Without ______ life would be a _________.

All I know is they are in legal trouble, and maybe she can’t get out.

Despite all your meh, you seem harmless. Maybe you could help her get out.

yeah but then really what would i do with her? im not trying to house her and feed her and all that. maybe the cult is actually the best place for her right now.

If you can’t help her like that, stop stalking her, foo.

i literally just got coffee from her once like weeks ago

You only got coffee from her one time ever in your life?

yeah. then i came here and described her glassy eyed cult stare and then i completely forgot about it until you mentioned it the other day. i should go back.


Gestapo, much…^ :-s

How does the “mess” become “blessed”

Why you always houndin’ me? :wink:

Seriously, though. Thanks for keeping us all accountable.

Without jazz life would be monotonal.

I absolutely love slow, slow jazz.

Perhaps you were using “jazz” as a metaphor though.


I prefer messy jazz like I prefer to let the day go better than I planned it… the plan is not blessed… the messy day is blessed/best. Not all messes are disasters. Even a disaster can be an adventure. There’s one that still scares me worse than physical death.


The plan might just be blessed based on the outcome. Perhaps even if the outcome were not what we were going for - the plan might still have been blessed.

Cup half full or all full? lol

A very good way of thinking to stay balanced.

Perhaps not so much to those who are experiencing them. There may be another word for that.

I do not mean to be presumptuous here - loss o a loved one? Or perhaps loss of your faith/belief.

spiritually bonding (consensually) ¿again? (if I/we ever really did) with anyone other than God… (and even if we didn’t… how long will I be in mourning? will he never know/care how it was/is for me?)…

goofy stuff like that that makes it easier not to feel, but at times demands recognition (insert cusswords)

they in whom i trust doesn’t change (though subsuming change), but i and all others do

Without unresolved issues life would be less suspenseful & intriguing.

when you’re strolling the streets in new orleans and there is jazz coming out of a half dozen bars on the same block and it all just blends together


Whoever said this: “Without unresolved issues life would be less suspenseful & intriguing.”,
is a masochist… because it is a very idiotic and self-hindering (both spiritually and emotionally) perspective to harbour.

I think, what really happened, is that the person learned to like it… so, Indicative.

and, I thank you. [takes a bow]

[all rhetorical, so any reply not welcome]

This is my thread. Welcome!

Why are you here?

Are you here?

Where is here?

gentle breeze blows between us

it sighs


tumbleweed rolls past

it starts to rain

Deflection, with subjective nonsense… I think, to myself.