What is truth?

A thought occurred to me today. Is truth subjective or objective?

truth is a quality we apply to an account when it is believed to be an account of what actually happened in a particualr case.

what is your name? i can truthfully say Trevor Alexander Williams
who is your favorite philosopher? this cannot be truthfull or false(because its a subjective opinion)
Who is the Prime Minister of Canada? Steven Harper( this is a falliable question because research can produce a correct answer)

Truth is ‘honesty’ idealised…

I once heard someone put it this way and it sounds quite appropriate for your question, a question which is always and unoriginally asked…which doesn’t stop it being quite a powerful question.


That depends; how true do you want it to be? And once that’s established, what do you want to do with it?

“truth” is a duck with a howitzer


“’Truth’ is linked in a circular relation with systems of power which produce and sustain it, and to effects of power which it induces and which extend it.”

  • Foucault, concept of the regime of truth, Power/Knowledge, page 133

Of course, he’s nicked this from Nietzsche, but it doesn’t stop it from being accurate.

I’ll put my money on what siatd just sourced, instead of Imp.


The duck that owns a howitzer owns power. The duck that owns power owns truth.

:laughing: :laughing:
I’ll drink to that!

1.Truth is subjective , I live in contact with my parents and they supply me with a roof over my head , a floor to stand on , and clothe’s on my back , let’s not forget the unhealthy food. - Truth

2.Truth is objective , if i’m too step outside and witness a black hole above my house i would already be dead by it’s force , theoretically?.

1.Truth is both and neither
2.Truth is enviroment and organism
3.Truth is structure and ability
4.Truth is suffering and happiness
5.Truth is a mistake and a purpose
6.Truth is awarness and being lost
7.Truth is fear and courage
8.Truth is burning and freezing
9.Truth is loving and hating
10.Truth is beyond and right here
11.Truth is you and me
12.Truth is being enhanced with impossible abilities as a possible person.
13.Truth is soft and hard
14.Truth is caution and death
15.Truth is satisfaction and exercised reactions
16.Truth is for you and for itself
17.Truth is healthy and unhealthy
18.Truth is a beautiful abomination
19.Truth is weakening the strong and strengthening the weak
20.Truth is now and the next 24 hrs
21.Truth is a portal to a place between and inside space-time that was created by humanity alone.
22.Truth is Lyseract and T—C—
23.Truth is for you and against you
24.Truth is and will remain itself
25.Truth is rights with a wrong system of misunderstanding control.
26.Truth is black and white
27.Truth is indian and asian
28.Truth is having sex and being a sex
29.Truth is above and below and has 4-corners (sometimes :sunglasses:
30.Truth is arrogance to ignorance
31.Truth is dying for others mentally without letting them die physically.
32.Truth is both genius and retarded
33.Truth is useful and useless
34.Truth can thankful for on thanksgiving
35.Truth is Christmas without a jewish family
36.Truth is childish and mature
37.Truth is godless and god needed
38.Truth is 5 senses and worshiping evil without knowing it’s good side.
39.Truth can smite and be smited
40.Truth is ugly but respectful
41.Truth is ours and their’s
42.Truth is bare and bear that is only one in the same if you would prefer to see it , id’e rather you did not.
43.Truth is Harmonic and Chaotic
44.Truth is pleasure and pain
45.Truth is being rich and poor

I was born(this is true)
I am alive(this is true)
I am a man(this is true)
I am sentiant(this is true)
I think(this is true)
I have a will/aspirations(this is true)
I am limited in my actions by my potential and the laws of nature(this is true)
I will die(this is true)

is truth the affirmation of the existance of particular states of affairs, based on experiance/experiments?

If the universe has existed for billions of years, and you rise then fall for a few years, it is as good as you not existing at all, thus your existence was not “true”, it was a flash of temporary illusion.

DDF understands the truth diamond…
This is good, and bad…

try to feel any answer as a question to another answer you already saw, believe of the algebra ruling the world, than you would experience the fact that the truth is God

If the universe has existed for billions of years, and you rise then fall for a few years, it is as good as you not existing at all, thus your existence was not “true”, it was a flash of temporary illusion.

if a match flickers and burns out , did it not produce smoke/heat/smell?
if i shoot off fireworks do they not amuze for that short period of time?
if i put a line of cocaine up my nose to i not feel the rush “while” im high?

if anything, the flicker we have of existance should be embraced, not disregarded for its apparent lack of longevity. I would most certainly take an instant of existance in the scope of the the existance of the universe over nothing at all. The longevity of somethings existance takes nothing away from the fact that it did exist for a time. Illusions lack the vivid feel of actual experiance.(look at dreams, they certainly lack the realness of conscious experiance, namely the consequences)

my experiances are no more an illusion than your fantasies are experiances.

the experiances i have while conscious are more vivid while i am experiancing them than when I remember them. But that does not take away from the realness of my memories and thoughts. My thoughts/emotions exist just as well as my sensations/perceptions. That said its quite obvious that thinking about something and doing something are quite different. This is where our will meets its limitations.

As soon as we try to act on any of our aspirations we are limited by our ability and natural laws(laws of science). Ability is a vague conception because there are many different things which a humans can do and people are not perfect. we each have actions we are good at and actions we are bad at.

That said different actions effect us in defferent ways, falling off of a cliff is an altogether different experiance than eating an ice cream cone(because there are different external stimuli(environmental objects) acting on the body. Some of the stimuli are the same(gravity, physics) and some are different(body hitting rock/ground/water) (taste).

Who, after all of the conscious experiances one has had throughout ones life, could doubt that the sensations they’re experiancing are real? not me.

i’m not debating the insignificant ammount of time i spend on earth(in comparison to the life of the universe) but im saying the experiances i have while alive are quite real.




relax trevor be careful to not deny truth to justify one angle of its view, yes you are so everything you feel about a thing become real of it use to your life which it use to your conscious of being which and this is the most fondamental proof of you being real for one second or a longer time, you are of what you use God, He Is and we stop Here He is ONLY but this means a lot since He enjoys so much to think and each thing he thinks he enjoys so much to proove its existance in so many shapes he enjoys that so much that i may happen for him to believe his lies of the truth that He think to an extent that He will love these numbers that He made them dance and laugh, and this for me is the start to the only interesting part of what i am, what you are, this what we are

And that God is not faith or belief.

Subjective is optional, it can be this or that.
Once it becomes action or object, it becomes objective.

All things objective were once subjective.

you gave a truth here, our limits toward the truth are our link to it, believing that anything you are doing is happening in real is your expression of the truest sense to be knowing that you are of God being, that is why the best you can do is to always do with feelings of being even if you cannot see how it is connected to him, it is just a question of making what you do more real in being more the image of God, when it is God image you will exclude all the others and feel more true yourself, it is so hard to link it to your stupid reality that you have to be the maximum honest to get rid of maximum what denies your feeling being of superior maker, this is the idea of humility for men unaware yet of the real mean in God, start to be humble infront of God in everything you do and with anyone responding to you as He is the only real person you are seeing as you see yourself of Him, here we are in a level of being that noone feels, which explain the source of duality and hate, the source of absence too, than the truth of a world made of hell, christians usually to claim being gods as the bible say, they will deny infront of men being in their feelings of men, they almost believes in their lies to themselves that they would act the opposite of what God will without knowing it, they are guilty of one thing, willing to be God without loving him,
just to be safe and feel his strength, justifying this way their evil nature of limits reflecting His, who want its revenge, the problem start when they seriously believe their lies of not being anymore because of their will to be God, the problem start because they will get use to be on lies and very vulgar fake, you cannot be God outside being yourself, it is only way to get somewhere in him, this issue is deep because it explains the roots of communication problems in men, the source of indifference towards killing and hate, the absence of what is the sense and life, when you are not honest with yourself to claim to yourself being superior you will not accept any honest guy even if he is not showing you that he sees your lies, you will accept the other in what you see of him willing the same thing to give in depth the confidence to yourself that you are doing the right thing that everyone on eart does so it is the will of God, and that is why if you got to be connected of your feelings to the truth of god in real you will not understand how they all reject you since they obey only him, they feel you dont love them because you cant see them as gods anymore, God made that so it can reveals his ways everything He make of lies happenings in beings are to force them to the truth, wilder your lie is easier the truth will break it, you know inside everyday more you lie that you are a liar,

To add belief to truth – is to add a cup of salt to the ocean.
Belief is simply a form of direction, a form of self-control.