As before Trump overcame his last of the Republican adversaries in the primaries, so now the olden GOP closes ranks with the Dems to ensure a true president will never again be elected.
We the People, domestic and abroad, are watching closely, but this doesnt bother them in the least -they know intellectual effort is outranked entirely by muscular efforts on all fronts in this world, to paraphrase Emerson. Watching and understand what happens doesnt mean having an influence. Still we can not avert our eyes from this prepostrous situation, knowing it is the pivotal moment in our time, the moment in which the intellectual idea of democracy and rule of law is being simply disregarded with the consent of roughly half of the population.
Where officials naturally pretend that they do not see the towering evidence as being relevant (the argument being that such things only cause unrest), the left winged voters as well as a good deal of right wing ones are increasingly expressing the sentiment: So they cheated, weve done it before. That is politics. They simply outsmarted the Trump campaign. This indicates that the law has become a trivial obstacle to the path to the indolent peace of mind that the masses are craving for. “Election fatigue” - they just want it over with.
The distinction, leaving out of the equation entirely the politicians and their traditionally corrupt ways, is now between the Masses and the People. The former are somewhat happy, though they do not express any joy, to simply accept that the ruling elites have proven their will to rule. The latter are driven by stronger reasons, they stand in principle and fairness, as they know these things instinctively to be the last line of defense of human dignity. The masses do not want dignity, they werent ever given any and wouldnt know what to do with it, therefore they dont seek to explain themselves and simply want the nagging notion of it to go away so that they can sleep, as this world offers them very little to promise any value in the exertion of their will - they are happiest to be as trivial as possible. The People are a different species, ontologically speaking - they are driven on by structural integrity, which is nature’s engine. Rather than parasites, they are bestowers of virtue, and in this time we will need (in my rough estimation) the efforts of 1 of the People to counterbalance the corruption of 3 members of the masses. All People must now, on average, carry 3 piece of human cattle on their back. In terms of virtuous effort.
Here is a thread to document that effort.
I’ve been contemplating the justification a lot recently that Trump should call in the military and hold office at gun point, then force military tribunals against Congress until the fraud is exposed.
THEN he can concede.
You’re right though. Why should the far-right “play fair” if the far-left throws out, spits on, rips, and burns the US Constitution???
They’ve cheated, lied, stole, perpetrated the greatest scam in human history (covid-1984), remorselessly trampled on basic rights with impunity, crushed hundreds of thousands of small businesses into the ground while further increasing the wealth and consolidating the power of billionaires… they’ve done all this, and the only thing on the minds of the low-energy masses is… “omg, just concede so I continue on living as if nothing is going on. I just want to take my vaccine and go back to “normal” where where nothing exists outside my bubble of conformity and compliance… those pesky freedom-lovers are stressing me out”
It might actually be over with unless there enough people out there who take this seriously:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”
“while further increasing the wealth and consolidating the power of billionaires”
Very probably, yes, but the difference between these two wealthy warring political parties is that the democratic party tends to channel and direct power toward the interests of the working class more so than the other party, and in very direct ways that have immediate results. They do not wait for some obscure ‘trickle down’ bullshit effect the economists promised would happen once capitalism got rolling. If anything the shit is now trickling up and that shouldnt even be possible in a gravitational field I mean c’mon water cant go up dude wtf.
Right, Perpetual.
Urwrong - he cant concede without committing high treason, as per the vow Perpetual quoted.
Crap, these Chinese Iranian Californian forces dont play around. Even this thread is marked.
A thought, broadly applicable to this everlasting war:
“Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs.”
3:14 …“The most massive and historical, egregious fraud the world has ever seen” - Trump camp
CNN (I was watching it earlier this morning). They were literally saying all claims of fraud are completely “baseless” and that “He’s lying” [Trump]
The way I see it, they will keep doubling down on their lies, they will never apologize, they will never admit to wrongdoing, to spreading fear and panic, for being responsible for some much destruction, chaos and despair… If Trump manages to actually win, the left will just dial up the volume on covid-terror84 … CNN’s death counter will remain permanently fixed to the right side of the screen like some apocalyptic count down (or count up rather).
In a way, you have to respect the impressive death grip the left has on shaping public perception… No matter how much evidence piles up that contradicts their narrative, they simply keep on lying with diabolical consistency (Hell, they don’t even acknowledge the evidence is there to begin with and try to reasonably downplay it)… It’s like some collective super-predator with unlimited funds and energy to keep this psychotic charade going until all sparks of resistance are extinguished forever.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” - C.S. Lewis
I think you guys are right. Trump has a duty to the Constitution and Republic not to concede to these Marxists and Communists underneath the DNC and Biden.
He needs to keep Office, even if military force is necessary…
Preying on the fear and shame of morons is not something I could respect, not just because it is too ugly - its too easy. As a Nietzschean, thoroughly aware of the weakness of the average human, Im not impressed with any scheme that capitalizes on that weakness - that would mean Id have to respect the pope and every priest catering to intellectual and nervous feebleness in the name of some doctrine.
What I also dont respect is this attitude in the comments to the video you linked:
“Please cater to my moral indignation!” This attitude is the precise reason that the Chinese coup is getting so much traction. People have been led to believe that their opinion matters, that it can move things. It cant. These are the Rights slowflakes.
What impresses me, if anything does in this coup, is the demonstration of the absence of self-valuing integrity in the average human, the demonstration of the claims Nietzsche has made about mankind - this often enough makes me laugh. I cant help but laugh when I see one of these morons wearing a mask on his scooter or in his car. Its inconceivably pathetic, and clearly these people were just as pathetic before they were allowed to bring it to the surface in the name of obedience. So thats good. Strong humans are being forced to become aware of the abysmal nature of weak humans, which means that a Nietzschean type stratification is already in progress. This process will, I expect, last a thousand years and is a natural process -the idea of mankind as a homogenic species was going to fall one way or the other.
Urwrong; if he would concede the Republic would be sacrificed to China, half of the population would know it, meaning a big change in the instincts of the population. There is no instinctive reason to keep to the law when the Constitution itself has been breached in the open as if it didnt exist. The instinct of the herd for obedience to their government will be sabotaged. I expect that this is what the smarter Chinese are counting on - the collapse of the US politically, economically and mentally, so that it can buy up the remains and rule the Earth. Obviously I have more respect for the Chinese than for the Americans they bought. I dont truly respect the regime as its methods and aims are disgusting, but at least it is acting in its own interests.
Watch these podcasts by the way. This is what is worthy of my admiration. People with spines.
Urwrong, thanks. The link doesnt go anywhere but I presume its the thread with the question about the military.
I think it is wiser for me to not to answer that question at this point - I prefer to stick to fields where I carry authority, such as analysis and prediction. We agree on the basic idea and so do many millions of humans of the stronger variety.
Ive been watching Warroom since election night, we could see the steal happen live, and since that day the evidence has been piling up. Ive never seen so much evidence of a crime. Its almost hilarious. Like how the buildings of the Dominion company are now all abandoned and no one can find a single person that worked there. Theyre all in the basement with Hunter I presume.
(The streaming video is something different from the actual podcast. Heres the podcast. … ael-walsh/ )
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There is a lot out there in terms of true reporting. Its all being censored by google naturally but you can run into it through these hubs. If you find some thing worth mentioning (of which there is a great deal) please dont hesitate to post it here. A hub for getting to actual facts.
“I expect that this is what the smarter Chinese are counting on - the collapse of the US politically”
You might note that for the majority of working people… or I should say for the majority of people who are always the workers, the basic likeness of everyday living and the activities that constitute our day, has always been more or less the same insofar as it’s always involved work.
This being the case, there has never and could never be a fundamental ‘collapse’ of human society (save natural disaster), because despite what shape a society is in and how it is governed, typically the days are filled by working on something under/in some conditions or another.
Now keep this in mind and then look at all the radically different societies structured and run by diametrically opposed government styles. What was much different for the working classes in each of these examples? Not much… nothing important or noticable as a danger to the way of life. In short, they still did the same shit and it didnt matter whether you called it a democracy or an anarchy or a totalitarianacy.
The point should be home by now. There are no collapses, only reorganizations of the same basic activities. Call it metapolitical nominalism. Such things as ‘countries’ and ‘nations’ are not subjects in the purest materialist sense, but predicates more so. Imaginary lines between individual sets all doing the same thing, hence the redundancy of dividing here.
“Why would Asians and European Americans respond to happiness so differently? One reason suggested in the paper is that Asians seem to define advancement of social harmony as more worthy than mere individual success. This theory about Asian culture is certainly not new — philosophers have compared Confucian ideals regarding interpersonal enlightenment with Western ideals regarding individual achievement at least since the 19th century.”
Now member what I wuz saying about how asians didn’t develop the transdialacanic mirror stage element that allows the distinction of the ego to be made between the self and the other? Well there it is bruh.
But I’m not saying Europeans couldnt do it. I mean be as emotionally neutralized like vulcans as the asians are. But it’ll take time because they’ve looked so different, so much variation in phenotype, for so long, that they make these multifarious distinctions between them that puts them into tedious conflict asians dont get into. That’s why they laugh at us. They dont understand why we stress and fight so much and we look funny to them. Vulcans dude. Dragon people.
Find any classical piece on piano you want and I’ll find an asian who plays it faster and better than the white guy who wrote it. Vulcans dude. Their physicists solve the same problems faster than physicists from other ethnic groups. They did a study in Switzerland with a bunch of physicists and they had to solve equations or whatever, and the asians won that shit.
No I made that up. But if they did do something like that, the asians would win dude. Not some handsome blonde with a very promising future from Denmark. I’m sorry.
I have reason to believe that fixed jakob is an agent of mossad who has been trained to play a guy playing a mossad agent playing a guy playing a mossad agent. I will not reveal my sources, but ive learned that fixed jakob is known as the ‘mossad marquee’, and is responsible for a series of very bad threads over a large number of internet forums. He is a deep state zionist emcee disseminating seditious ideas against the interests of the working classes… and I have been assigned to stop him.
Perhaps “respect” isn’t the right word… But one should be able to size up one’s enemy… especially its intelligence and capabilities
Speaking of priests and stratification…
" As long as the priest was considered the supreme type, every valuable kind of human being was devaluated. The time will come, I promise, when the priest will be considered the lowest type, our chandala the most mendacious, the most indecent kind of human being." -N twilight