What is this?

We’re all one humanity, but with different subspecies. Much like bears, tigers, wolves, or sharks.

pedro is a rare hispanic by merit of being 6ft tall

Not so sure, I’ve seen some giant Mexicans before. Must be the Spaniard bloodline or something.


Are you sure…? we’ll need proof of that. ; )

Which part do you question milady?

I will furnish whatever proof to dispel these scandalous accusations.




I doubt them all, as you doubted I! well… I don’t really,
but I just thought I’d be a bit annoying and annoy Pedro. :slight_smile:

I didn’t doubt you, you read that all wrong.

But fine.

Fine! :stuck_out_tongue:

So how did Pedro become to be, ethno-socio-politico-religio?

An act of God is the best I can figure.

I don’t believe in A god, so that easy-answer isn’t going to work for me.

Forget I asked.

Dont worry as as I am concerned the warning label is daunting and daring reminder of this hilarity :

What kind of creature evolves when a tiger and a parrot are crossbred?

Answer : dunno but if it talks , watch out.

If it doesn’t talk, then what’s their point in Being?

It would be a tarrot… and if he carried an ID it would be called his tarrot card.

^ Score: .75 point


They’ve been brainwashed from social media and decided to come out of the woodwork when Trump showed them that he too is brainwashed

Yeah, but when are you going to start putting bullets in your head, faggot?

Or are you just all talk, internet tough guy?

I don’t want you to show this level of disrespect.

My Head? You moron. “It”, the violence begins when you fascists take away the semblance of democracy we have with your overthrowing of the next election that Democrats when for the Presidency. Hopefully it doesn’t happen, but you’re trying, they’re trying and I for one, will fight for our democracy and our country to any degree necessary.