Certificate of Vaccine IDentification, COVID

oh, look we have real problems and the only solutions offered
up by the local conservatives is more conspiracy theories…
wow, who knew?


Oh Peter, you so fu’ny, tee hee hee. :icon-rolleyes:


Did he actually go to school once?

He is still on the preschool level.

I don’t mind Peter per se, but his lack of contemplation on near-all things is odd… all combative, no questioning or discussing anything.

Strange guy… yes, maybe not educated enough to discern and judge and be more amiable.

As I get older and my youthful energies wane and fade away into Lethargy, I understand the political Establishment’s obsession with the Youth. They are the future, so contorting and controlling them (via Journalism/Media/Pop Culture) is Paramount to the longevity of political parties. Youth holds monopoly on Ambition and Willpower. Most adults have already ‘sold-out’ to institutions and the political establishment, especially when people commit to raising children. Assets and obligations of the populace are Anchors, by which States use to keep the masses chained-down and locked-up. So the Sloganeering “Never Again!” is a simple ruse, a simple propaganda of misdirection which most of the Youth are duped by.

As stated, the 85-100 year cycle of history creates a Forgetfulness/Lethe, which then causes the mistakes of the Past to occur again and again. Ignorance combined with Youthful zeal, is the danger of radicalization, which spills over into Religious zealotry.

If reports of these Eugenicists are remotely true, then the damage caused will not be hidden long, and hopefully, enough Distrust can be wrought to cause backlash from the Youth they mean to inject without consent. As Western Civilization rapidly goes broke (Accelerated Inflation combined with Exponential Debt), Propaganda becomes ineffective. No amount of Delusion can distract the masses away from empty stomachs and starvation. Those with greater memories and ability to research History, will see the steep decline of Standard of Living in the West, and how rapidly the quality of goods has disintegrated from 1999.

There is hope in the fact that people are waking-up to the previously accused “conspiracy theories” of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, The Great Reset, and see Reality for what it is rather than what they present it as.

The following text is about probabilities. (Please keep this in mind.)

Let us take two guys and call one “S.”, because he is sixty or seventy years old, and the other “T.”, because he is twenty or thirty years old.

It is very likely that T. makes the shaping of the future more dependent on politics than on economics, especially finance, and accordingly favors certain political parties; earlier, e.g., in the 19th century and for the most part also in the first half of the 20th century, these tended to be parties that we would today call “right-wing parties”; in the 20th century this is gradually reversed, so that from the second half onward it is more likely to be parties that we are used to calling “left-wing parties”.

In the case of S., however, it is rather the other way around. He rather lets the economy, especially the financial economy, shape the future, so that for him the political parties play almost no role, because they are bought by the money powers. Money cares about parties only when they can be bought, otherwise it doesn’t care about them - they can do what they want: the main thing is that the cash register rings.

With age one becomes wiser, but nevertheless it is also, even if not so often, the case that T. can also already know what S. knows, and S. still does not know what T. already knows. Well, you know: it is the probability that confirms my above statement.

And there is also an argument from the more objective side that proves both S. and T. right. For the facts known to us from history also confirm that in certain times politics dominates money and in other, again certain times money dominates politics.

But what is really the case today?

I say that we are currently witnessing how money, having already dominated politics for a relatively long time, is now in its last gasps. That is why it is fighting back, at all levels, in all areas, because it has bought them all. That is why politics now has the opportunity to dominate money again - as it did before - for a long time.

Even then, if no suitable person should be found in politics for this, money would have to give up its dominance. The money people would then have to transform themselves into politicians. However it will come: money as a dominant power is about to come to an end.

Since the 1960s, however, there has been a problem that never existed before in history: the digitality of data. This is truly a novelty in history. Or have archaeologists or historians of prehistory found ancient computers that were networked together? No!

So S. is right about the current situation with the money dying off, and T., however, is right about all times before and after the rule of the money. The question is only whether S. and T. know these historical facts, their statements thus this connection contain or not - if not, then merely S. would be right, but only concerning the history of the last approximately 2 centuries as well as the present and some years of the future.

If higher living beings are “in a tight corner”, they lash out more and more. Staged “assaults”, “wars (also world wars)”, “crashs”, “mass migrations”, “total crashs”, “Covid-19” and many other signs show that the current rulers of this planet - the globalists - are “in a tight corner”. This signs are no signs of strength and also no signs of harmlessness, they are signs of weakness and also signs of danger.

We are currently in the historical phase where “weak men create hard times”, but already not far from the next historical phase where “hard times create strong men”.

Historical Cycle:

(1) Hard times create strong men (2).
(2) Strong men create good times (3).
(3) Good times create weak men (4).
(4) Weak men create hard times (1).

Climatical Cycle and Historical Cycle:

(1) Winter as hard times creates spring with strong men (2).
(2) Spring with strong men creates summer as good times (3).
(3) Summer as good times creates autumn with weak men (4).
(4) Autumn with weak men creates winter as hard times (1).

We are still in “autumn”, but already not far away from “winter”.

Hard times create an opportunity for a totalitarian dictator like Putin to come and “save” us all.

Putin is too weak to save us.

Russia no longer has any choice but to submit to China.

Submit to what… economic dominance, or something else?

Ultimately, Russia must and will submit to China both militarily (in modern terms, politically) and economically. Actually, it has already done so. What else should it do? The West does not want it, and since Western and Central Europe also belong to the West, I can only say that it is a huge mistake to leave Russia to the Chinese and to give up doing business with Russia.

…and yet they are.

Eastern-Europeans have distant East-Asian admixture in their genealogy… as well as there being East-Asian European settlements, so a natural partner for China to pair with…?

That point also coincides with the Cycles of history. Because as more and more wealth become concentrated into the older and mature populations, the young populations have no (economic) recourse except to acquire power through politics instead. This results in the seesaw, back-and-forth effect of social power influence from generation to generation.

If one generation cannot gain power economically then it will do so politically, and vice-versa, if not politically then economically.

Don’t the wealthy arrange to payoff or extort the young to be their politicians - then in time - politicians ensure the wealth of their donors?

Pfizer “donates” (“lobbies”) US congressmen who then mandate vaccines.

The control of wealth is the control of influence (“policy”).

Once the taxpayer pays, that money then gets locked into a feedback cycle among the Elitists. A trillion dollars is dumped into the military and “infrastructure”, while the roads continue to decay and transexuals teach children about homosexuality. Then, while the peons are fighting each-other over race and “trans rights”, the US military-industrial complex pays for services among their contractors, who are friends with backdoor deals, who pay their friends, who pay their friends, who pay their friends, and the political parties slough off the rest of the money into their own pockets, to further increase their overall power.

For example, US taxpayers paid for DARPA, who funded the Wuhan Laboratory and Bioweapon research, who are co-owners of the Pharmaceutical Industry, who are buddies through Eugenicist circles, leading to Bill Gates, who owns Microsoft, Microsoft which spies on all US computerization and technology along with the CIA, after the Wuhan Lab Leak the “Vaccines” were already ready-to-go because they were backlogged for use in advance … then MORE MONEY was allocated to the “Covid Pandemic”, that money went to Big Pharma and Mainstream Media, then more money was paid to MSM from Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Biontech, so that no bad press was heard regarding the vaccines OR the source of the Covid-19 Wuhan Laboratory Leak.

Then the Lobbyists received their kick-backs.

As soon as Efficacy was obviously false, and massive side-effects started becoming commonplace and undeniable, MSM merely shifted conversation onto the Ukraine War, so now all those experiencing “Vaccine-induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrom” (VAIDS) are silenced.

It’s evil, but now the evil is Known and Obvious.

– tip of the iceberg.


Any Virologists in the chat??!

I had three shots during the pandemic.

1 and 2 were Astra/Zeneca which were supplied to the UK government “at cost”, around £1 a go. I had the mildest of symptoms.
Number 3 was the booster shot in December supplied to the UK government at a cost of £20, by Pfizer. The side effects took me out of the game for 6 weeks and I still have some medical issues I think are related to that jab.

Since I have a heart condition, asthma, and what you might call a “weak lungs” and was, at the time still overweight, I still think that taking the vaccinations were the right choice.

I hear a lot about Pfizer side effects. Maybe changing the fee was a bolster to fend off all the law suits they are going to face.
Fuck American capitalism.

This is racist bullshit. It’s not even wrong.