
K well I explained why I write in this way in the context of metaphysical absence, because it demands that I write this way. In order to think outside of the Western, distorted philosophy of metaphysical presence, I must deploy an intrinsic operational semiotic, which takes the form of this highly horizontal, metaleptic language, absorbing terminology from disparate fields of knowledge, swarming references and foreign tongues, etc.

How did you task me with demonstrating Greek? I don’t video chat or voice chat so, what exactly did you ask me to do?

Hold on a second- you never insulted me? Now I am starting to remember you, I don’t know what your old username was. You got banned for continually insulting me for no reason, which you’ve done EXACTLY as before with this new account. Have you not mentally grown up at all in that time?

And I follow YOU around?

I DIDN’T KNOW WHO YOU WERE 5 HOURS AGO. I’ve addressed, what is it now, three posts of my nearly 900 to you. Even though you insulted me first for no reason, I still felt bad for going hard on you, so I decided to try and calmly explain to you my own mission, why these texts are written like they are, and what I’m doin’. I was trying to be nice. Fuck off dude.

And I don’t know what the van clan is. Fixed was my friend, until he had a mental breakdown or something and refused to apologize for calling me an anti-American and a communist because I didn’t support the idiots who ran into the Capitol building or something. I don’t join clans, I don’t join clubs. I don’t want to be part of anything. I’m not in a movement. Not in a party.

I write incomprehensibly because my subject is the incomprehensible: nullity, the symbolic gap, the chiasmus, the metaphysical absence at the core of Western philosophy haunting the specter of Being:

What is a nihilist of nihilism?
To them you are a negator of their negations of reality, which cannot be negated other than linguistically and theoretically.
I can choose to ignore, to dismiss, to forget; I can choose to fabricate excuses and elaborate word-games; I can choose to coerce, seduce, bribe others to validate my excuses…
Does this, in any way, change what I am dismissing, denying, and rejecting?

I’m not a nihilist.

I simply propose that Western philosophical discourse is grounded on an ancient aporia, a silence it refuses to remember; a Freudo-Lacanian repression, a… fetish. One that lies in the conversion of all metaphysical negativity into a presence, the presence of Being, the ontos, an artificial construction.

Since I am addressing Deleuzians in this passage, note that “deterritorialized, infinite multiplicities” is basically synonymous with what I earlier called “viral replication of the sign”, which results from free-mimesis, the suspension of the mimetic function, etc. ; these are both formula describing the meaningless kind of “difference” championed by modernity, academia, Leftists, etc.

There is a truer kind of difference, (one beyond the subject-object difference… an inherent difference)
one needed to stabilize the binary, chiasmatic relationship between those concepts the dialectic would fuse. This relationship, the fundamental anti-dialectic, I refer to as the transcendental analogia.

This analogia, a kind of non-synthesis, expands into a four-fold division (thus, I call it the tetra-pole) instead of a dialectic stabilized in a third term. Drawing on Eriugena’s four-fold treatment of causality, in his theology:

It- this truer difference- requires the preservation of the category of the Negative, the Null, along with this tetrapolar arrangement. This difference is involved in what I call the apocrisis, this being my own coinage and original concept: it instigates a difference(/ing) within the structure of subjectivity itself, namely through the reversal of the Sign, which I have elaborated on in the thread.

My use of Duncan’s “gnostic contagion”, the “cancer of poetry”, the “Sparean metastasis” that has totally exploded my own prose, recalls my earlier digressions on Seneca’s “licentia oratio corruptis”,- a destabilizing corruption that springs from within the Word itself, as this true difference springs, out of the Negative, into the structure of subjectivity itself:

Nihilism - conventional meaning
A description of the world lacking a one-god, universal meaning, pre-existing purpose…lacking an absolute state of oneness, wholeness, a singularity - a static immutable, indivisible thingness.
Called god, or god-particle, or singularity, or absolute, or order/chaos, or one/nil, or whatever name one desires and is seductive - inspiring to as many minds as possible.
Since a nihilistic concept cannot exist outside minds it requires minds to convince, coerce, seduce or bribe, into holding it as true. It is entirely linguistic because it is an abstraction that needs language to be transmitted/communicated from mind to mind. Memetic fertilization.
Its utility is as a defensive barrier to an uncertain, threatening, uncaring reality.
Emerging as a school of thought a attitude, alongside self-awarness.
The concept offers the individual comfort, certainty, by reducing the uncertain and indifferent into the known, or by insinuating an alternate reality that usurps the experienced one.

Nihilism = any theory - spiritual or secular - which projects a mental abstraction which contradicts experienced reality. Beginning with the ideology or the metaphysical presumption of what negates, nullifies the physical world, i.e., empirical, tangible, multiplicity, fluctuating, interactive, we experience as existence. Example any complete, static, stable, inert state of being.
The experienced World is sampled or completely dismissed, so as to justify a noetic construct - an abstraction - with no external referents other than the ones man creates.

Nihilism = projection of abstractions into reality considered negative because it is lacking said abstractions.
Nihilism usurps the real with an ideal…an idea. It does so through art - language being an art-form.
Technology being an art form = externalization of man’s knowledge and understanding of himself.

The abstraction is itself a synthesis of multiple ideas existing as a theoretical, i.e., hypothetical, noumenon, that can then be projected in a beyond space/time or a beneath space/time - supernatural or occult realm, considered to be more real than the real.

Dictionary definitions are maps, they are not territories. They are verbal descriptions of concepts that are attached to words, so of course, they can be, and in many cases are, wrong.

I am not interested in how people describe the concept that they attach to the word “truth”, I am interested in the concept itself. I want to know what concept they attach to the word regardless of how they describe it. Limited self-awareness coupled with many other things (such as political incentives) can easily lead to inaccurate descriptions, so relying merely on what people say isn’t a good strategy.

Take a look at Google’s definitions of the word “truth”. Not only are they poorly written but some of them are also false. For example, they say that “truth” is “a fact or belief that is accepted as true”. According to that, if everyone accepts that the Earth is flat, then the belief that the Earth is flat becomes true. Interesting. Their other definition, though correct, is poorly written and not particularly useful in philosophical contexts. What does “in accordance with fact” mean? Isn’t “that which is in accordance with reality” enough? I would say so.

By manipulating dictionary definitions, it is possible, at least in theory, to take whatever concepts you want and remove them from existence – thereby making it difficult for people to communicate with each other and cooperate. If you want to destroy the concept of truth, say because you don’t want people to figure out that you’re lying, all you have to do is popularize a false description of it and shame the true one. Albeit the current generation of people, knowing that it doesn’t quite capture the underlying concept, may resist such a definition, the future generations will have no choice but to learn from your dictionary definitions and come to associate the word “truth” with concepts for which other words already exist – concepts such as that of belief (or perspective) and that of reality. After many generations, people will no longer have a word for what was once called “truth” and the consequence of that may be complete and utter removal of the concept of truth from existence. The end result being the obliteration of a very useful and an important concept. (Concepts have no truth value, only use value.)

And what I think is happening here is you’re incorrectly describing the concept that you’re attaching to the word “truth”. The concept still exists – it’s not obliterated yet – it’s merely poorly understood. That’s the first stage of the disease. Disconnect the cognitive mind from the non-cognitive mind. Make one no longer understand oneself. i don’t think that truth is synonymous with perspective. Truth is a perspective but not any perspective. Truth is a true perspective i.e. one that corresponds to reality. Truth is also not synonymous with reality. It can be a portion of reality, sure, but it can’t be any portion of reality. The red apple in my hand is a portion of reality but it’s not truth. In order for a portion of reality to be truth, it must be a belief. The red apple in my hand is not a belief. Rather, my belief that I’m holding a red apple in my hand is a belief – and it is that that has the capacity of being truth.

Another thing that you seem to be saying, and that I disagree with, is that truth value can only be expressed in terms of degrees. I think that 1) truth value can be expressed in binary terms as well, 2) the binary method was the dominant way of expressing truth value throughout the history of mankind, 2) it’s also the oldest method, and 3) it’s the most useful method – even today. Expressing truth value in terms of degrees is a useful method too but it’s probably a recent invention and it has a limited value. Basically, the point is that they are two different methods that are legitimate and that have different pros and cons.

Binary method is efficient, and has developed into being effective.
Simplification/generalization of interactivity by reducing fluid space/time into either/or.

A simple method and so one that would develop easily.
Founded on metabolic rhythms:
Inflated cell = on
Deflated cell = off

Neural pulse moving through a neural cluster = on, positive, thought
No neural pulse moving through a neural cluster= off, negative, passive.

If clarity is the motive then probabilities is the method.
If success, utility, is the motive - gratification/satisfaction, pleasure - then the primal, simple binary method suffices.
Absoluteness is but a surrender to necessity. Whatever works, no matter how or why it works.
Animals don’t need to understand why they go into a mating frenzy once a year, or why they do this or that. they only want to know how.
Knowing would, in fact, make their performance less efficient and therefore reduce its effectiveness - self-conscious.

Political motives can be placed in the category of probability of survival and reproduction shaping an r/ or K/ strategy and a masculine/feminine attitude.
Here, degrees is also a factor in understanding an individual.
Categories are absolute - binaries - to clarify, to discriminate, to distinguish using abstracted, static, extremes of what is fluctuating and governed by probabilities.
Reducing flux to objects, things, ideas; converting the phenomenon into noumenon.
In math this is accomplished by fractions based on the binary 1/0. Fractions, the decimal point, is how the mind compensates for the dissonance between fluid reality and the static idea.
Precision is sought in moving the decimal point as far away from the numerical symbol.

Truth is a determination - judgment - of what is “good enough”, which approximation suffices.
But for some this is not enough. Precision is an objective…and so the pursuit of truth is a constant search for the absolute…movement towards the divine which is nothing other than non-existence.

Read apple = interpretation of what is present, as presence.
Appearance is what we call this interpretation - object subjectively perceived and evaluated, mostly through a priori genetically evolved methods.
Presence/present = past manifesting as presence.
Nature = sum of all past nurturing.

Past is never absent it is constantly made present, and we participate in what is made present - in the causal chains we are conscious and unconscious participating willful agencies.

Fact = a conventionally approved and agreed upon event in space/time - and its understanding.
Because knowing is not understanding. Understanding is deciphering patterns in data - knowledge, information.
So, conventional understanding is how the majority understands shared knowledge - how they’ve been taught meaning.

Meaning = how events in space time interlace - matrices - interconnect, relate…like points on a map. Meaning is what distances, elevations are ascribed to these points.
World is not menaingless…it is full of meaning, if we correctly understand and define the term “meaning”.
But this is true for many concepts, e.g., god, value, male/female, morality, love/hate etc…especially those that have been corrupted over two thousand years of social engineering, producing modern/postmodern conventional understanding.
Science itself is infected. It seeks for non-existence, for the non-existent when it seeks the one, the whole, the singular. A singularity.

Indeed to reduce being to itself, if such were the task, one would have to pass through the entire ten-dimensional architecture and resolve all the various juxtapositions through completing, mastering their dynamisms therein; to simply posit two categories as opposites that neatly resolve into a finality is unbelievably facile and it is hard to imagine people actually take stock in it.

I like this opposition of Dasein and Sosein as well; there-being and thus-being; Sosein, is this related to the eastern “suchness”? Presence and suchness, to combine the two is a quite violent matter, of the sort that compels the zen master to frenzied tai chi against his ‘imaginary’ dragons and the likes of Jesus into their violent cleansing of the temple and other radical acts and speeches; wherever a true connection of being with its ground is forged there is chaos or miracle.

Man gloriously being in fact that very opposition between himself and god; this opposition doesn’t resolve in abstraction.

I think this chiasmus is the basic ‘method’ that constructed the popular myths of the Christian west; including the logics of Hollywood, but most especially, religious scripture. The gospels of Jesus especially (noting that they were composed by bewildered men having perceived something quite unnamable) seem to represent this turmoil between the unnameable origin of the trauma within the real and this ‘abdominal’ vesture of appearance; a very vital struggle in fact where it concerns art and its power to radically transform a species of consciousness, without ever encountering the truly sublime, and yet deriving awe-inspiring power precisely from that failure; a depth is created, the value of which is only in the bewildered terror it inspires, a fascination with - nothing, really, except with its own ground, which has no name and not even that.

Hence, the form of worship consisting of repetition of the most seemingly meaningless, unimportant phrases of holy texts, I think. The power of the word lies largely in its precariousness, which means the depths which it defies.

The great guru, the leader of the van clan, cometh to grace us with his genius.
Pretentiousness using meaningless superstitions, pretending to be profound wisdom?
Yes…you know him as the Value Oncologist.
The reinventor of Abrahamism?
Love Ontology.
Love Lovingly.
Loving Love. Love Loving.

Judaism is the mother to her daughter Christianity and of her son Islam.
Two bastard children…one of a Greek, the other of…a tribal Bedouin?

Two distinct ways of using semiotics, related to Art and FArt.

One to engage the world directly, the other to engage the world via proxies, i.e., humanity, individuals.
One in order to manipulate the world, the other to manipulate humanity and through it the world.

From the interplay of chaotic energy (non-patterned), order emerges.
From the interplay of ordered energy (patterned), chaos emerges.

Cycle of linear time.
From near-absute chaos towards near-absoltue chaos.

Since chaos cannot rise to the level of sensual perception - cannot produce stable, harmonious unities - it can only interact with itself and order on a subatomic level, continuously receding, manifesting our observable world.
Metaphysically chaos/order interact.
Physically, physis, is our perceptible level, how we perceive existence.
The ideal is how we project the perceived - idealize and use this projection as a focus, a buoy on the tumultuous seas of energy.

Beneath, an abyss, full of currents.
Above sky, translucent, full of winds.
We are the boat on the surface…some of our keels deeper than others…some of our sails higher than others.

Reminds me of Sauwelios, in a mushroom trip, contemplating the two syllables of the word Chaos.

There is no order without chaos, as a chaos-less system is a closed system which builds up entropy, which is… chaos.

Chaos is a a fundamental part of order. It is the ‘space’ in which the time of order proceeds.

There is no order without movement, and no movement without chaos.

Victim’s suffer their burden of being born to lead men out of misery.
It reduces the mass of the weight…and they dance with joy, having been gifted by divinity to be the bearer’s of such delights.


Procreative is to the body what creativity is to the mind.
Fertilizing another body corresponds to the linguistic fertilization of another mind, where ideas gestate and then give birth to new combinations.
Art is libidinal, requiring excess organic energies to be expunged.
Art, technologies are the externalizations of a mind’s understanding of himself, in relation to the environment - the birth of an idea via a medium.
Genes to Memes.

Nihilistic memes - to the degree that they negate the experienced world - can only fertilize minds with impotent ideas. Ideas that cannot be externalized but must remain ideas, in the mind - transmitted from mind to mind, unable to survive in the real world independently from a human mind, or a collective of minds
For this reason such ideas/ideals require proselytization to expand their field of effect - to use organism, via their minds, as proxies to engage a world they cannot survive outside minds.

By the way my comments on Parodites merely serve to further allow enjoyment of the depth of his writing, I offer a tangent out of it here and there, as it were to prove that depth, to show that it is not mere impenetrable text-wall. There are so many ideas, or not merely ideas, fundamental thought-structures interwoven there that it is impossible to just ‘comment’ to it, ‘reply’ to it.

What Im doing is producing a record of my having read it. Ive not embraced fully his whole methodology, Ive not grasped all the implications, Ive just investigated the meteor, so to speak.

Parodites’ posts have become more complex over the past years, compare for example his recent posts with this thread here, from 2011 or '12
Which is complex enough to baffle most minds but not quite as abstract.

Ive resisted for some years this moving deeper into abstraction, and this ultimately allowed me to completely stop reading his work, but this was unhealthy.
It does, to be honest, take a fair amount of ‘exercise’ to get back into reading the dude, reading his posts is obviously harder work than reading other philosophers. There’s no other philosopher that is this dense, that’s just a fact.


Philosophy has to be challenging, it cant be just some reiteration of concepts like chaos… (profound dot-dot-dot suggesting the deep silence of thought)… order:astonished: CHAOS… (!!!) ORDER

I mean you can keep doing that but it won’t reverberate in the celestial spheres.

Yes Van Clan guru…Value Ontology, I get it…I shall give it the respect it warrants. I already have.
Into the recycling bin.

Bye…back to the celestial spheres…in your head.
Sparks of light to be returned to the divine.

Yes Van Clan guru…Value Ontology, I get it…I shall give it the respect it warrants. I already have.
Into the recycling bin.

Bye…back to the celestial spheres…in your head.
Sparks of light to be returned to the divine.

Sign referring to the primary method of communication, of sharing, externalizing internal states: oral, vocalizations…but also the subtle, gestures movement, and the inconspicuous, e.g., scent, pheromones, energies, vibrations…

Language develops from a method of revealing, to a method of concealing, redirecting, imitating, i.e., imitating.
Language not used to reveal but to conceal, as it pretends to be revealing, redirecting, convoluting, obscuring, tying up the mind in knots, Gordian loops of entrapment.

Words used to imply, to promise - feminine seduction. Surrender to the words and great pleasures, powers, await you as a reward for your sacrifice.