Wuhan China ended their Lockdown 7 months ago

I think Marxists may be immune from covid. :-k

Yep! Covid only when people disagree with them.


Haven’t you heard? COVID is communist. Why would they harm their own?

And all of those mask wearing ANTIFA fascist rioters probably washed their hands before and after blows. So they were safe - they have small feet. And since they each have two feet, they really only need 3 feet distance - 3 to and 3 from = 6 feet between them.

It’s all in the science. :smiley:

It’s not a fucking SCAM then is it!!


Compare China and New Zealand.
They have effective test, track and trace, which, together with the precautions above has virtaully ended the virus in those countries.

So this is “fake news”? -

Now show us how that is fake news since you seem to be the most gullible on this board.

Many ships at sea had to return to port without plausible explanation of how that got infected.

Their stats definitely aren’t adding up…

China’s cases and deaths doubled over night, before they went on that full lock-down… a deep-state cover-up, to make the West look incompetent?

Some here hadn’t left their homes or had any physical contact with others, waaay before Covid happened, and they contracted Covid. China’s rampant cases, should equate to erupting pockets of new cases scattered around… as you’ve said.

It’s not only a great argument; it is the correct one.
China did not have a moronic president that took the piss out of people who wore masks.
The US did practically nothing with est track and trace.
China did not have a bunch of pathetic moaners who refsed to wear a mask.Sweemeing “Its against my fweedom. boo hoo.”
China supplied good PPE to medical staff.

Yes indeed.
The virus has not run its course in China.
They have irradicated the virus with Test, Track and Trace. Hands, Face, and Space. And keeping stupid American mask-moaners out if their country.

It was a plan from a communist dictator, which incidentally led to better outcomes. Not saying I agree with the actions taken, but I am not so dogmatic as to be blind to the idea that in this situation, taking freedom by force likely saved lives. Fucked up but true.

From what I gather, NZ hasn’t been locked down since October.
But China lifted its lockdown in April, whereas NZ was in and out of lockdown from spring to autumn.
That Jacinda is one crazy, lockdown happy bitch, she’d lock them down over just a handful of cases.
Mark my words, she’ll lock NZ down again sometime this winter.

And you do realize anecdotal evidence is about as flawed as it gets.

These mental calculations are pure speculation and have no basis in reality, until proven.

They could have been even more effective by merely shooting anyone with a fever on the spot.

Why not? It would have saved lives and a lot of money.

Oh wait, it’s summer in NZ, never mind, no wonder they’re not in lockdown, wait till their autumn or winter.

I disagree, anecdotal evidence is the most reliable in some ways, because I can trust my friends and family more than I can trust ultra-high-net-worth technocrats, talking heads and politicians.

I interpret the data myself, I don’t wait for technocrats to do it for me.
If I see holes in their interpretations, I point them out, I don’t overlook them.
I don’t trust these people, and neither should anyone.
If the masses refuse to think for themselves and critically examine everything the tech Gods say, these people will exploit us.
You don’t get to just take my freedom and wealth from me, you have to constantly prove such actions are absolutely necessary, which they have failed to do.

Some of you people don’t know what democracy is, really you may hate democracy.
Democracy is the people sometimes listening to experts, but ultimately deciding for themselves what’s true and false, right and wrong.
If the masses are to blindly follow the technocrats, if technocrats demand humungous transfers of wealth and power without any question, criticism or challenge, then we are moving from democracy into authoritarian technocracy.
By your logic, we should just get rid of democracy and let the politicians, social engineers, economists and medical experts run our lives for us, after all, what do Joe and Jane average know about anything?
That’s the very antithesis of democracy.

Can you do me a favor?

Can you SHILL HARDER for China and your Communist buddies?


I want to see you bend over backward for your ideology. What’s your salary for subverting USA? Looks too cheap to waste my time with.

Yes, in some VERRRRRY limited ways, but not when it comes to statistical analysis spanning large numbers.