
This topic fits into multiple categories, psychology, science and politics as well as philosophy since it (it being transgender-ism) is a “way of life”.

My question is:

Is that “way of life” normal?

What are the repercussions both short and long term for such a choice? Do you think there are any at all or none?

Is advocating transgender-ism healthy for society or are repercussions bad for short and or long term if any?

Is it a negative trait of culture to advocate or is it healthy?

Is advocation of it mankind thinking it knows better or more than nature or what is natural and or organic? And before anyone spouts off that they can find it in nature, I want them to show me the lion that destroys its own genitalia to satisfy or comfort its own discontented ego, since context matters very highly in near if not all scenarios and or subjects.

I have to ask the question because it’s avoided being discussed and frankly, I am tired of it being avoided. I want to know what is healthy and what is not, what is negative and what is not, what has repercussions and what those possible repercussions are or are not. Does anyone wish to step into the ring to discuss this highly controversial topic?

I myself think it is unhealthy and that there are repercussions long term that we may not see yet but that are there, such as the leading into more and new identity/existential crisis, mental illnesses and lacking of acceptance of what is or self acceptance, which in turn breeds discontentment and hate, certainly not happiness or understanding. I think it is unwise to back up a movement or ideal that won’t even allow itself to be discussed or put under the scope to be understood by others. I don’t think something unhealthy or that can corrupt culture should be advocated and defended so easily.

Of course it is not “normal” - else it wouldn’t be an issue. Getting a common cold is normal. Getting COVID is not (yet). Which one gets more media attention?

I have come to the conclusion that it is being promoted so as to spread its negative effects (“the declining West”). But that doesn’t mean that negative effect always come from it. And what you consider to be negative is not always the same as what others might.

It is a few men manipulating all of man for their own satisfaction - ultimate godlike power. It has nothing to do with right or wrong - justice or injustice - liberty or oppression. It is entirely about a few people gaining ultimate authority over all others. The long term repercussions are entirely up to those few.

The short term repercussions would be entirely up to the individual’s environment. In Talistan (formerly Afghanistan) it is suicidal. In California, US it might mean a promotion into high society and even authoritarian politics (to me both would be a curse).

Until you settle on a devout purpose for your decisions in life (such as MIJOT) - you can’t make any rational decisions about anything - you just get what comes your way like a bug in the wind meeting a windscreen. :smiley:

I would agree with most if not all of what you have said though I do think the repercussions are a bit more observable, at least the possibilities and what they could be. Do you think population or sterilization control plays a bigger role in steering this train of thought or acceptance of transgender-ism as a social norm? There are a lot of things I feel that are steering mankind into sterilization, possibly even covid itself if not the “vaccine” for it.

I just find it extremely irritating being on the west and even on some communities on social media, people won’t allow you to discuss it openly due to the mindset that “people will get hurt” or they will “fight too much” but why should the philosopher suffer for their mere wanting to understand instead of the abusers or those that are not mature enough to handle discussion? Why is it always those who yearn to understand something deeper made to suffer? Do the authoritarian dictators really think they can make a curious man stop being curious from being hated or from being in fear? They’re foolish, I’d die like Seneca or Socrates before succumbing to a forced lack of curiosity.

I’m sure that population size control has a great deal to do with it - but the feminisation of males - removal of masculination has become more relevant - making the population easier to subdue. Also the destruction of the family unit for sake of government worship. The family unit requires an important distinction between father and mother and a chosen head of the family - disturb any of that and the family falls apart and into the allure of socialism (government worship).

They only need to control the majority - the rest can be sufficiently silenced and made totally impotent.

Ah yes, how they target the ‘nuclear family’ I have heard that before and read about it s few times. They influence culture and how a family operates to create reliance on the government, once reliant on the government then it is much easier to control you, pretty obvious. What can be done about this? How are we supposed to alter this path or go against such misinformation and or toxic ideals being spread? People just paint you under one of the popular hate group ‘ists’ and people despise you.

I understand they use heavy water to prevent nuclear fission.

And what does that mean exactly?

Sorry, boys, science disagrees with you.

I’ll go with science, thanks.

None of that is new news, but I do think that the wrong terminology is being used… it should be gender first, and sexuality (not sex) second.

Sex is an act, gender is an assignment, sexuality is an expression of the physio-biological self.

Umm… Mag,

You have the terms wrong.

There are only 3 sexes. Male, female, hermaphrodite.

Genders are like 14.

One gender for example is marrying a fucking wall.

Genders have nothing to do with sex.

You can take a shit these days and call it science. This is why philosophers exist, to catch onto and understand what “science” may miss and don’t forget, science is only one aspect to philosophy, not the other way around.

No one cares what someone claims to be, the facts and science show there are only two sexes/genders, biological chromosomes that make up what a being is, well three if you mix the two into hermaphroditism. That’s what SCIENCE has said. What you talk about is politics and opinion, not science.

As metaphor - it means that the environment surrounding a marriage (family unit) must be such that it prevents the spread of whatever energy caused any divorce from getting to another family - isolation of corruption.

The Catholics accomplished this effect through their obedience of wife and ban on divorce oath. But as the Catholic became liberal - the emphasis became to disregard any and all morality and allow and support any behavior for any reason - especially from women and children (the most easily corrupted) - all in the name of feigned justice.

That wouldn’t be the only means to provide the “heavy water” effect - just a previous example. What I think would absolutely have to happen is that some serious restriction of family related behavior would have to be enforced - very strongly and irrevocably enforced - very serious penalties or preventions. And that new morality would need to be ubiquitous and by one means or another protected from authoritarian socialist/communist mandates.

If we define ‘normal’ as something like conforming to a type, standard, usual or typical, then certainly not.

I get the impression that this is being promoted to school age kids. If a boy is given large doses of female formones before puberty, he will essentially be chemically castrated and will suffer from irreversable hypogonadism and will be sterile for life. I believe that there are similar dangers for females given male hormones.

I consider doing this to children to be a very serious form of child abuse.

I don’t see any positive benefits in advocating for it.

I’m basically a strong believer in individual rights and liberties and if an adult wants to do this to him or herself, that’s their choice.

That being said, I personally reserve the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ for biological sex, not for “gender” (whatever that means). So I consider a biological male who chooses to wear women’s clothing to be a male transvestite, not a female. Same thing for women who dress as males and use male restrooms (but never the urnals).

It seems pretty bizarre to me.

The word ‘healthy’ is pretty much in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I’m not sure whether it’s an objective quality.

But I do think that male and female reproductive biology evolved for a reason and have a biological function. Destroying that function can perhaps be called unhealthy almost by definition. I could rip my eyes out and blind myself, thus depriving myself of that function, but I don’t think that most of us would call my doing that healthy.

[b]Postby MagsJ » Mon 30 Aug, 2021 23:40

MagsJ… back to ignoring inane twits and their inanities, who constantly bring the tone down with their unwarranted interaction, to suit their inane twisted agenda.[/b]

To others:

Calling the Genders ‘sex’ is tantamount to grooming, by normalising a word, that has very specific connotations and meaning… it is one’s sexuality (not gender) that determines who (or in somes’ cases, what) one has ‘sex’ with.

Sex with a tree… or anything else, is called sex, not gender. I filled out a form the other day, it required me to state my gender, not sex. This is a case of misusing a word, to further an agenda… that of grooming.

Where I came from “gender” referred to masculine or feminine and “sex” was a verb - but when used as a noun referred to male or female.

Many non-male things can be masculine (such as a stone) and non-female things can be feminine (such as a flower).

Most languages have gender associations with nouns. With animals the gender notation is “male” and “female”.

Then I might just have to put this one down to the Roman Catholic sex-Ed educational system, as I’ve never been aware of the word being used as a noun until recent years, through online interactions with Americans. The word is not used so freely here, I can assure you.

Please clarify where this correlates with my gender/sex crossover-usage inquiry? as I’m somewhat not seeing it too clearly, here…

I was talking about recent years and I didn’t say anything about using it “so freely” - mostly from American and French movies and books – and online observations.

I don’t know how to do that but I agree with your “grooming” concern - a social language manipulation to help promote the decline of social stability.

Well magic, is language and vice versa. With language one can sway another, one can plant ideas, one can withhold information by not speaking it or with giving information by speaking it. The worst of it all is when one manipulates and confuses others using the tool that is language.

People are trying to change words today to confuse others into giving them the false idea that they can objectively identify as whatever they want. This however is not the case, we cannot identify as whatever we want because we do not have that power and if one does well then they’re a liar. One cannot be a helicopter. One cannot be a tree, one cannot be a Boulder or a fox, not literally at least. That is not how objective reality works but it is what the agenda or movement wants you to think, to give you some false power that does not truly exist and if everyone agrees with you then you feel correct in your insane assertion and ego. Encouragement of the ego and manipulation of the populace using guilt and the changing of words meanings, it is like flattery of an ego by others acceptance and encouragement of this mental illness.

These types of groups or movements always use this sob story of how much they have been through with how people bullied them and made them feel weird or unwanted. Well maybe if they didn’t have insane ideas and could accept the objective reality of what they are in their existing, they wouldn’t have to deal with others thinking they’re weird or mentally ill? I firmly believe trans and the advocation of it is a mental illness.

No lion destroys its own genitalia, no lion puts on leaves and pretends to be a tree. The lion knows what it is, king of the jungle and it doesn’t stop to pretend that it is anything different. The best part is that the lion too knows a gazelle when it sees one, it knows prey or what is weak and it certainly never pretends to be a gazelle or weak itself.

So why would anyone adopt the idea of being weak or encourage mentally ill ideals in an already struggling culture and society. It is understood that a group of people are pushing it through media into the populace for their own agenda, possibly sterilization and to lower masculinity and power within the family, creating a docile state… but my question is, why does society put up with it or agree with it? Have we gone too far in prevention of natural selection? Do a lot of people need to die to weed out the idiocy or what?

Is this something only war can solve at this point? Recorrecting a culture back into a healthy track?

It is an objective quality. When one gets cancer, are they objectively healthy? No, because they have got cancer. Cancer is the mutation of a healthy body into one that cannot function in symbiosis with the rest of itself due to said mutation, ideals and political agendas have this similar effect on humanity and society.

It’s all about culture. We are very similar to cells in a body in that we pass information on and then we die but if the cell passes wrong information to other cells, well now you have aids or cancer and is aids or cancer healthy? Aids survives by tricking cells and constantly mutating so that the body cannot destroy it, I think we can all agree it is objectively not healthy, cancer survives by spreading in mutation across the body and cells struggle to repair or fight it off because those portions of the body infected are already mutated and can’t function in unison.

If we apply this concept to a macro level to ideas, politics, humanity and society, we can agree that some things are objectively unhealthy for us to function in unison, whether long term or short term health or unhealthy, is up for discussion.

One possibility is that it is a type of warfare that doesn’t involve physical violence. One country promoting destructive ideas to another country in order to make it weak and in need of help (that can be offered by taking over.)

What you say is another possibility:

Perhaps because they were bribed into agreeing with it?