The poll is a bit confusing in that the question “If Jesus truly existed” precludes option five. I chose option one, but I’m not convinced of the historical jesus.
Actually, I meant to write option five as “a supernatural person,” which would separate the confusion over “if jesus truly existed in a man,” as opposed to “if he was invented.”
The first seems to imply to me that he was something of a philosopher, speaking his own words. The Muslim perspective seems to be (from what I understand of it) that Jesus was a Prophet who was speaking God’s word. I am fairly certain that, under this belief, they would not be able to accept option 1.
On the contrary, Mohammad never did meet Jesus did he? What he knew of him was only from what he knew of the Christian religion. As Jesus’ teachings were already intertwinned through religion, it then only became a matter of placing that into a format that would fit with Islam. Anotherwords, the Muslim viewpoint wouldn’t have existed in the first place had Jesus already been widely used as the basis of religious idolatry. Islam was intent on taking anyone who had ties to Abraham’s belief and converting them to fit a format that would be accepted by Muslims. The Qu’ran makes an attempt to degrade Christianity down to a level of Judaism. To make Jesus a prophet from the Messiah was the only way to do this so religious equality could be sustained.
This is why I did not take the Muslim viewpoint into consideration.
i am the new jesus. thats right christians, light your torches. i tell people to stop being materialistic and love your neighbor. i do not perform miracles and im not the “son” of a god who has no genitals. i will, however, take your sins with me when i ascend into heaven, ill drop them into the sun and as long as you believe that i did this, all your evil and materialism will be forgiven.
so to recap, love your neighbor and dont be materialistic. if you fail to do this, and you believe that i took your sins and dropped them into the sun, then dont worry about that first thing i said, whatever it was… uh something about golden chalices and stained glass windows… use them… or dont use them… i forget! whatever!! i dropped them into the sun who cares.
The best way to get the attention of religious fundamentalists is to piss them off by telling them their ways are wrong. The trick is though, if you do it poetically, you turn more heads and people take more time to think about what you said rather than denounce you right off hand.
By the way, what you wrote there sounds like something Neale Donald Walsch would say.
so wait… did i do it poetically or not? im trying to take a new approach with confronting the weirdos who dont completely agree with me. repeating myself isnt good enough apparently.
You came close to doing it in a poetic manner akin to religious text, however, repetition is paid attention to when it’s something you repeat over and over in the same words. If you kept on saying “I am the new Jesus” every other line, you’d be on your way to a new gospel.
[size=150]THE GOSPEL OF FUTURE MAN[/size]
[size=150]1[/size]:1 I am the new Jesus.
1:2 Behold the vision before your eyes all you little Christians. 1:3 This I say, for I am the new Jesus. 1:4 Light your torches and gather together in the streets that you have built for me to walk upon. 1:5 Prepare the way for me, for I have come this day. 1:6 This I say, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]2[/size]:1 Behold the truth that utters from the lips of your savior, for it is absolute and infallible. 2:2 This I say, for I am the new Jesus. 2:3 Your materialistic needs have wronged you and made you weaker than you have thought your enemies to be. 2:4 Undo your wrongs and give up your materialism. 2:5 This I say, for I am the new Jesus. 2:6 Treat your neighbor as you would care to be treated. 2:7 Love your neighbor for who they are, and they shall do the same for you. 2:8 This I say, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]3[/size]:1 I speak of things you would call blasphemy. 3:2 This I say, for I am the new Jesus. 3:3 I do not and have not performed what you call miracles. 3:4 Nor am I he who would call himself the son of your god. 3:5 I am human just as you are, and should I desire a woman, I will take her, for I have genitals, and they are mighty. 3:6 I will take away your sins regardless of what you think of me. 3:7 The sins you give me to part with shall be removed from existence as I burn them into the sun when I ascend to heaven. 3:8 If you doubt my words, your sins will not burn in the sun, but you will. 3:9 This I say, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]4[/size]:1 Repent and relenquish your evil materialistic desires from the heart of your soul! 4:2 This I say, for I am the new Jesus. 4:3 Trust in me and I will clean you of your evil. 4:4 When you give yourself to me, you will become free and know only peace within my name. 4:5 This I say, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]5[/size]:1 Believe me when I say this, I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]6[/size]:1 I am beyond what I was, full of what I am, and below of what I will be, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]7[/size]:1 I am forever, I am eternal, I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]8[/size]:1 Indeed I speak truth, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]9[/size]:1 Know only me, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]10[/size]:1 Believe in me, for I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]11[/size]:1 In case you have forgotten, I am the new Jesus.
[size=150]12[/size]:1 P.S. - I am the new Jesus.
[size=75]That should set those fuckers straight…[/size]
its time to hold a council to completely change all kinds of things about Future Manianity.
from now on all ILP posts shall be written in latin.
if you destroy a capitalist infidel, you get 70 virgins of your choosing, here on earth, just go get them yourself. you must video tape this and post a link here.
if youre good for 17 lifetimes, you get to be a cow. yes thats right ladies and gentleman your dreams will come true, a cow.
“Take these mushrooms and eat them. for they are my body, which will be given up so that you may trip face. Take this blood and drink it, for it is my blood which i dont really want to give you but if you insist. i dont know why but whatever.”
the reason why i put other, non-futuremanians on this planet is so that you would have a good reason to make weapons and you can have fun murdering their stupid asses. and you can always make money doing it. spice, oil, soon ill drop some flubber over there and you can start the real war.
The disciples look at each other with concerned faces. They aren’t sure now what to think of their lord and master… “Did he say to eat him,” one whispered to another quixotically. “I think so…I hope John doesn’t take it literally,” replied the other.
As the moment of confusion passed, John leapt from his chair towards his master and stabbed him to death, yelling out loud, “'Bout time motherfucker!! I’ve had it with eating this stale bread and these dry-ass olives and shitty fish, and drinking this cheap-ass wine! I want some real meat!”
The others slowly get up out of their seats and walk away out the door, taking their precious stale bread and cheap wine with them. “Where the fuck are you fools going? He tastes like MUSHROOMS,” John yelled. “I’ve never had something that tastes this good since Jesus!”
As the disciples left the room, John continued to tear apart his master and rip the flesh from his bones while talking to himself saying, “Dammit I hope this shit lastes longer than that feeling I got from being a born again Christian…”
So far, we have 6 votes saying Jesus was the Messiah, while 10 say otherwise. I find it interesting how there happens to be 6 votes for Jesus being the Son of God, yet not one person who made such a vote has said anything to prove that case. Why?
From a non-theistic point of view I can say that perhaps it is within their faith that the “blasphemy” presented in this thread will be punished. It doesn’t really need to be contended in the mortal realm?