What are you doing? (Part 1)

Just hanging

Dictionaries, encyclopaedias, concise summaries of specific topics… always a good place to start in educating One’s-self, I agree. The trick is… remembering it all. ; )

the best way to remember things is to be naturally able to remember things with minimal effort. the 2nd best way is repetition.

Wishing I had access to a dance studio or nightclub complete with a DJ hitting bass so fast and heavy my innards vibrate. Total ear orgasms. Power dancing is the best!

Mourning the corpse called philosophy.

There are techniques that can be utilised, in aiding in accessing vast amounts of information from differing origins of information sources, simultaneously… if anything, it would make for a good party trick.

For long term memorization of various things you might study, spaced repetition is the way to go. There’s an app that helps called Anki.

For an ordered list of things you want to memorize (eg every American president in order), mind palace apparently works great. I’ve only tried it a couple times with limited success

Going to read poetry.


[Edit: Procrastination plagued me. :evilfun: ]

are you reading this one?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rose_ … collection

No, I was reading Ierrellus’ poems.


Procrastination is a luxury that our ancestors could ill-afford.

magsj you ever watch that show naked and afraid?

i feel like by 1 item that i would bring into the wilderness would be just a ton of bread and id procrastinate for the entire time just munching on bread and make it out without having to actually do any survival stuff.

people have been saying this for a long time. but without it, you’d have even less people who were able to think critically, and we’re running out of those people right now so lets hope that you know…it isn’t completely dead.

i think i booked an old woman’s she-shed on vrbo just south of moab today. crossing my fingers that i don’t regret it.

This day started out dark and gloomy, but turned into a gorgeous, last day of Summer. May pull out my tote of Autumn and Halloween decorations. Spruce up my place with witches other than myself. :laughing:

‘Use it or lose it’ springs to mind, from the description of that ^^^ process.

I just do what works for me personally, when attempting to retrieve information from my short/mid-term memory, formulated from personal-necessity and intrinsic-id… in that order.

…or used for pivotal dates and events pertaining to one’s own life? More important to the individual, no?

…double-simping… :romance-inlove:

Simp me bae. :stuck_out_tongue:

Drinking jasmine green tea which tastes an awful lot like chamomile. Another gorgeous day hovering around 70 F. Whilst scanning the yard, there’s always a sadness accompanying the litter of dying leaves.