What are you doing? (Part 1)

which part? ill do my best. but there are real problems that real people face that aren’t being solved by deregulation. im not saying i know the solution, im spitballing here about what some possible ones might be.

in alabama this house would be like 150k tops. because no one wants to live there. because the govt will throw you in prison for the rest of your life over a bag of weed.

the nurse probably gets around 25 bucks an hour. the surgeon maybe a salary between 300k-1m depending on the market and his specialization.

what happened with fanny may et al was that once the govt said they would provide some help, “the free market” raised all the prices of the shit they were selling so they could suck up all that taxpayer money. they’re both to blame.

real shit though if you took away all the govt subsidies, half the businesses in america would collapse tomorrow. our businesspeople just aren’t that good. like a mf owns a restaurant and milks it dry so he can try and make 1m a year off it. they’re nuts.

i know 2 guys who own some restaurants and each of them got over 600k in PPP money last year. one bought a big ass tractor and a 100k pickup truck so he can be a pretend farmer out in the country now that he’s “retired”. the other literally paid off his 1.6m house and bought a ferrari.

neither of them closed their businesses, neither of them gave the employees raises. they’re fucking nuts.

Why don’t you just chill out to the sounds of King Tubby in conversation with The Scientist?


or this one. i love this one. i can hum the whole thing from memory.


We don’t have that show here… we have something else called, Naked Attraction… it’s a dating show. :neutral_face:

Yea bread is a good idea, but would cause one hell of a bloat… I’d go for a tonne of meat myself, and get my carbs from the alcohol from the fermented fruits… like what real animals do. :laughing:

Listening to some soulful Carl Orff, and getting ready in a few to drive back from park city utah;

Only a 15 hour drive…

park city to where?

i drove across utah a few different ways over the last year. a month ago i came from sacramento to denver and passed through salt lake city.

I’m drinking chamomile tea. It’s my new thing. I especially enjoy the polyphenolic secondary metabolites.

Park city to Vegas to LA long triip

not too bad. i did denver to durango, to vegas, to barstow, to santa monica, to san luis opisbo to san francisco to sonoma to sacramento to reno to denver last month. ridiculous.

i cant even remember where all i slept

How healthy of you, lol, and very Kermit-meme.

I’m a great fan of senna tea… keeps inflammation at bay, but not da cray.

Seriously tho… it’s great for detoxifying the body and clarifying the mind, and all the whilst allowing One to be optimally energised. Ohm?

trying to decide what kind of trip to take for xmas. was thinking joshua tree to death valley then back to denver. south florida is amazing this time of year. never been to hawaii and flights are dirt cheap right now.

any ideas?

Going through my saved drafts and responding to them, since yesterday…
maybe a hundred or so left, but some of them are duplicates.

I got a nice little lick yesterday. Guy calls me and needs hooks put along the second story gable fascia to hang Christmas lights. Hell yeah I can do that. He’s 20 min away tho so I charge him a hunerd bucks for my time and gas. Took me twenty minutes.

Two hours later he calls me back.

“Hi, there was 1 hook missed down lower, the hole was drilled but no hook placed in the hole. How much to come back one day next week and put the hook in?”

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me.

I remember… the drill bit broke and when I adjusted it in the drill, I forgot to screw the hook in. Tiny little white eyehole hooks. U know what they are.

So now I gotta go back this morning to put one hook in. What a moron (me, not him). I won’t take his money cuz it’s my fault. Now he could do it himself and save me the trip - duddint need a ladder because it’s on the lower part of the fascia. He’d step through the second story window onto the porch roof and reach it from there, no prob, and no prom.

I wouldn’t ask him to tho because he paid to have it done, and goddamit I gotta do it.

40 minute round trip to screw a single hook in. U buhleev that shit? Tighten the fuck up, prom.


Wow promethean… you’re into double penetration as well.

Never knew that about you.