Becoming Communist

watching you and the little meanie beanie idiot phone try to show how mature and pragmatic you are is hilarious…how can you say ideologies and politics are unimportant given what happened during the 20th century??? ph0ne is not a spider DUDE…a spider does many beneficial things…she is a tick…bites to suckle all for herself, and you parrot her like a lost pretentious man-child that you are. i will keep my head down…she can do JUJITSU…i am sure she terrorises all men she comes across in her life…HAHA MAN HOW PEOPLE REPEAT…ITS UNCANNY!!!


correct me if i am wrong but from over-here it looks like you and the Brazilian twit are fully consciously preying on the majority of the semi or fully insane goons here and are trying to pose yourself as some kind of smart-ass prodigies and are using the easy prey to boost your self-esteem and lonely lives stripped off love and appreciation from people around you since you two are insufferable and selfish cunts and nobody normal would be able to stick around you two in real life relationships for long.

yes u r definitely wrong.

desideranteses meliorem patriam

this is america bruh speak english

Don’t forget mexican

mexican is fine

you can always run…to Canada…New Zealand,Australia… there is always a place for a spinelss Western coward to lay down and call white black. might get a little tight after China drops America off a cliff…we will see.

im not one of these people whose quality of life is dependent on political climates. are a liar and a pretentious jag-off who comes to an internet forum to play a bad boy and brag that he is wealthy…want a medal???
2. your statement is simply false, American politics impacts everybody…even the people outside America and my statement did not refer to politics as you imply them here, dumb twit, so i am not gonna defend an argument i did not even make.
what you are saying…is you are a materialistic twit who is supposedly wealthy enough to fuck over his country men and live a materialistically comfortable life like a selfish cunt who is stripped of any higher culture, duty, religion or anything else…wow!!! you want a medal for it, dumb cunt Yank??? in America, its called middle-class… ever heard of a word like that???middle-class??? wealthy and skilled enough to profit from a suicidal influx of cheap labour, outsourcing of whole sectors of economy and so on…able to live away from the Mexican and the ‘negro’ and the collapsing inner cities and its working classes…FUCKING HEY!!!

tell me, ph0nes lesbian butcher girlfriend…, what was the dollar worth back in 1990s???and what is it worth now???you use bitcoin???or gold???or you trade with whey???
what happened???
whos george bush
what does 9/11 mean???

i dont think about all that stuff i just keep adapting and doing what i want. so far so good. you gotta adapt bruh. the world changes all the time. you can’t just live a tumultuous life because of it. that would suck.

i have to disagree with the “collapse of inner cities” bit i mean i’m just not seeing that.

K: the Inner cities collapsing is a familiar refrain from the right…
IQ45 used it all the time to paint a wrong picture of the cities
which is dominated by the left/democrats
and it ain’t true…in fact, before Covid anyway, the cities were
doing pretty well… now, all bets are off for all the cities and states…
the collapse economy hasn’t done anyone any favors, well outside of
billionaires who wealth went through the roof over the last year, like Bezo’s
and Gates and other billionaires…


dude everywhere i go there are new bars and restaurants and coffee shops and yoga and barre places, nice parks, zyp bikeshare stands, people out on the sidewalks, music, you name it. i just don’t see this whole collapse thing at all. if anything they are just getting better and better.

cretins…should i teach Yanks English? collapse is relative…it implies a sudden and rapid drop in something…compare working class neighbourhoods between now and 1960…a collapse…
Verstehsts du esel???

i was born in 1979 so i dont really know what working class neighborhoods were like in the 60s.

If you had a residue of self respect youd defend yourself and your opinions clown…you are like the cunt satyr in that sense…always open for a debate but only with people you know are much dumber and much less same than you and with people you already know you perfectly agree with…fuck off

my view doesn’t require a defense. its not even really my view. its just a statement about reality that anyone who looks around should be able to verify.