Should I have the vaccine?

I still have a few months to decide of course, but it’s been playing on my mind a bit.

Personally, I’m sure I don’t need it. I’m fit and healthy, exercise regularly, and have only just turned 30. But I could still be a carrier, and I work with elderly people.

They say they plan to vaccinate all adults by July, I think it was. They also deny there will be vaccine passports, but I don’t believe this. If I refuse to take it, I’ll probably lose my job when the leisure centre reopens.

No, too many reported side-effects, “cure” worse than the disease.

If you want to poison yourself, it would be wise to wait 4 or 6 more months to see how much damage it actually does to the human guinea pigs.

I will get the shot in a week… I have read the stuff, it is nothing…
no big deal at all… of course, UR is wrong… but that’s because he listens
to people who sell pillows and not to doctors…


Kropotkin is a Communist; his opinion is invalid, don’t get the shot.

K: Trump and wife Melania got the vaccine…that the best evidence for getting the shot…


Trump already had Covid. He doesn’t need the vaccine. Many government officials are getting placebos, not the actual vaccine.

Secondly, young healthy people don’t need the vaccine. It is mostly aimed toward elderly people.

Thirdly, it is an open-test, which is admitted medically and scientifically.

Forthly, where did the Covid virus spread, and who has been censoring information and public access to its data.

Fifthly, you don’t care about anybody but yourself, Kropotkin, so don’t pretend to start here.

I could go on, but this is enough for now.

I’ll probably have to wait at least 4 or 5 months before I’m called anyway, since I’m in one of the lowest priority groups.

Yeah, you don’t need it. Let the elderly get it. Some young women worry that it may cause sterility. Young men should worry about that too if they ever plan to have kids.

Trump already had Covid. He doesn’t need the vaccine. Many government officials are getting placebos, not the actual vaccine.

K: and yet, IQ45 did get the vaccine, that is a fact…
and it would be pointless to get a placebo… that doesn’t even make sense…

U: Secondly, young healthy people don’t need the vaccine. It is mostly aimed toward elderly people.

K: actually young people do need to get vaccinated, 20% of all cases were people under
30… and they are likely carriers of the disease, giving it to parents and grandparents…

U: Thirdly, it is an open-test, which is admitted medically and scientifically.

K: I don’t know what this means…

Forthly, where did the Covid virus spread, and who has been censoring information and public access to its data.

K: just more conspiracy theories…

U: Fifthly, you don’t care about anybody but yourself, Kropotkin, so don’t pretend to start here.

K: this doesn’t mean anything about what we are talking about which is whether one
should get vaccinated or not…it is just, here look over here, type of statement…


I already have both vaccines. Not a big deal.

Now, the vaccine only works 95% of the time.

Considering that only 0.5% of people die from Covid … it seems on the surface that vaccines make no economic or logical sense for Covid …

But here’s the deal… even if you do catch Covid after being vaccinated … Covid appears, at worse, as a mild cold. That 5% doesn’t die.

So you agree with my point, it is senseless for people who had Covid to get a vaccine, since a vaccine is designed to immunize people from a virus.

If the vaccine does not immunize the spread of the disease then it is pointless for a young adult to receive it.

This isn’t surprising, Kropotkin, you aren’t the sharpest tool of the shed.

It means that you don’t care about anybody but yourself, which is very relevant, because you don’t actually care or think about the negative side-effects of the vaccine, or the severity of Covid itself. Furthermore it means that you should not be offering advice to others about whether to receive the vaccine or not.

That means the Vaccine doesn’t work, and people shouldn’t get it.

It’s that simple.

Or it proves, which is stated in the disclosure agreements, that some people receive placebos (which is why they do not have severe side-effects).

It doesn’t alter rna, it alters the messengers of rna in the body to block a compound protein that is necessary to construct Covid.

This is just ignorant shit and lies.

The death rate of the regular flu is 0.01%.

Covid is 0.5%

Unlike the regular flu… many people surviving Covid have life long side effects. I’d rather die personally!

The disclosure agreements were for the clinical trials, not the general population.

to those thinking about getting the vaccine, one must remember the side that
is against it, the right wing, they do not believe in science, medicine, logic,
rationality… they have admitted to not believing in science and experts
and medicine… so to follow those who have admitted to not believing in
science, not believing in experts and not believing in medicine or doctors…
is not very intelligent

our modern world has been build upon technology and that is based on
science and experts and rationality… these people are nothing more then
luddites…they hate the modern world… they decry every single advancement
in science, they dump on any changes and they are afraid… and that
fear lays at the heart of everything a right winger hold dear…

their strongest emotion is fear and that fear drives everything they do and say
and think… don’t be like a right winger and allow your fear to drive you and
your actions…

the conservatives looks backward, never forward… they remember fondly
the past and deny the future… this is what drives their hatred of the vaccination
programs… hate, fear and anger… the basic emotions which drives all conservatives…
all conservatives…

be better then a conservative and allow hope for a better tomorrow
to be your guide, not the conservative values of hate and anger and especially
fear to drive your thoughts and actions…


The thing is, Ecmandu, is that your opinions are stupid: … ns/2165865 … th-pending

Kropotkin keep your fear and hate-mongering to yourself.

Obviously you need to preach hate, since you cannot further your message and argument rationally.

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