What are you doing? (Part 1)

The guy hired me to do handyman stuff, not fuck his wife. I don’t do that cuck shit.

Jazzed to attend my first, masquerade ball next month.

what’s the event?

I’m fixin to do one of these: youtu.be/ce1W2J2zzRc

Guess how much imma charge her. G’head, guess.

…demonising myself, before anyone can beat me to it.
Fatigue was preferable to… this, but I ain’t, so it can’t be… anymore.

i dunno how much the thing itself is, but i’d want like 1000 bucks to do that.

whats the this?

Parked in a driveway in a shopping centre strip.

Have to unpack and deliver some items.

Old guy across the street passing by, (with his shopping cart) and (nicely dressed) yells out to me, you fucking cunt you are not allowed to park there!

I am shocked, but not too shocked to reply

Mind your own business you miserable old bastard. :-"

sounds like a real charmer


…but currently gonna workout, after fuelling-up on a banana.
Then refuelling after working out… with dinner.

I’m occupied with politics and other pass-times, but their rewards are often slow to manifest… so something less slow-burning to do, would be a good addition to those.
Fuelling-up, then workout in 20.

“i dunno how much the thing itself is, but i’d want like 1000 bucks to do that.”

He changed his mind and wants to do it like this… so I’m gonna get two douglas fir 4x4s. I’m charging him $250 labor and I’ll be done in two hours. At the moment I’m waiting on an electrician to rig up a breaker line in the wall to tie the plug into. Guy wants to be difficult and hide the cord in the wall.


Listening to music, but not entirely lost in it.

i was thinking it would take all day. 125 an hour is legit

magsj, you can find uncertainty anywhere if you look hard enough

Possibly so, but I ain’t even trying, let alone trying hard… so it’s found me not I, it.

I’m sure… like all things, it will pass. The impending Christmas season and festive invites will keep me (pre)occupied, but after then…

after xmas and new years you have the super bowl, and then march madness so i mean there’s plenty to do

Promising myself that I will ready Christmas cards for tomorrow’s mail.

…but inbetween? I’m not good at idling… need… more… to do… something not too energetic.

Right now I’m ready for sleep… coz I got some cleaning to do tomorrow. :neutral_face:

vacation magsj, it’s called vacation. get into a car and drive out to the wilderness or something. take pics, post them on your instagram. get some food in a strange place. you’ll be fine.