relevant insofar as this

remains true. This is what used to be called religion, and people weren’t smartasses about it because astrologers and alchemists hadn’t yet developed the technology for watches, gps and maps.

Another history lesson?

Astrology was a primitive method of understanding human psychology.
Those still practicing it have no innate ability to read others, requiring some algorithm to punch in their numbers and be given a solution.
Astrology is used by Jews and Gypsies to manipulate and exploit human feebleness, and existential anxiety.

If the position of the stars were so effective life on earth would have evolved along astrological directions - like I said, there would be a Gemini species or a Cancer species etc. - and animals would be given a sign, and their charts would be read to predict their behaviour.
Astrology relies more on the power of suggestion. Human desire to reduce uncertainty and to know thyself, for those who cannot.

Again, if there is any merit it is in the infinitesimal effect of solar and planetary bodies on the earth, relative to the more powerful effect of the moon, and the even more decisive effect of the earth and genetics.
Gradation of importance and relevance…
Two twins born on the same day will develop slightly personalities, due to the effect of mutations and environmental effects on their separate gestation and maturation ex utero.
Humans, as you now, finish the maturation process outside the womb, directly affected by environment, like climate, sunlight, lunar.
Such effects are never absolutely ordered but also random - chaos is always ignored.
So, random effects on the individual produce different consequences, on a cellular level - different organ strengths, manifesting personae - and then different socioeconomic effects necessitating character.
Personality is more a product of organ proportions and strength - organ hierarchies, that change over time.
The date of birth only indicates the weather, tilt of the earth relative to the sun etc.

These cannot be accurately measured using the date of your birth.

Religion is how man makes the incomprehensible seem comprehensible.
When man didn’t know what gravity is, or galaxies, or stars, he called them gods, spirits etc.
Alchemy is comparable to astrology…then man matures and we get chemistry.

Like I said…astrology is for charlatans to exploit human anxieties, and for those that cannot innately understand humans, requiring some formula to make them feel like they do understand.

…and yet you say that with such certainty.

No really… who knows? …butterfly effects, being ever-so-subtle n’all.

…which is why I said: “ILP goes cray… I point out what’s going on… I get faced with obliviousness… I check the phase of the moon… it’s always a full moon.”

I was talking about the moon… the stars are just pretty, and could have a minute butterfly-effect, throughout space. Such celestial giants, may well have.

Astrology is a different matter altogether, and doesn’t have to be taken seriously if a person has no belief in it as a divination or predictive tool.

Astrological birth-charts maps the planets moon and sun, on the day and time of birth… not sure why the Babylonians also matched that up with star-systems.

Maybe they knew something, we don’t…

One does wonder, sometimes… a few posts at KTS, evidence, of an identity.

I said I don’t always say what I see/know… any revelations are always only ever met with denial, so better to save One’s energies, no.

Agree, on all of the above… star horoscopes are divination, solar-system influences on planetary life have a sound feasibility.

My cat has been going haywire the last few days… always does, to coincide with the advent of a full moon… been howling like a banshee, too.

High probability is the root of confidence.

If I hunt, and I make a kill more often than not, my hunting confidence increases because I’ve established a high probability of success.
Tangible, success, not theoretical, not declarative…like these morons on ILP.

If butterfly effect applies to a star thousands of light years away, then how much more doe it apply for a actual butterfly here on earth?

I beleive astrology has to do with asteria, Greek for stars.

I don’t take is seriously…but I do take it seriously when it affects the minds of those I am forced to cohabitate with - as I do all superstitions.

Pretty much…and the Astrologer reads you, by asking you questions, or observing your demeanour, your movements, or listening to your words.
Patterns, exposing need.

Is alchemy just as true?
We tend to selectively glorify the past.
In the past they also believed the stars rotated around the earth.

Nobody does.
That’s why one needs a talent to read between the lines - to see a subtext in the text, over the internet…or to watch the movement of the other, if in person.
That’s what charlatans exploiting superstitions do.
The art of the salesman.

One of the problems with perceiving patterns is determining to what degree your own needs/desires are projected upon another.
See, this is why I make the distinction between empathy - objectivity - and sympathy/antipathy - subjectivity.

We often see a pattern because we are looking for it, and when we are not it is contradicted.
So, if I want something to be so, I watch intently; then I cease to watch, so I only see what validates my belief.

What do you want, I should make stuff up?

Definitely kicks the shit out of this one.

That about sums you up, doesn’t it?

The Americanized, “official version” of history - given through reciting events, and then this return to primitive psychology.
No wonder you luv the Jews…your people always seek something superior, having nothing of their own worth shit.
Obey your masters.

Will you circumcise yourself?
If you do choose a traditional moil, using his mouth.

By the way, astrologers have only studied psychology since about the 1960’s. So that’s about 20,000 years of astrologers not giving a shit about psychology. Learn your shit cowboy, if you’re going to step up to a scholar.

There ya go.

Your inadequacy is compensated by a method.
Authorities in superstition, and official narratives.
Yes, Hitler was insane…and dull, because that’s what they wrote in the books…and so is Putin, and Hussein, and XI…and whomever your handlers tell you.

History he reads…and narrates verbatim.
Now I see why Nietzsche is your idol, and why you got carried away by the van…clan.

Well I mean insofar as educating yourself on a subject before blabbering about it is a method, call me small dick.

A mouthpiece.

Which part of this do you dispute, you cuck?

Be specific, none of this “na na na official version jew” faggery. Have some rigour.

The importance you place on it.
Wasting your time on star charts, and old wives tales…you follower of circumcised cock.
That you believe it is superior to modern psychology - not the Jew Freud, moron…

Like saying alchemy is superior to modern chemistry and gold can be made out of stone.

You seem uncharacteristically agitated…not smoking pot, are you?
Go get your calming medicine…cRapper.

So you agree that the history is sound?

I know why primitive man created astrology…
i also know why he created alchemy and why he believed in spirits, and that the sun was literally god.

Yeah ok but which part of my very short and accessible account was inaccurate?

Spit it out.

Correlation…is not affirmation.

The real reason was not the planets but the immediate environment.

You yourself earlier correlated how you felt at a specific time with the effects the Moon has on daily life. There was no causal link established. You just “felt it,” and associated the feeling to observed phenomena.

Yes, no?

The moon is immediate…and secondary.
I do not predict my moods on lunar cycles…nor do I chart my fate on what point in the lunar cycle I was born.

Mercury is not the moon…it is distant and so its effect is reduced.
It wasn’t Mercury it was the environment…weather, earth tilts etc.

The point being that astrology wasn’t “primitive human’s way of understanding psychology.” Psychology had nothing to do with it. It was a rigorous plotting of the correlation between observed celestial phenomena, like the Moon, and events on Earth (like, in your astrological reading, how you “felt.”)

The primary factor is genetics…not astrology.
GENETICS…then Earthly environments, then manmade environment (memetic) then …then solar, then lunar, then…all the rest by receding degree of importance.
Star Charts and coffee grinds and palm reading is for gullible buffoons, looking to be fooled.