Solving Ecmandu’s 3 Problems

They/I recognize the total stranger’s reluctance to speak directly to them/me, and acknowledge the indirect communication in the stead of direct communication, though perceiving very little difference other than pronouns. They/I yield back yada yada yada bla bla bla weirdo.

The trick is to talk through them, not at them.
Address others through them.

Most of them will not notice, nor care…as long as it appears like you are paying attention to them.
Attention is what they crave.
Any attention…positive, negative, insane, sane. Doesn’t matter much.

They want to feel like they matter.

…and they reply with obtuse diatribe just to keep being relevant and even if the reply is incomprehensible nonsensical nonsense, as in their last post.

Lorikeet: “Most of them will not notice, nor care…as long as it appears like you are paying attention to them.
Attention is what they crave.
Any attention…positive, negative, insane, sane. Doesn’t matter much.”

…but I don’t want to, hence zero attention being given… I feel nauseous otherwise. The ignored need to accept my stance and move on emotionally physically and psychologically.

Grown people, with the psychological make-up of children… un-believiable.

Immaturity is a consequence of sheltering.
Tame animals indefinitely exhibit the adolescence of their youth.

Dogs are wolves that never mature.
We experience this domestication as something positive, for us.
The other’s perpetual adolescence preserves it in a state of unpredictable harmlessness that only causes harm innocently, through its careless antics, its thoughtless explorations, its imitative caricaturing, its well-meaning playfulness.

Feminization of Man.

^^sock puppets mimicking “us vs them” in their natural environment^^

Ah…so you are Ecmandu’s sock-puppet?

Makes sense.

Mag knows she’s narcissistic.

Everyone needs narcissism to thrive and live.

Then there’s toxic narcissism.

Mag has that.

She never told me what I did to her.

I used words mag, that’s all I did. Words.

She also has female pride. And I’m male.

This upsets her ego.

It upsets my ego too, but I have to live with it.

I like being a man. I don’t like being the singularity as a man in a sex dimorphic species.

Words can kill people. Suicides. I wasn’t berating you mag…. I was trying to figure out whole cosmos while being hell the whole time.

I may be guilty of some suicides because of my words.

I wasn’t trying to bully people…

I was figuring out your entire world here.

¿I’m what? :sleeping-boring:



That’s funny.

I don’t have to go anywhere to be everywhere.

I‘ve been studying humans.

Humans are studying me.

It’s only fair.

They know why I’m doing what I do. They just don’t know HOW I do it.

The how is:

I’m all existence on a mission.

I’m just an empty vessel

Alright Ichthus.

You’re talking about contract theory.

You’re also blaming the victim.

Someone tortures a victim and while doing it says you contracted to have this done to you forever by me and I don’t suffer any consequences.

See…. In order to make any proof you have to use the extreme example. You know. Reducto ad absurdum

I literally have to groom every woman in existence just to be able to have the consent structure to date me.

Nobody has ever made an informed consent dating relationship.

I’m the first person to teach this shit to the whole multiverse.

Once I realized how serious this problem was in terms of cosmic courts. I had to use the defense that you’re all mentally retarded to pad your sentencing hearings.

Nobody likes to be called retarded. The other option is much worse.

I’m not a dictator in any way you think I am.

I understand that some souls only feel happy if they violate consent. They never want to leave a reality like this. Then there are beings who come up with three problems…

It violates my consent if I have friends, it violates my consent if I have no friends, it violates my consent if I have enemies:

So far, for beings who’ve moved past the war, there’s no place for them to go.

I aim to shatter the ceiling of existence and provide a safe personal universe for those who reach this point in evolution.

None of you are evolved yet. Some of you never want to evolve.

This is a drive-by or fly-by posting.

Ec, unless you have God’s-level encryption, you cannot promise privacy.

That’s the reverse Meno’s paradox.

And it’s a hell of a lot funnier.

Unless you thought you had privacy.

Then it’s just hell.

Have a winkity wink wink day.

Solution number three is the energetic ideal parallel processing all beings in existence in their own private universes to their satisfaction without in any way harming the energetic ideal.

God as you call it.

If I were ‘god’ I wouldn’t hesitate for even a nanosecond to give this to people who evolved enough to have these 3 problems forever…

Problem 1.) if I have friends
Problem 2.) if I have no friends
Problem 3.) if I have enemies

You know what that means don’t you?

No god.

A person who is evolved to this point has a spirit that doesn’t project success here.

Once they evolve to that point…

There’s no change.

Either they have to devolve and become monsters or they’re eternally damned for being evolved.

This is not drive by posting…. This is serious shit.

The energetic ideal could easily do marionette philosophic zombie universes or hyper playacting realities.

keyword stuffer… muppet pastor… Ec…

You need to overstand this isn’t over, Ec.

You’ve lost all sense of direction.

I’m not back yet.

A having FRIENDS
B having no FRIENDS
C having ENEMIES
D having no ENEMIES

According to Jesus’ reasoning, a friend (or a friendly neighbor) lays his life down for another (whether friend or foe). To be no respecter of persons means you do not profile them for whether they are friend or foe before you treat them as self. That is because even a foe is a self, and if you were acting like an idiot, you would want to still be treated as a self. Jesus showed/shows what we call unconditional positive regard when he died for everyone on the cross. He shows the same thing when he says “Thy will be done“ to those who reject that message.

Also according to Jesus, a friend is someone you have caught up on all of your information. The closer the friend, the more they’re caught up. Not everybody can handle or is ready for all the information at the same time—that is one reason some people reject the sign of the message. They don’t understand the message because they don’t have all the information required in order to decode the sign. Sometimes it is a life experience that makes it click for them. Love is not love without demonstration—and some folks won’t recognize a demonstration unless they personally experience it for themselves. Those are the ones that are OK with being tied to something heavy and being thrown into the deepest part of the ocean and falling to the deepest possible level right before death. The ones forgiven more love more. Not everybody can handle that, either. It’s all in the parable of the sower and every time Jesus talks about the last being first and the first being last. What’s more important than your position on that spectrum is if you get the point about switching perspectives and treating self as other regardless their position as friend or foe, and vice versa.

The more friends/information you are given, the more will be expected of you. If you stagnate or treat selves/others as enemies by default, even what you think you have will be taken away and given to people (the very ones you quarantined from the kingdom) who will multiply it as designed. You have put yourself in their place. Not in the way you intended. But just as you did that, you also put yourself in the position to be redeemed from the bottom of the ocean.

Do others judge you as being the sort of person who is isolating not due to trauma but due to thinking you’re better than everyone else? Are you suffering from internalized guilt from them? Don’t worry about that. God knows your heart and he knows how to coax you out of that cave/womb. But the longer you stay there, the more it’s going to be in his time and not necessarily in your time. He disciplines those he loves. And he knows when you’re ready before all of you knows it or even has words for it. He will replace the walls of the cave/cage with the architectonic love that withstands fiery whirlwinds and fathoms heights and depths.

So the question for you Ec is, if everyone has a different heaven or hell, if one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, what makes the difference? Isn’t it how they say yes or no to a particular shared reality? So it’s a choice. But there is no hell without heaven. Whereas the door to heaven is knocked from the inside (otherwise there’d be nobody home holding down the fort and leaving the light on for the first to hear the knocking), the door of hell is locked from the inside (no one is sent there, and no one can be forced to leave by accepting/consenting to the message of the sign/knock). They are the same door, and once you are aware of the knock, you are the one choosing to lock it or open it. Home is which side of the door you spend the most time. This life is just the opportunity to unlock or lock the door to the kingdom of heaven becoming home on earth. You.

You hold the key. It is your choice to enter.

If… you dare.

(I’m still not back yet.)

I don’t accept having the “not having an enemy bothers me” part. If I did accept it I would have written it.

Life does not require dichotomies to be.

I don’t need enemies in order to have friends.

Nobody does.

Life simply requires otherness.

Jesus laid out this massively dramatic narrative to turn us all into Jesus clones.

Love those who hate you, have faith. Do as asked by others, chop off your dick and mutilate your genitals because your enemy wants it. Then you will enter the kingdom.

I don’t even believe in kingdoms or lords etc…

I believe when someone evolves enough the need to leave to a place where it’s over once and for all.

God gives those who are ready more responsibility?

The energetic ideal can give a person their own personal infinite universe when they grow weary of the dictatorship that is god.

Nobody chooses hell. People choose to violate the consent of others, but their hell is when others violate their consent in return.

Since the pleasurable exclusive access problem is being violated by everyone, everyone gets their pleasurable exclusive access violated until that problem is solved…. Hell.

Sure people compartmentalize all the time.

But when the whole panorama opens up to them all at once.

Hell is currently the law for all existents.

My last post was a little muddled in terms of comprehension …. Although it should be read.

What I’m trying to say is that I have no interest in evolving anyone.

I have no interest in creating Jason clones.

I must add to this…. That I see the writing on the wall.

Anyone who violates the pleasurable exclusive access problem will have their pleasurable access violated as well.

Every being in existence is violating this problem.

I always tell myself…. “No matter how good you feel, don’t forget you’re still in hell.”

I have a very simple wish….

“My wish is for all my dreams to come true without harming anyone and knowing there’s a place people can go when they evolve or grow into that wish.”

I’ve seen all the angles.

It needs to be an infinite personal universe where the other beings are not sentient.

I have two solutions for that….

I also have two solutions for a being that’s impossible for anyone to attain except for that being…

Operating the multiverse so that when someone wants to leave this existence it will marionette philosophic zombies or be the hyper-playacting reality to grant that wish.

This is a walk-by post.

Do you know what’s more important than giving every one what they want forever based on a mere abstraction based on a misunderstanding?

Talking to them and asking them what they need and gaining informed consent before doing for them the stuff they consider handled—as long as it respects the consent of others.

If you don’t want everything done for you because you like to solve your own problems, you should extend the same dignity to others.

That means that you have to allow them to consider themselves your enemy even if you consider them your friend. You cannot brute force the kingdom. Anyone dragged in against their will considers it hell.

It’s like being dragged out of the cave into the light before you’re ready.

We will all be salted with fire. Eventually. Ready or not. I don’t know how it’s possible but apparently for some… like Lazarus‘ rich man who never got the point (through the eye of the needle)… it’s going to keep being hell.

That is the definition of stubborn. It’s not that cute when you’re “old enough” to know better.

Two of my solutions are self driven.

Hyperdimensional mirror realities and intelligence particle realities.

Let’s get back to salient points.

If I ask you to mutilate your genitals to appease me, my heaven, (not true about me, I’m just making a point) and by appeasing me you will be in gods kingdom …. We both enter gods kingdom through faith that Jesus taught. “If someone asks you for your tunic, give them your pants too.”

Interestingly enough, in the Bible it says to keep all your good actions secret … and he will reward you with heaven.

That means all Christian’s are going to hell.

They’re spreading the ‘good news’ … 4#p2924604