
If there is one thing James didn’t have - it’s cognitive dissonance (incoherence).

James fucked people. You’re wrong. James was still in the game.

You know how I know this?

Because he never taught what I taught.

Two biggest problems in all existence are these:

1.) pleasurable exclusive access problem

2.) negative zero sum problem

He didn’t teach any of it… because he was ignorant.

Wendy, Ill send you the reply I made here in PM and delete it from here.


I’ll tell you my whole ‘religion’

This is a hard earned lesson. Make as many friends in spirit as you can. Some people don’t want friends… probably won’t work out too well for them.

Karma is almost intangible … it’s how much people do or don’t like or respect you.

With massive support, you have amazing karma.

With almost no support, your life will be shit.

I hope people can embrace this hard earned lesson.

The intent of My being is to be a physically and mentally better-X-constantly-improving Self, at the dawn of each new day… daily optimisation of Self.

I aspire to be… inspiring and inspired, without any expectations expected… from either party.
Best learned lesson… humans and anything processed/unnatural… ergo toxic, do not/should not go together.

Lately, inspiration eludes me, hinged on nuts and bolts in my youth, now it’s big ideas that seldom materialize.

If I may ask: What exactly are you doing when you practice MIJOT?

When I asked James about it, he referred me to this post … k#p2568931 and suggested to keep a „Diary of Joy“.

Does it work for you like that?

For Leyla, Obsrvr, or anybody in the know:Did James explain further about what a diary of joy would entail? Like what qualifies? I ask because some types of joy arise from our lower selves, such as laughing when others fall or at Iambiguous’ jackassery.

Wendy, I like the down-to-earth aspect of your OP but it does not back onto much detail in how there are such things as a higher self and lower self.

What are you talking about? Lower selves?

I am not sure instinct drives you to laugh at others and I am not sure your unconscious self does that either. Are you talking in terms of a despicable self or something?

Whatever the case is, joy is much more than just constant laughter. I would say that laughter acts just as any other malfunction does but that is a complex subject. Before anyone says it, malfunction: a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner. I am glad I am not constantly laughing - you know - when driving, walking, and eating along with others - drinking. Things would get messed up very quickly through this type of functioning - if this was a perpetual state. Aspiration is more like the direction that the positive aspects of your nature are geared toward like optimism and hope - based around goals. Intent is no different from intention or purpose - these are things you decide on in terms of short-term and long-term goals. This is just about the inner conflict that we all can never escape - and why would anyone ever truly want to escape this, one would become a fool.

Being positive all the time sounds good but in practice is nonsense - this type of thinking comes from separating one’s self from nature - and strange as it sounds - forgetting that you were once a child. Children have no problem making meaning for themselves - adults often become chronically imbalanced - yes, all adults. Nature forced us to do real things, not the nonsense we have invented for ourselves. We invented the idea of stressing out over a mortgage or car payment - I am sure you can use your imagination to further this general concept. The idea is just to align in a positive way in a more general sense and be ready for the unexpected - hope is just a drop in substitute for when the world disables your optimism and you can lose hope too in a shitty world - no one has the right to take away your hope.

In terms of selves, it would appear children don’t really have a despicable self, they just lack wisdom is all…

…and because I like to get real about life I wrote this > The final reality(a form of mind) is completely artificial(simulated). This is the man-made reality…and before you even get to that point there is a point before this evolution, and as such: This artificial reality is perverse - is unnatural. We evolve many times in our lifetime - there are many things that we would have preferred not to do when viewed with hindsight…

…you can not avoid that which forces you - manmade or natural. Realigning to your real self as opposed to this fantasy we have all created is one of the reality checks we have available if we so choose to use it. So as you put it in your OP - just try and avoid that lower self - these are just simple decisions - not difficult at all. Actually not all of how you stated the lower self is a bad thing. I have adjusted my words here to fit how I perceive the states in this communicative situation to be - a more pure self is a different issue - these are the crude basics - kinda sad come to think of it when reflecting on the world.

Zookers - someone else noticed James’ work. :astonished:

I’m a little occupied at the moment so let me respond to this a little at a time -

When I first ran across James’ MIJOT - I was in very much an analytical mind. It didn’t strike me as anything inspiring. I just wanted to know if it was analytically coherent with his AO:Physics - explanations of God and spirit - things like that. And that took some thought.

The idea of it is based on two fundamental concepts. The first part I woke up to was his -

“That which remains in harmony can never perish.”
When he first made that statement he got a lot of flack - by people who rarely think. But it didn’t take much to see that what he said is definitively true. All you have to understand is the definitions of the words and the whole thing became obviously true - I think they call that “tautological”. That was the easy one. The other essential statement was -

“Joy is the inner perception of progress.”
That one wasn’t so easy to confirm - and actually appeared wrong. At that time I had no idea of his Physics of Psychology bit. I don’t think he had even made that thread - actually he wasn’t even on this board. It was on some Buddhist board. So I had to try a little harder with that one. I’ll explain that bit a little later. :smiley:

James had it all together. I am curious though, why was the idea of: “Joy is the inner perception of progress.” - what made this hard for you to confirm?

The first stumble to get through was the use of the word “Joy”. Most people use many different words to express different levels and nuances of feeling good. A reductionist will always minimize the words to simplify the essential concept. James chose the word “joy” as a scale (from 1-100) to express all of those nuances and variations of feeling good - from mild comfort (1) to mindlessly ecstatic (100). Ok - but what does that have to do with “progress”.

James defined “joy” as the inner perception of progress but also as the sense of realizing a hope.

Again I had to look at his particular intention for that word - “progress”. Again for most people the word “progress” implies that there is a conscious goal being sought and “progress” is advancement toward that goal. But joy is often recognized even when there is no conscious goal in mind. So how was James using the word? That part gets a little harder to piece together. If it is merely a nice pretty day - calm - kids playing down the street - no worries - no thoughts of the evils of the world - it can be felt as a lightly joyous day - so how is that related to progress (assuming you had not been striving for that kind of day as a goal)?

Notice that he said “perception of inner progress”.

I was aware that there is an inner mind (“subconscious” “instinctual” “unconscious” - whatever it’s to be called) and a conscious - outer mind. And the two are linked in such a way that the inner knows more about the outer than the outer knows about the inner - so even conscious goals are perceived by the inner mind. But does the inner mind have “goals” to perceive progress toward? It seems so.

The function of the inner mind is to keep the body alive with inner mechanisms - blood flow - hormone levels - digestion mechanisms - pain relief - and so on. And that is an ongoing - never ending process - the goal of which is to maintain the healthy state. And further there are the alerts that have to be given to the conscious mind - hunger - discomfort - stress - and so on. So for example stress relief is always sought if not already completely resolved (how often does that happen these days). So the inner mind ALWAYS has goals and the “perception of progress” toward those goals is what the inner mind always seeks - balancing the imbalance.

So ok - considering the definitions provided and the rationale of maintaining a body - it makes sense that an inner perception of progress would relate to a positive urging - but is that actually related to feeling good or joy?

James already had defined the perception of hope and threat - PHT - as being what it is that guides all conscious beings (those capable of perception) and the sensation known as joy is the signal from the inner mind to the conscious that something good (something of hope) is being accomplished - perhaps you just got a notice in the mail that you won the lottery.

As I was trying to find exact references for all of this I ran across James’ post below (which I didn’t have at the time) which might explain it better -

So that is why it took me a while. :smiley:

And I also saw that another way to put it would be -

The ultimate goal of all people is to achieve eternal joy
And that directly relates to the ultimate goal of all Christians - “Heaven” - eternal joy.

So my mind was all wrapped up into just those concepts - still not feeling any inspiration from MIJOT. It was just an analytical exercise that led to some interesting thoughts.

That is until I got online (for the first time - no longer an observer - for years) and ran across Magnus Anderson who questioned a proposed dichotomy between survival and joy.

That is when it got far more interesting to me (still nothing to do with a diary) -


OK, I get the basic gist of what you are saying.

I understand the way James put it well - I was just curious how it translated in your mind.

It is good that you are getting something out of all this man.


James did not specifically explain to me what he means by joy, but Obsrvr has now clarified that in more detail. In a PM to me James wrote:


thank you for your responses. I am looking forward to read more about your approach to MIJOT …

I started doing this like ten years ago and all I’ve got so far is a small pamphlet.

Really a brilliant and effective thing to do, tho. I tell ya that James S. Saint was sumthin special.

Is it my higher self who is always trying to fix people or is it my lower self being comfortable amongst lower type situations? Am I truly being noble and selfless by fixing others who always fight against improving themselves or is this my avoidance of the harder job of working on myself? Is it possible to do both at the same time? I don’t know but I am trying to find out.

I am trying to pause before I react, trying to re-evalute my perspective against the many possible perspectives that exist, trying to be more high minded, more comprehensive. I have had some success.

I think that is just brilliant. I’ll explain why later.

Sorry I haven’t had more time recently to focus on this discussion - wife, work, wealth, and heath.

Mr Anderson brought up a possible contention with MIJOT thinking that it might have to face the dichotomy of survival vs joy. So I conveyed my understanding that MIJOT wasn’t about that dichotomy. I used the analogy of a path to survival being Northward and a path to joy being Westward and MIJOT was precisely aimed at neither - instead MIJOT aimed exactly Northwest. So if you went straight North or straight West you were on the wrong path and not getting to the destination - Northwest - maximum joy AND survival simultaneously.

That seemed to do the trick (I assume) and the discussion ended there. It wasn’t until the next day that something occurred to me -

“What I just explained to Mr Anderson was precisely correct and true to life - so shouldn’t I be applying it in my life? Isn’t what I explained MY actual goal as well? - It has to be.”
And click - instantly the lights came on!

I refocused on my surroundings and realized that I should be trying to feel good about all of this - and instantly I did feel better about it - a very clear relative delight - without any cause other than me just deciding that I should be trying to feel delight when possible - why not. I felt stress go away when I didn’t even know it was there. It was amazingly so simple.

I held that general demeanor for a while before I got distracted into common business then had to remind myself - and again - an instant sensation of relief. I realized that it had become habit to generate stress automatically - for no fruitful reason. So I decided to change and make it a habit to do the opposite - relieve stress for fruitful reason. And that took practice of reminding myself to simply let it go. How many doctors have told us that stress leads to all kinds of life shortening health problems (at least 9 of 10)? And wasn’t Jesus teaching this very same thing - only without the explanation of how or why?

And finally - this is where the diary issue comes in.

I didn’t even know about the Joy Diary - :laughing:

But I can see why he proposed that and how it would work.

I was having to remind myself after my focus drifted back to old habits for long enough for me to notice. And that took me having to reawaken to the intention after getting lost from it. And that is a sketchy way to go about it. A person forgets themselves while he focuses on his activities - and later - sometimes much later - suddenly realizes that he forgot his actual goal - lost sight of the forest due to the trees.

I think that Joy Diary prevents that loss of bearings. If there is an independent device to remind you of your actual goal - you are less dependent on having to accidentally wake up to it again. And the more regularly to stay focused on anything - the more of a habit of mind that thing becomes - common sense.

And I think it is actually even more than that.

Something like a dairy and especially an actual graph provides what I would call “cognitive feedback” - something cognitively generated that visually penetrates back to the inner mind when seen - correlations become more real.

How often do you see charts, graphs, and diagrams being presented to Parliament/Congress or boards of directors? - quite often - because those people to an organization are like that inner mind - all wrapped up in their worries but short on correlation information related to their actual goals. That is how nations get self-defeating administrators to commit national suicide as they focus entirely on their personal issues. And that is very probably the same cause of personal suicides - too much futile focus on worries that lower intelligence and create clouds in the mind until even death seems a worthy goal - gaslighted to death by internal vampire like urges (equivalent to socialist urges in nations - nationally suicidal).

Diaries, charts, graphs, and diagrams offer a visual focus on the correlation between relevant activities - what was happening when I started feeling good or bad - what should I avoid or migrate toward? If the inner goal of a mind is to guide itself and the conscious toward the good - obviously the more it can correlate with that good - the more accurately it can make those decisions. Isn’t that the whole purpose of having a brain?

I have no doubt at all that MIJOT would prevent suicide (especially national suicide) - but due to the stress relief - it might even cure cancer (and socialism). :smiley:

Personally I didn’t use a dairy but if I had known about it - I certainly would have - and I might even start - maybe even charting my wife - :laughing:

Actually I think Wendy’s thread topic here is extremely important to everyone. People need to be reminded of their actual intent and purpose in what they do so as to not get lost in the clouds that political people create.

I agree. But “brain” only? Nah, there’s more to consciousness than only the body we perceive easily, but that can be taken up in the brain vs mind thread.

:laughing: I have avoided that thread - by intent. :smiley:

I think (am very certain of) the dichotomy of “brain vs mind” is merely a confusion. And like quantum physics - creates all kinds of magical and mystical beliefs (which are not necessarily bad).

James once explained long ago that a prophet is not merely someone who speaks of truth - but someone who says what has need to be said - and that implies not saying was hasn’t need to be said.

I have come to believe that if they could have voted James in as the US President - there * would be at least - at least - 3.5 million people still alive today

  • 100,000 small businesses in the US and across the West would still be offering jobs
  • There would be no human smuggling in the US - and far less elsewhere
  • Crime throughout the world would be far lass - especially in the US
  • Google, Facebook, and Twitter would not be manipulating people’s beliefs
  • The economies of all of the West would at very least be as good as it was before COVID - probably better
  • India, Australia, Africa, and Taiwan would not be being threatened by China.
  • The EU would not be threatened by Russia
  • Israel would not be threatened by Iran
  • And the US would not be threatened by all of them.

And all without a Twitter account. :smiley:

James knew what was essential in life - war, poverty, mental and physical ill-health, and crime not being among them.

Wendy said ,

agree. But “brain” only? Nah, there’s more to “consciousness than only the body we perceive easily, but that can be taken up in the brain vs mind thread.”

Actually, that may be found there, but there may evolve a hidden variable between the brain and the mind, since the scholastics introduced it and that may very well be the soul or the Holy Spirit.

I was compelled to comment .