A challenge to Æon


Witnessing philosophers flirt, is akin to witnessing confused musings of their feelings… so appearing, to me, to be a non-seduction.

It’s when they pretend to be indifferent and mock using emoticons and lol…
I’ve seen it so many times it’s boring.

Come on MagsJ, you haven’t been paying attention. I’ve made it clear that those days are over for me here. I don’t call him Mr. Chickenshit anymore because even if he invited back into the agora, I wouldn’t waste my time there. What, waiting for him to ban me again?

He comes here shrieking and howling, ranting and raving, huffing and puffing, yapping and snarling like the spitting, sputtering buffoon that he allows himself to be reduced down to. Those ridiculous 30 days a year.

I challenge you to name even one of the challenging minds that once reigned here 10 years ago who would take him seriously. He was banned for posting precisely the same sort of “arrogant, autocratic, authoritarian” ad hom declamations that he posts still today.


On the other hand, why do you, uh, defend him? Weren’t you his Brown Cow back when? You’re black and we know how he feels about race. You’re a woman and we know how he feels about gender.

You’re not gay too are you?!!!

I figure it’s because politically you both share the same anti-government, anti-liberal, anti-“globalist” dogmas. You in sync with your “intrinsic self”, him in-sync with the human genome itself!

Undermiuning.,…subverting…all she does is destroy confidence…to create the ideal circumstances for surrender to her nonsense.

Peace on earth = death…
She “matured” from Abrahamism, to Marxism and now to Postmodernism…so she’s treading shit and remaining still - trapped - …but she feels like she’s progressing.
It’s subjective.
If she feels like she’s advanced, it must be so.

If you expose her…you are a Nazi…or an authoritarian if you do not humour her idiocy.
Intolerant of the mentally disabled.

In her ideal world stupidity and genius are not different.


No, seriously.

I mean…come on.



The only thing more excruciating than the yapping, snarling buffoons here being “philosophical” is when the yapping, snarling buffoons here also try to be “clever”.


Look at that I’ve done to her…

Is it my fault or has it been determined?

To witless!!!


Look…she baited me again.
This cunt is so good.
She got me good…thumped me.

That’s philosophy for ya.

Okay, fine, have it your way: absolutely, shamelessly witless. :laughing:

she got me …again.
She can’t stop winning.

This cunt is beyond my powers.

Yo, Æon!


Yo, fish…bump.
Your up!

Shhh. I’m eating breakfast, then I get ready for “to school”. lol jk :wink: But srsly. Srsly jk.

P.s. My up, or *you’re?

That’s what she said.

You’re up.

Tag team.

What does “dead” or “alive” mean with reference to philosophy?

I’ve never seen philosophers flirt before. That sounds horrible.