What are you doing? (Part 1)

R u baking chicken legs at 12 pm???

whatever you say buddy

Well into six weeks of Spring cleaning and I’m starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

you can just buy dildos and pornos as the store in alabama why would someone have to smuggle them?

and if you look closely, i almost never talk any shit at all. i remember a dude i know was giving himself hgh shots back in 1998. nutropin i think it was called. i found a little circle of dudes in college who wanted them, and back during bush 2 when all those online pharmacies were up i took advantage of the whole situation quite a bit. forgive my spelling but maybe winstrol, halotestin, danabol, sustin, i can’t think of them all but people will buy the shit out of that stuff.

when was the last time you went through and threw away most of your stuff? how much of it do you really need? even the stuff that seems meaningful. chunk it. you got dishes and pots and towels and sheets, a vacuum, some furniture. what could you possibly be cleaning for 6 weeks?

so all these tornadoes hit alabama today, and the biggest one literally went a few hundred feet behind some apts that i lived in at one point. check out out. it wipes out all those massive 8k sq ft houses on top of that hill. i lived in the apts that you can see the top of just behind this car dealership. crazy shit.


yo when I heard about that yesterday I wuz like damn I hope smears ain’t get twisted up in that shit bruh

Hmmm, my apt. doesn’t have any landlines for this phone. Keep?

Throw away memories like worthless trash?

Did lose a tote or two in the 90s, but toss out my past, all the highs and lows, bittersweet changes, unthinkable. Each thing is a piece of life that transports me back to others loved and lost. Did find two Yaz cassettes from the 80s. Gonna crank them up soon in my boombox. :wink: Once I buy that Camero, I’ll pop them into the tape deck. [-o<

So far I’ve went through three totes and three hefty boxes full of paperwork, memorabilia, photos. Shit, I’ve been dragging around bills and receipts from the late 90s. Scanning or reading every friggin piece of paper or envelope, letters and cards collected over the last 40 yrs. takes time and emotional energy. I’m exhausted. Won’t be doing this again, ever. Now all the photos and memorabilia fits into one tote and most of the old business paperwork is ‘chunked.’

Keep, and exhibit like a museum piece, on a stand somewhere… they’re currently going for bare Ps at the mo, so def a keeper.

Always enjoy millenials and younger trying to figure out that phone, hilarious!

Playing with the dog.

i moved

wendy throw it all away. things dont matter. the real memories are the ones you remember. you’ll feel so free.

Adorable puppy! Deserves more treats!

The smart ones figure it out… eventually. Those phones have definitely reached antique status.


you know what kind of music that guy listens to, Biggs?

iamambigous is a bit autistic…he wants to make friends but does not know how to…be nice…or not, your choice.

You won’t believe this, but Biggs is probably the most normal person here. He’s just a debate addict. Ain’t nothin wrong with that. I could think of a hundred worse things he could be doing all day. Okay maybe only five worse things, but still.

A kook sees kooks everywhere…waiit…what am I saying… :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: dont take things which are not serious too seriously…you are what you are, you can what you can.