The democrats now have control of the entire government.


It’s official, the democrats now have control of all three branches of government, including the Senate, Congress, and the Executive Branch. In the next post of this thread I will make guesses of what will happen in the next few years. Please enjoy the music until then. :sunglasses: For the political neoconservatives in the crowd, yes, the republic is now dead, he’s dead Jim. :sunglasses:

[And yes, the music choice is quite intentional because we’re going to become the next modern day Argentina or Venezuela real soon at this rate. :laughing: ] [Also for the record, I hate Madonna but this song is catchy as hell.Technically, she is the musical whore of Babylon so in a way this song does seem fitting for our current American experience. :laughing: ]

It’s now time for bold predictions of the next four years inside the United States and internationally abroad with me as your host the wonderful smiling Joker. Next comes the show and tell… :sunglasses:

[b]2020 was a magical year of an international virus pandemic [Well, that’s not entirely accurate, actually they were simulating it at John Hopkins University at the end of 2019 but whatever…] and so we shut down the entire world economically throughout the west so much so that those lock downs still persist in a multitude of western nations today. It’s almost like it was intentional systematic economic devastation unleashed on western nations simultaneously all at once particularly aimed at the United States itself. :-k :-"

Anywho, surprisingly China has come out of this unscathed economically so much so that modern Wallstreet is ready to open their doors and pockets to the Chinese right now with a battered and beaten to a pulp United States on the economic spectrum. China is economically ascending and the United States is in serious economic decline getting ready to die on life support.

So here are my bold predictions the next four years ladies and gentlemen, oh, please do try to follow along, won’t you? :sunglasses:

  1. You’re going to hear a lot about democratic socialism in the coming years, after all, it’s what a majority of Americans voted for, right? [Or, did they? :sunglasses: ] Do not be fooled by this terminology of democratic socialism, when they say those two words what they really mean is corporate socialism funded by corporations or central banks. Of course it’s going to be one giant humongous debt trap for everybody but once you understand that the goal all along is financial obligatory enslavement it will start to make much more sense.

  2. Your taxes are going to climb up exponentially baby, which means all the people that have money right now are about to have a whole less money in the next four years. You can try to stick it under your mattress but that won’t do much especially when Mr. Hyperinflation decides to join in on the party.

  3. With an economic decline and borderline economic collapse of the United States I suspect you’re going to be hearing pretty soon something on the lines of a new international transitional currency that heavily favors the Chinese yuan that is backed both by Bitcoin and a gold standard. We could call it a sort of Chinese yuan gold standard backed by Bitcoin. At a later date the Chinese yuan will make a move to being the new world reserve currency and afterwards holy hell will break out all throughout the west politically, economically, or socially regarding this transition.[/b]

[b]4. Look to Joe [Beijing]Biden to be soft and subservient to China, he was after all put there to make sure this global transition of economic, social, political, military transition of power from the United States to China goes smoothly without any interruptions. Publicly he will say his administration will take a hard stance or line against China to put out the illusion that the United States is still top dog, but behind the scenes the Chinese will be the new economic power house controlling the United States financial purse strings. He is there to make sure the United States complete utter surrender goes smoothly, silently, and uninterrupted for all the international corporate stockholders who are concerned.

  1. You’re going to be hearing a lot about the ‘sharing economy’ in the next four years, just think of it as communism lite with the good old red white and blue under a neo-liberal disguise. With China becoming the next global political, economic, and military superpower the old model of capitalism gots to go and the new socialist Chinese model will be molded everywhere around the globe including inside the United States.

  2. You’re going to start hearing about social credit scores very often and this will determine your individual interactions within society everywhere. If you have a horrible social credit score this will severely limit you in everyday living in all segments of society very negatively.

  3. Free speech is about to be not so free anymore kiddies, just as in China free speech is nonexistent especially concerning criticizing the Chinese government this is about to come to fruition in the United States and throughout the west where if it isn’t already in place. Tech moguls like Google, Twitter, and Facebook already work with the Chinese government in cooperation there so really transitioning this government censorship will be relatively easy for them to do here also. The new historical revisionism will be that we can’t allow another Donald Trump to come into power or his ‘nazi’ political followers of neoconservatives and so a form of pervading censorship will be have to be tolerated to never allow it to happen again. Indeed, after the democrats assume power the next hundred years with Chinese influence the four years of the Trump’s administration will be that of modern American Nazis almost taking over the United States where the democrats historically came to the nation’s defence in the darkest hour. This will become the new public historical narrative that will be ingrained within our history, just watch. This also means that you’re going to start hearing a lot about criminal hate crime legislation which will basically mean that anybody who dares to have an opinion contrary to the cultural Marxist neo-liberal position on everything will in turn become thought criminals punished by the state for inciting sedition. So yes, a great deal of wonderful things there to look forward to.[/b]

[b]8. As it is with any revolution, new regime, or older social order being replaced by a new one there will indeed be purges. :sunglasses:

It’s clear a number of hardcore conservatives will hold out and resist, quite violently I’m going to bet. :sunglasses:

They’ve already planned for this event or actuality, and so like any other new regime the old supporters of the old political order will be deemed insurrectionary domestic terrorists. If they can’t find any violent insurrectionary conservatives don’t you worry, they’ll invent them with some sort of staged false flag event. In the coming days the word conservative will become politically synonymous with the word terrorist inside the United States and all throughout the west. You see this already with conservatives being racists, sexists, bigots, religious fundamentalists, philosophical extremists, White supremacists, ‘evil capitalists’, and so on, and so on. That particular piece on the grand chessboard has already been moved hard left, the trap has already been set within people’s collective mental psyches. Welcome to the world of wokeism, already set for communist China’s ascension in the globe with its international Marxist converts under the disguise of neo-liberalism already residing inside the United States along with the rest of the west.It’s just that it has been made to be more palpable for a western audience. :sunglasses: [/b]

thankfully the judiciary is still majorly conservative

Not for long it won’t be, and many of those so called conservative judges will sell out for the highest price paid out to them, that I can assure you of. [Or they’ll be threatened with murder which will have the same outcome either way. They’ll be given a tap on the shoulder to do what they’re told or else…] :sunglasses:

You mean “The communists”

Yea, as long as the masses keep supporting guys like Kamala Harris, Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau, establishment republicrats/libcons, the Chinafication of the west, and the world will continue.
Start supporting antiestablishment, populist candidates, who’ll free the people and hold the banksters, globalists and megacorporations accountable.

I read that some cogress democrat
finished a prayer this week
by saying awomen
as opposed to amen

Not to worry…

These “predictions” are only from the fulminating fanatic cartoon character that he plays here. As with pedro, Lyssa, phoneutria and god knows how many others here, Satyr invented him. I think.

And, even if otherwise, come on, this guy has not exactly been in the bullseye when it comes to all of his other predictions over, say, the past 10 years. If anything, the opposite has unfolded!

But, okay, let’s assume that this joker, compared to the real one in comic books, actually does believe all of the above. Let’s come back to this thread a year, two years, four years from now and see how close to [or more likely] far from reality he is.

Again. :sunglasses:

Of course this is just his own subjective opinion rooted existentially in dasein. He’s not arguing that all men and women are obligated to think exactly like he does or necessarily be wrong.

And he recognizes that given a new experience, a new relationship or access to new information, knowledge, or ideas, he might find it necessary to change his mind about it.

Unless of course I’m wrong. :sunglasses:

It is just my opinion.
I don’t try to force my opinions on people, I just put them and my reasons for holding them out there, people can make of them whatever they like.
I’m not an authority, or an expert, no one really is on these matters, I could be wrong, nonetheless it’s what I passionately believe.
I enjoy hearing from others too, and sometimes I learn something, or am reminded of something I forgot or neglected.

Just wanted to clear that up. Given that there seem to be quite a few here who are ready, willing and able to heap all kinds of scorn on those who don’t think exactly as they do politically about, among things the past, present and the future.

Though passion itself is, in my view, rooted subjunctively in dasein. I used to be passionate about the Protestant God, about the Ecumenical God, about Marx and Lenin, about Mao Tse-tung, about Trotsky, about NAM and DSOC and DSA. About Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus. About Nietzsche and Schopenhauer.

Now in regard to moral and political value judgments “I” am basically “fractured and fragmented”. Though glumly considerably more than passionately.

I just want to throw a cosmic perspective on this…

The cosmos is pretty fucking cool, but it needs a patch, like a computer upgrade patch.

This world as it is is impossible to make perfect.

What you have is a bunch of people who don’t understand existence trying to make a perfect or more perfect world… and they always just make it worse.

Everybody believes that they’re good, no matter what they believe. No matter what they do.

Trump for example, calls people losers and says he’s a winner.

Anybody with a cosmic perspective of all of existence knows that when you win when there are losers, you lost.

Trump is a moron. Morons can’t do the kind of shit enlightened beings can do. But you folks look up to this man, a man who can barely put two brain cells together.

They even tried to burn the Capitol like the former Reichtag , what a nifty simulation

Zero, based on how shitty you say your life has been, my guess is you will die just before bearing witness to a glorious transformation.

It would be a fitting ending.

This world has been trying to kill me for decades and yet here I am today still alive, I’m not so easily killed or easy to find kiddo. :sunglasses:

And anybody that goes looking to kill me will have to work pretty hard for the privilege of doing so, I won’t make it easy for them. I’ve spent my entire life excelling at being invisible, you might describe me as a sort of ghostly phantom or apparition. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not done with my list here for a Biden presidency, that is to say, if it happens at this point. My mind is currently a bit weary, need to rest and recharge my batteries. More to follow soon enough. :sunglasses:

here’s dorkyd00d wishing death on someone
in case you missed
why dont you put that in you sig?

I’m not wishing death on anyone silly.

Also, you inspired one of the quotes in my signature. Can you guess which one?