What is the worst way to spend eternity?

There’s already a thread about worst way to die so I decided to make this one.

I think it would be the feeling of horrible nausea all the time and no relief by vomiting. Also people would constantly irritate you e.g. by forcing you to smell strong odors which would make you feel even more nausea.

I think nausea is one of the worst feelings there is.

That fate sounds a lot like being cuffed to my mother-in-law for all eternity.

I know Zeus supposively summoned some ‘god’ that spread the gods fire to man to hold a rock up on a hill for all eternity…and everyday a hawk would come and eat out his insides…

Perhaps the worst way would be like in “The myth of Sisyphus”. They say there is no worse punishment than carrying out a futile role for eternity. They also say that the Myth of Sisyphus represents all human lives and anything that we will ever do. It is believed that Sisyphus was condemed carry out his role and had no choice of suicide but he was renowned as a hero because atleast he still had the freedom of his own choice and so he decided that he would be his own hero and make a heaven of his hell. Atleast we can turn to suicide.


Rami when I read that shivers run through my spine. I just had a weird dream. The dream enveloped into such that every action I did was clumsy and resulted in accidents like water filling the room. Then it ended in thoughts that world was against me. After I woke up I thought what I should do to so this world would go to the right direction because I’m currently not doing anything productive. I also wondered are my current actions causing good outcomes or not. I then remembered this thread and so on. Also like Sisyphus I think i’ve had certain levity in regard to the gods so it shooked me a little. But I have a feeling that in the end everyones world collapses after they’ve reached the heavens and starts again from the depths of hell.

Here’s the link to The Myth of Sisyphus

Eternal fear of impending penile torture, combined en masse with the physical sensation of penile torture.

@Robertson: That was Prometheus who stole Fire from the Gods and used it to turn a statue to life. Zeus tied him to a tree where, like you said, an eagle would peck out his liver daily. Also, Zeus further plotted destruction on the human race when Prometheus’ brother married one Pandora. I think the rest of the story has no need for explanation.

may i just ask, would “Eternity” itself be a futile task?

I’ll through out a couple of canidates:

The infinite realm of greeting cards.

More seriously, Imagine you were put into a room with I don’t know 40 people. Then a man came up and said, “Half of you have been assigned a number, a very high number, when you fill up that many water bottles you will be relased to paradise. The other half of you have no such number. Here’s the bottles; there is the water.”

A realm of eternal hope- and if you are unlucky, eternal futile hope.

Except that after a certain time everybody who had a number would have filled up enough bottles and thus be released to paradise. At that point there would no longer be hope for the rest of them.

It would work if the room had infinitely many people, or if you did not know when people went to heaven.

i think heaven as it is comonly represented by christians would be the worst way by far.

nope, just eternity itself would be futile enough. what exactly would you be living for?

Have any of you read Steven King’s short story the jaunt? After reading this, I feel the worst way to spend eternity would be alone with your own mind, with no sensory imput, forever. Your thoughts would become a festering jumble of insanity, eating away at your soul.

But if your dead can you feel physical pain? Holding up a rock for eternity while having a bird peck your eyes out wouldn’t bother me. Because I don’t believe that there is physical pain or pleasure in the afterlife(if there is an afterlife).

What makes you think you wouldn’t be able to feel pain in an afterlife?

for the fact that your body is in the freaking ground. Can you feel pain without a body?

being ignored.

If nothing survives the decay of the body then there is no afterlife.

does that mean you believe the body is necessary for an afterlife? In that case you must also believe that either we are destined to spend some afterlife staring at the walls of a coffin, or that there is no afterlife, in which case it wouldn’t matter if the body decays, because you don’t believe in the afterlife itself.

I’m assuming that the soul or something similar survives the decay of the body, I have no reason to believe that the soul would not be able to perceive pain.