soul being saved?

Over complicating things that don’t need to be over complicated which in turn only confuses people and delays natural advancement.

what is being overcomplicated

Giving different meanings and definitions to virtually the same thing, just worded different in different sentencing. They’re synonyms for each other and both mean the same thing.

People can bring religion into spirit as well. “oh, holy spirit?”

we just don’t agree…what is your exact definition of spirit and soul…

It doesn’t matter if we agree or not… Definitions are there because they’re definitions… when someone creates their own definitions for things, it’s similar to delusion if not it. It’s like someone saying green is blue and blue is green because that is their own definition of it. I linked both definitions of spirit and soul, and they’re practically the same thing. You can discuss both without and outside religious context or you can discuss both within religious context.

What’s the point of having a dictionary and definitions, encyclopedia’s, etc if everyone is going to make up their own definitions according to their preferences. It’s like trying to tread on ground that has already been tread on, instead of furthering the path.

you are right…lets proceed here…do you think that people are having trouble nurturing their souls…

What do you mean nurture their souls… I think a huge problem of today is people nurturing themselves too much, staying comfortable with what is instead of going towards what should or can be. Children grow up with shitty parenting and influence then creates what you see here today. The non physical part of them, are you meaning nurturing their emotions? I don’t think people show enough emotion, they think it’s “Gay” or “hippy”.

The essence of us life, is energy and consciousness. So that in a sense, is our soul/spirit.

All you god followers, if you think that we’re the only ones who can be given “soul/spirit” then think again. Robots can be created with their sole essence being energy, then later on I am sure they will be conscious as well, I have no doubt in my mind that we can create conscious robotics. This is no different than us being “created” by a “god” and given consciousness, energy manifested physical beings. We are just bio-organic, that’s the only difference between a robotic/machine with consciousness and a bio-organic conscious being. In a sense we would be god, which in my view we already are god… But this is an example for the people who believe in a deity.

We aren’t really that special, in the future everyone will see that.

lets try again art

so you say we already are god…so you are a god…how do you define the artimas god

Have the ability to create and discover old or new.

can artimas create a universe

Yes, with proper knowledge.

what kind of universe would you create…

Don’t think it could be planned out really. If random can happen to us, then why couldn’t it happen to something smaller than us?

I don’t understand…tell me more please

The creation is smaller than the creator in most cases. If I created a universe and random events can happen to me the creator, than why couldn’t random events happen/take place with a creation of the creator?

Obviously if I created a universe it would have to be smaller than us, a mini universe i’d say. Or maybe even possible to set into motion another universe a big one, but that takes a lot of knowledge no doubt. Even creating a mini one would take knowledge.

thanks art…I understand better…
I started this thread to discuss the problem with soul saving…
I think souls are not saved by a god…they have to be saved by each and every one of us if it is possible…
no god is going to be saving any souls…