Wuhan China ended their Lockdown 7 months ago

Philosophy is not about belief.
It does not matter what you beleive. Truth is otherwise and UrwrongX100 needs to get a grip on the truth.

I provided months of evidence. Go look it up if you are seriously interested in informing yourself, which you’re obviously not.

Why waste time on a close-minded buffoon? If one of you Commie shills were actually interested in the PROOF, then you don’t need my permission to find it or see what I have seen.


This is relevant here: msn.com/en-us/news/world/ch … uxbndlbing

This is how China do:

This is the sort of organisation that the US under Trump was utterly incompetant to achieve.
I do not think it is only China that has the will and capacity to achieve quarenteen
Australia and NewZealand have very strict and effective policies.
IN the US the problem the yield per captia of idiots. Antivaxer antimaskers.

This is funny.
It is probably the most idiotic and confused post I have read in a long time.

Showing Wuhan in action is an example of where a planned economy works.
Whereas in the USA there was zero planning, out of date PPE, and an unholy scrabble where different State and health interests were bidding for oxygen machines on fucking ebay. Elites were making a packet off the suffering of other, particularly ethnic minorities that do most of the hard work in the US, dying in big numbers.
The big fat orange babyman denying the importance of covid.
New York& New Jersey, the worst of the capitalist frenzy is the worst place to be, aside from a dozen other states, who are all worst off than the most badly effective countries on the fucking planet.
The US government put Federal Procurement into the hands of powerless, volunteers with ZERO pay.
There was also a frenzy of SACKING the experts, and those “whistle blowers” telling the truth about the hopeless lies given out by the bigfatorangebaby man.

Here’s what we learn.
Quarantine, track and trace, isolate, social distancing and mask wearing have bad effect on the economy.
NOT doing those things in a timely and organised way is WORSE for the economy.

The US, the UK and Belgium had poorly and late responses. All three preached small government and minimal infrastructure. When the shit hit the fan there was no one to act who knew what the fuck they were doing.
Now they are suffering the worst consequences of their folly…

Compare with Japan, Australia and New Zealand who all acted quicky.
Just take a look at the numbers.

Or the simplest explanation of all.

You’ve been scammed. COVID was fake from the beginning, and smarter people knew it.

How many lies and bullshit have they spewed? Millions dead? Where are the piles of corpses?


WHo the fuck are “they”?

Where did they putt the 2.3 million dead?

How can “they” maintain a scam over 195 coutries, with billions spent on vaccines and PPE, and all the rest of it?

It’s very, very, very simple.

Can you do the math?

Trump’s trade embargo stood to deprive China of $1,000,000,000,000. That’s a trillion dollars.

Who had motive to release this SCAM? Where did the SCAM originate from? Who supported it?

And here you are, shilling for them, for your Communist overlords.

One trillion US dollars, from your hands, to their pockets.

WHo the fuck are “they”?

Where did they putt the 2.3 million dead?

How can “they” maintain a scam over 195 countries, with billions spent on vaccines and PPE, and all the rest of it?

You can say that again!

Can you answer a single question?

How does that apply to 112,000 dead in the UK, for example and the 100 million confirmed cases worldwide?

A “scam”?? What makes you think it is a scam?

I never had that cash in the first place.
Hang on - I’ll just look in my pockets…
Oh wait, I just found a trillion dollars in my back pocket

You should be watching
Russia Today.
They are the only news service world wide who are supporting Trump.
Trump, Putin’s sock puppet

WHo the fuck are “they”?

Where did they putt the 2.3 million dead?

How can “they” maintain a scam over 195 countries, with billions spent on vaccines and PPE, and all the rest of it?

Because the world is filled with gullible idiots like you who suck down the propaganda kool aid.

Don’t forget your tin hat, to cover your dick head

At least I have a dick, dickless.

DO you keep that under your tin hat too??

Why do you shill for CCP so hard?

Oh wait, I already know that you know naught why you do what you do.

New Zealand, Japan, Australia, China, have hit the virus hard and have been rewarded with a lower knock to their economies that the US and the UK.
UK and US have been too scared to lockdown properly for fear of harming the economy. The result is that we have the worst of both worlds; the worst hit to the economy AND the highest death and infection rates.

I don’t give a shit about China.
Your brain seems to want to think in black and white ways. Eveyone is either pro-Trump or a communist. You’re a pretty stupid cunt all in all.