Pedro's Corner

Where is Mercury right now?

The reason you don’t know isn’t that you are an evolved modernist who sees the sham of astrology for what it is. The reason is that you have Windows calendar and an iphone and you don’t need to know in order to keep track of time.

When astrology proports to predict human fate…it is more than a way of predicting tides.
It is psychology.

Were you sharing the charts configurations with Marj to tell her the tides were rising?
You told her, to “be careful”, as if you knew what the fuck the future eld in store for her.
A bullshyte comment since we always must be careful…not only when Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn or whatever you women say.
you pretended that you had insight into what may happen - probability - because of how the planets were aligned, hypocrite.

In order for you to claim I don’t (in the very limited context within which I claim I do), you would have to be familiar with Mercurial cycles and show how the correlation I claim is false.

It doesn’t matter where this planet is…what matters is where the sun and moon is and what the weather is, and what my genetic predispositions are, and what my manmade environment is.
My iphone does’;t tell em to be careful or to play the lottery or to be open to love.
Not mine, anyways.

So, you did tell her to be careful because of Mercury…or whatever.
Didn’t you?
So, you claim to foresee the future…
Should she be less careful the other days?
What a con=-artist you are.
You learned from the best, no.
Charlatan school of codes.
Looking for gullible victims to victimize, to compensate for your feelings of being victimized.

Value Ontology

In order to claim this, you would have to know where the planet even is, and have studied where it was at different points where the purported thing to be affected was in a given state.

Otherwise, you are just saying what “feels rights” inside yourself and not bothering with any rigour at all, any basis or reasons. Just, feelings.

Like a woman.

Except women aren’t actually like that. Women are far less likely to get carried away by an emotion.

you told me where it was, no?
Was I more careful today than yesterday?
Did anything happen to me?
Not yet.

If something does happen to me, will it be because of mercury you naive Mestizo?

I’m gringo.
Fuck they did a number on you.

Not that I recall, no. Maybe you would remind me.

We can’t all be conscientious.

You’re not. But if you try very hard and leave your blood on this soil, maybe you can be.

Latin X…why did I even have to know where Mercury was to be careful?
Or “extra careful”…

Mestizo…you don’t need to know where the planets are…to be careful.
You are not at higher risk when Mercury is there or there.

The planets don’t increase or decrease probabilities…not to any degree worth noting.
Other factors determine probabilities to a higher degree.

You don’t have to do shit. I cannot be less concerned with what you know or what you don’t know.

But have some rigour. If you’re going to say Mercury in a given state has no relation to a given thing, at least know the relationship between Mercury and the given thing. Otherwise you are just one more fool saying whatever his feelings throw at him.

I’ve studied reality, including the stars…and personal probability is an expanding circle beginning with genetics…mercury is an infinitesimal factor that is not worth noting.
It does not determine our fate.

The belief that it does only offers us the comfort of believing we are more in control of our destiny.

this “be more careful” is a charlatan ploy…meaning nothing.
As if one is less careful when Mercury is not in that position, or if you say be more careful nothing bad will happen. it gives the illusion that you can predict probabilities.

Oh yeah? You studied the stars did you? What were some correlations the astrological tradition suggests that you found to be false when tracking the movement of the stars to the purported correlation?


Did you validate your superstition with the goy idol Nietzsche?
I can’t imagine what he would have thought…
Would he be laughing?
look into it.

I don’t know. What I do know is that Galileo Galilei was first put into jail by the Church for reading charts.

Maybe you are just more of a cold blooded scientist than Galileo. Maybe we should compare your studies of the stars to his, see where he went wrong.

When I realized what it was, I did not get into womanly details, like you.

Like when I realized what Christinaity was I didn’t memorize Scripture.
Like when I realized what any superstition is I do not get into the details of the lore…like Runes and shit.

If I get sick when Mercury is there, there is no correlation between me getting the flu and the planet.

What you call womanly details is what serious men call data. It is what science operates on. You cannot realize the data is faulty if you don’t look at the data. Smartass.

Maybe you should stay…just the way you are.
True to your inheritance.

Why would I want to change your mind?

Believe in ghosts…who cares?

Is this what you were trying?

On the basis of what?

Your feelangs?

Mercury’s position is data I should know to estimate the improbability or probability of something occurring?
Is there a study on it?
So, no other factors are more important than where Mercury is relative to Saturn?