What's the most important search you've ever embarked on ?

Be it serious, or humorous, what’s been the most important search you’ve ever embarked on so far ?

For myself, wisdom and truth.

Not so important now, since that journey was resolved or reconciled but the search was Why was I left and was I still loved when left?

Looking for some lost socks.

  1. “Sapere Aude” - Dare to know.
  2. The maxim “Know Thyself” and
  3. Know Reality.

The above is a never ending work-in-progress and not expected to come to any finality.

Attempting to resolve and reconcile many seemingly valid directions into one.

Call it one’s “personal” theory of everything…death included.

I know the feels of that one, just went through that journey recently. Or, why do I still love her even though she left? That’s one too.

Similar in a way, but I’m pretty sure Arc’s not referring to a romantic relationship.


My search was if and what I ought live for.

Oh, well mine was.

I went on that “why should I live” search as well.

Wether I and my best friend really could live together married and searches for natural cures due to expensive doctors and meds.
The deepest though is if I could really be different from those that I am related to.

That’s an interesting one. Why would being different be important to you?

There are damn fine people that I am related to, there are others that have things about them that I know is in me as well. Those things are traits I find unacceptable. They use/d them, I will not and at times I have to try very hard not to use those traits.

I think what you’re going through is probably something that most people go through–some more intensely than others–but it sounds like a very human predicament. I mean, who doesn’t have relatives with character flaws, and how many of those character flaws aren’t ones that we share in virtue of our genes?

If you’re stuck with those traits, probably the best thing to do would be to find ways to channel them in a healthy or harmless direction. Some people exercise to vent aggression, some people draw or write in order to exorcise their demons. If you can find ways to put those unflattering traits to good use, you wouldn’t have to fight them so much, and you would find (I think) that you feel more whole as a person.

The search for Satori through selflessness, without integrating that with my conventional self, to avoid confusion.

… The search for the truest meaning of “important”.

Thank you, aggression was a part, I am a true redhead with beserker traits but, no one else in my family has that, that part is a throwback about 3 generations. No one else is a redhead.
My traits that are genetic are survival at base but, ethically and morally considered wrong or bad. The challenge and the learning process has made me whole, those that truly know me and love me, completes me. The search goes on as I live because it is an ongoing challenge when shit hits the fan. I want to use the traits.

3 generations, huh? Wow, and they say that recessive genes, if they make a come back at all, usually will not survive passed the second generation. You either have the trait your grandmother had or that traits is lost forever. (well, it’s not lost forever, but after about the second or third generation, its chances of making a come back get reduced to almost nothing). That redhead gene of yours must have a firy will to survive.

Man, there’s tons of genetically hardwired traits that we all have that are considered ethically/morally wrong. I like to have sex–a hardwired trait if there ever was one–but there are many, many, many situations where that would be considered wrong.

Well, let me just say so long as I’ve known you, you’ve never come across to me like a crazy bitch. I mean, I understand that we try to hide our ugly traits in public contexts, but that’s got to be one hell of a crazy bitch you’ve got inside you if it’s going to out weigh all the kindness and friendliness you’ve shown on these boards.

JSS wrote:

Most unusual and complex.

Would you mind terribly expanding on this?

Everyone is saying this or that is important; do this first, always do that, never do such in such,… But why? What is it that makes any of those actions or thoughts important? And to whom? Why are people trying to get other people to think that things are important? Why are the thoughts of other people important to them?

Given the following philosophical outlook;

What does being important really mean?
… really.

Until you search that one out, you can’t say anything about what is really important. Thus what is the importance in anything else you propose to do?

Well hell, I could not care less if my searches are important to anyone other than me. The importance is only important to my importance of important. :slight_smile: