What evil is - a clarity

It’s all of this, and whatever or whomever supports it.

In another thread, turd posted this:

“Neither the experiencer, nor experienced, nor the experience am I,
I am Thought, I am Joy, I am He, I am He.”

He is gendered, that is most certainly an experience!!!

But this is called contradiction frequency, gurus love to use this!!!

Once you understand what a philosophical zombie is, you know what evil is.

Let me use a concrete example.

Put a sock on your hand and start talking to yourself:

“Hi, I’m a non sentient sock on your hand that you have given a personality to through the crude use of puppetry”

The sock on your hand has no consciousness whatsoever… It is YOU, animating the non sentient being to keep YOURSELF company.

People say. “No ego”. Bullshit!!! Responding to your name or personhood is ego!! You need an ego to exist… The doctrine of no ego is an evil.

Now let’s say you scale up the sock on your hand and create a whole cosmos that is you entertaining yourself with such vast creative prowess that you never get bored and you never hurt anyone, not even a plant, because they are also philosophic zombies.

But you are not getting your way, you are not in paradise.

With philosophical zombie universes, and infinite number of beings can get their way without harming anyone.

What evil is, is other people in the same universe as you. That’s all it is!!!

You’ll know if you’re in a philosophical zombie universe, because everyone you meet will introduce themselves as a philosophical zombie…

The absence of this is pure evil… That’s what evil is.

That is the blasphemies of all blasphemies, stratifying wealth and hurting others.

This whole universe is the blasphemies of all blasphemies …

It is necessarily the case that we could all bee in heaven forever, every being that can possibly live!!!

The absence of this is the purest form of blasphemy that exists …

That’s it for now…

Stupid submit button errors… I’m not done with the first post!!!

Thats a good start / summary for the op.

I’m done with it now.

Again, I accidentally hit submit on the first post before I was done…

Let me explain to you how horrible this universe actually is!!!

In order to deserve sex you have to state that all children have the civil right to ethical suicide means in order to be subjective beings, rather than objects for the parents toxic esteem of self. You also have to state the the biggest problem in this life system is sexual and approach stratification of men.

Since I’m the first person who did this, I am the first person who earned sex on earth… The rest if you stole sex and resources.

But it gets worse… None of you except me deserve sex or resources, and because this problem is intractable … I have to send all of you to hell forever, but, there’s a way out of this, philosophic zombies…

I’m the only person who’s lived on this earth who us not lying to you about the big picture and actually has a conscience … The ONLY reason I’m not being hurt more than I am, is because of vanity of other beings to keep me as a trinket for their narcissistic self esteem.

And so, here we all are, everyone I meet is an ultimate blasphemer, and I’m interested in caring about life…

That’s not exceedingly well explained, but may give you an idea.

Evil? No such thing.

This reply of yours is evil, it self contradicts.

It’s a statement of good, “correct” to compel non contradictory motivation, but it contradicts itself, and by its own rule, is evil.

Your concept of goodness is a total contradiction and everywhere it is followed by the shadow of hypocrisy.

You want to talk with me about contradictions? :laughing:

Please, do engage me with such…

Tell me how this thread is a contradiction on my part for starters…

Your concepts of good and evil are built upon completely bogus parameters.

My parameters are one: non contradiction.

This is the second time in 2 posts that your entire post has been a contradiction.

It’s become clear to me you can’t form a coherent argument kid. Have fun with your dull thread by your lonesome.

This coming from someone who makes accusations without qualifiers …

The entire point is that each being is infused with such vast creative prowess that they will never tire of their own existence of just them and non sentient puppets.


You’re a real hoot.

Evil is similar to poison.
Poison is not poisonous, however.
The idea of it causing death only happens if someone ate it, usually.
If we were a more wise race, we’d be less scared of things.
The world would be less dangerous, therefor less evil.

The very so called evil deeds society accuses in individuals it inflicts on itself and everybody else that inhabits it daily.

Where is the moral outcry or lamentation on all of that daily? None exists.

The self righteous are the biggest hypocrites and contradicts of them all yet it never stops them from passing their own value judgements as being objective through social consensus. Such social consensus of course is always coerced and then enforced after being firmly engineered…

I am that objectively righteous person who society projects upon… You know what you are???

Fuck you 2+2 = 4 people and your dictatorship, 2+2 = 5 you authoritarian pigs!!! You self righteous pricks always contradicting yourselves!!! That’s right I’m the non contradictory, violent chaotic anarchist (anarchy is not chaotic btw dumbass… It means collective each person is judged individually rather than by a law which may not apply to all cases - rather than authoritarian).

My version of Anarchism is very violent and chaotic. Me authoritarian? Nope, you’re the statist here, not me.

I am just a simple goal oriented outlaw that likes to make those that want to control everything the complete utter fools that they really are. I like taking your beliefs and faith in authority destroying it by showing its inherent fragility or weakness.

Objective moral and ethical facts or laws in the universe? Evidence please.

Your morality and ethics has no contradictions whatsoever? Oh, really now? :laughing:

Ahh… Yes, those authoritarian hypocrites!!!

2+2=4!!! Well… You’ll show those dumbasses!!!

If they disagree , just kill them right??

Wow… Stick it to the man!!!

Here’s the beauty of being such a clueless shit …

When people torture you, they’ll tell you that they’re drinking water out of the river and not mutilating your body… Because you’re the “arrogant” order they seek to destroy, you meeting yourself!!! The worst is when you meet yourself and hate you for who you are!!!

You really are arrogant, and philosophically, you are conspicuous consumption, a walking parody…

Fortunately for you… People are actually trying to help you from yourself! Sure… There’s a lot of crap in this world that is people… But if you met yourself, you’d loathe yourself… And that’s the worst person you can be!

I feel like you are a lost teenager, so I took it upon myself to give you a few sentences to help raise you…

Once you stop attacking yourself… You’ll be able to see more clearly… Non contradiction.

I have an edge still in me, but I’m even moving through that…

Guard yourself against yourself!!

You are very much the kid you accused me if being.

Ah, such self righteous clamor coming from you. Very amusing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet you’re getting off trying to tell me off right now. Makes you feel powerful, doesn’t it? =D>

Yes, let the hatred flow through you onto me. All that anger and rage makes you feel alive.

Killing my opposition? Why yes, but of course killing people can be tricky business and always best when not getting caught or when you’ve accumulated so much power that none can oppose you when done openly.

Me a youngster? I really wish that I was again at times.

Guard against myself? Why would I do that? I am one of the few people that I happen to like…

Makes me feel powerful???

I feel good when I point out contradictions.

I feel good when mine are pointed out to me.