What is love?

Well, what is that feeling, where does it come from, and where to does it go?

And do animals feel it particularly man’s best friend, the dog.

Where does it come from cotton eye Joe?

I was listening to a podcast today, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis, and he was ending episode 15 talking about love (in the context of Christianity’s contribution to the meaning landscape). He said something very interesting.

Love isn’t an emotion, he says. Love isn’t a feeling. Love is a way of being.

Love comes with loads of situational emotional reactions. You are sad when you’re separated from your love. You’re happy when your together. Those are the emotions. Love isn’t an emotion or a feeling.

It is a way of being

@Flannel… so an intrinsic characteristic?

What we do with it and how we show it,/emote it, being an individualistic endeavour of expression.

And how that intrinsic quality differs from its orthogenetic source of instinctive behavior?

Intrinsic, no. A change. We aren’t in love, and then we are. Maybe it’s a choice. Maybe it happens by accident. But we aren’t just all in the state of being-in-love at all moments intrinsically. Something must put us in that state (even if that something is ourselves).

Maybe I don’t know what you mean by intrinsic though

Mood/hormone dependent, perhaps?

Trauma, ill health, etc., all can cause us to close-off from loving/being loved.

…in that, no two people are ever alike.

Why would it/the former/intrinsic, differ from it/the latter/instinctive? …well, apart from being situation-and-circumstance dependent. Right person/wrong-place-and-time, kinda situational scenario.

What’s your take, on it?

self=other love treats other as self whether or not you feel like it, because there is a greater, impulse-free reward in your memory or anticipation

It is not completely removed from your reward system, it is just that your reward system is educated.

Consider that in an applied behavior analysis, the reward must be immediate (right before or after, or simultaneous with) and not delayed in order to connect/condition the behavior with the antecedent/consequent. The self=other reward system is on a higher level and does not depend on behavior.

No one subject to time except for Jesus has ever demonstrated it perfectly every moment of their life.

Point being… we are loved regardless. An unmoved, impassable love.

Wrap your head around it…I triple dog dare you.

What about the Last Man though , at the edge of time. estranged from Jesus, crying out why he abandoned him like His Father in turn, and still unable to wrap his mind ou round the difference between an intrinsic and an instinctive difference of love?

That is, he no longer recognizes that he is a nihilist, he no longer recognizes the Real Thing from the simulation, he has encompassed all of his knowledge, into a point, making the point of reversing into the Fauthful re-affirmation into the ameliated difference of relying on the intrinsic patience of an artificial god-man, who are near to an anthropomorphic ally identifiable reality of the subject with the object.

Except the last man , the ubermench, replacing his identical double, the fallen God, so he thinks

unlike meno, unlike Socrates with no such thoughts: they no intrinsic and instinctive characteristics indiscriminately

That leaves the question , can one love indiscriminately?

  1. Remember Psalm 22 ends well.

  2. Is Jesus really what Nietzsche meant by “last man”? Quick answer: Hells to the no.

dunno , might have used Zarathustra as a ploy to cover basis
Just a shot

after all. he knew he dangerously double crossed himsel

This is why I write such lousy thoughts to be driven underground, really drive myself there

Now that may be by instint

Now, in fact when they look down to me I know when they look down I meet their gaze with longing through love

Can one love indiscriminately?

Yes. But, for beings subject to time (& space)… even ecmandu knows this (& JoeSeph)… there are limits in application.

And. It is one thing to say you love everyone indiscriminately. It is an entirely different thing to actually treat the other as self. Even the Logos incarnate would have to have had multiple bodies in order to expand his ministry (kingdom) beyond the limitations of one body.

He (they) did/does the next best thing on the Day of Pentecost following his resurrection, & via the (non-apostate) church. The Holy Spirit.

John 14:16-18, Acts 2, Colossians 1:24-29

You ask that like it’s a good thing…

…eros, as opposed to agape?

And when they look up?

They may wish they had never looked down
But they may get a gist of what it feels like down there, about they were warned -those who enter here, suffer the same view of the tragicomic phantom of the opera. (Tion$ that probably birthed down there.

But by that time as that initial gaze passed, they rest assured that it was inavoidable

To you, love is… longing?

…a yearning, I’d say.
