Coronavirus Hoax

You have to congratulate India for their part in this amazing hoax.
They are lighting up the night sky with the funeral pyres of the dead that can be seen from Mars.

It’s an amazing hoax with so many countries doing their bit to deceive the rest of the world.
Hungary has recently come from nowhere to have the highest death rate on earth - even worse than New York with nearly 3000/ million population.
That is dedication.

Jesus. So many total morons , so little time.

How do you think billionaires get away with paying next to no taxes, moron?
Why do you think the vast majority of welfare is corporate?
Why do the 1% get richer, the 9% break even and the 90% poorer year after year, decade after decade?
The system is broken, we are ruled by a cabal of wealthy, powerful sociopaths.
They got academia, media and the politicians in their back pockets.
Only the majority of the heads of the relevant institutions may be in the know, the rest are just following orders.
1000s of doctors and scientists have jeopardized their careers by coming out against the official narrative, you just don’t hear about them in the MSM, because we’re not getting an impartial view.
If you think corruption is confined to economics, you got another thing coming, everything is some shade of corrupt, the military, the police, and medicine, the pharmaceutical industry.
The tobacco industry was able to manipulate science for decades into duping morons like you into believing smoking was benign, even beneficial.
Socioeconomically big business, government, media and pharma have all immensely profited off this often at the people’s financial and psychological expense.

How does the mafia get away with what it does?
Because organized crime is a trillion dollar industry.
They buy police, politicians and go to war with the ones who can’t be bought.
You know the military is in Afghanistan to grow the opium, right?
You don’t still believe they went in there cause WMDs, ties with Al Qaeda and so on, FFS it’s 2021, morons like you just keep believing in this shit.
Everything is some shade of corrupt, from top to bottom, but of course especially the top, because they can buy just about anyone who opposes them.

Big business and gov conspire to exploit the people as a way of life.
If you think academia and big pharma couldn’t or wouldn’t dare, you’re out to lunch.
And never have the fortune 500 and all the nations of the world been more integrated into one than now, in many ways more like different branches of the same tree, yet some like Sweden, Belarus and perhaps India still reject aspects of the official narrative.
So many nations dependent on the fortune 500 and world government economically, politically and militarily.
Something like 20 individuals, I forgot the exact figure now, own as much wealth as the entire bottom half of humanity, 4 billion people.
Never has so much wealth and power been concentrated into so few hands, it’s totally unprecedented.
And notice how many if not all of these entities act in unison on controversial (at least from the pleb’s POV) political matters, they all come out to virtue signal on cue from big gov and the MSM.
Those in favor of continued mass globalization political and economic make conspiracies of this magnitude all the more possible.

As I sit here and listen to fauci’s update I can temporarily pretend all this is conspiracy at some level, and I can make that make sense for a moment. So I understand all the suspicion.

But on some real shit, I didn’t experience the alternative to this communist take-over much differently. Which is to say it got no worse for me, personally, when they dropped the Kung Flu on us (hey it is what it is, bro), put us all in masks, spread us apart, and shut everything down. But my story is anecdotal so it hardly counts.

I like gloom’s grassroots critique of both the left and right and I can feel that the revolutionary force is strong in him. Or I should say, strong in him is the revolutionary force, hmmm?’

But I hope not to be identified with fauci and the fascists if in fact they end up being conspirators who have merely stolen or borrowed ideas from Marx like plundering soldiers.

i think it’s kinda weird that it makes some people mad when other people want to show that they are doing good

People have been hating Christians for centuries. When did that become “weird”?


‘We went in there cause terrorism and WMDs (‘conservative’), but we stayed for over 20 years to promote feminism and LGBT rights (‘liberal’)’. :laughing:
I mean how daft do you have to be? #-o
The reason why governments can get away with committing massive conspiracies is because it’s not just a few bad apples, the vast majority of them, particularly the ones in the upper echelons, are some combination of Machiavellian, narcissistic and sociopathic (the dark triad of personality traits) or too apathetic and cowardly to oppose the ones who are, and they have ways, from bribery and blackmail to (character) assassination, of ensuring by and large only people like themselves rise to the top.
Governments often function more like mafia.
There’s only a few good apples up there fighting an uphill battle.

‘Power corrupts, absolute power absolutely’, or great wealth and power allows people to live more authentically.
Most people most of the time mostly care about themselves and their families.
We evolved in societies comprising dozens or hundreds of people, but today we live in societies comprising millions.
It’s unnatural.
On the outside we’re usually social, but on the inside often we’re not, we’re selfish, and tribal.
And the larger the society, the more checks and balances it requires to hold it together, all of which can and will be sooner or later circumvented.
And the most psychopathic among us are often the most drawn to positions of great wealth and power.

Ultimately constitutions all by themselves are just pieces of paper, to the degree citizens fail to hold their representatives’ feet to the fire they will be trampled on.
We have let the elite establishment off the hook for far too long.
It’s long overdue to be hypercritical of academia, big government and MSM, both ‘left’ and ‘right’ alike.
To not comply with laws we don’t believe in.
To form mobs and visit the elite establishment’s homes.
To support 3rd parties and independents.

Playing ‘lesser of two evil politics’ at best only delays our decent into evil, and at worst accelerates it, it can’t reverse course.
Playing it is what got us to this point, where for the last several decades on the whole the bottom 90% got significantly poorer, the middle 9% broke even and only the top 1% got richer largely at the former’s expense.
Where many of our rights, both negative and positive alike, have been exchanged for mere privileges.

We’re probably at the outset of another political realignment, these things happen every generation or several generations, where 3rd parties rise to challenge the duopoly, either replacing them or forcing them to make massive changes if they want to retain power.
Arguably we haven’t had a major realignment since the great depression, often it takes a series of crises to wake the masses from their deep slumber, and never have we been more complaisant.
The establishment never let’s a crisis go to waste, and neither should we.
Let’s use this one to finally hoist them out of there rather than allow them to become more deeply entrenched.

That appears to be the truth concerning all of the governments and why constitutions are needed - and the US Constitution is unique.

Does - Has - Is - Will.

Doesn’t that imply that we have to come up with a non-evil plan?

Meanwhile millions of civilians are dead, thousands upon thousands of troops are dead and wounded, many of our rights and freedoms we may never get back are gone, trillions of dollars have been spent, and West Asia is far worse off than it was before, yet they want us to believe we’re still there to promote feminism and LGBT rights?
I mean get fucking real.
Meanwhile the people most responsible for leading us into these debacles are doing just fine, richer and more powerful than ever, the banksters, the bureaucrats, big oil and opium, the deep state and military industrial complex.
We’re they’re to promote death, destruction and install puppet states beholden to the elite, that’s all we’ve ever done there, that’s all we’re ever going to do there, that’s why we prop up Islamist dictatorships on the Arabian peninsula, because they’re in cahoots with us, while simultaneously toppling far more moderate regimes.

A lot of people get this now, that big gov and business conspire with one another to invade countries and rig the economy for power and profit.
But somehow they can’t imagine big gov and pharma conspiring to expand themselves at the expense of our health, particularly our fertility, in the midst of multiple supposed climatic, ecological, environmental and overpopulation crises.
When China wants to reduce its population, it just orders them to have less children at gunpoint, but what’re our governments going to do, whether they’re really worried about the climate and so on, or they just don’t need 50, 75 or whatever % of us and they want to get us down to more manageable levels?

The playbook is basically the same every time, create, or wait for a crisis to come along, blow it out of all proportion if need be, use it as a pretext to incrementally and massively expand big gov and business, ignore or attack real solutions that empower individuals and communities, grassroots problem solving and organization (‘naw just trust the experts, that’s all democracy consists of, they’ve never let us down before’), keep moving the goalposts and denounce any and all criticism of your policies as preposterous, even tho we have countless historical examples of big gov and businesses conspiring against their populations on record.

Political and economic corruption is systemic, it’s not confined solely to one half of government (‘derrr the right half, no the left half’) or a single, couple or few sectors of the economy, it’s everywhere, all pervasive.
Everything is some degree of corrupt, and the higher you climb, the more it tends to be, but that’s how the schizophrenic divide and rule game is played ‘it’s just those conservative guys over there, no just those libs’.

Same old game (“eternal Hell”) -
separate the bottom from the top,
the left from the right,
the light from the dark, and
blame each for the sins of the other
- until they beg you to take charge.

I’m a populist.
Unlike libertarians, I’m not opposed to any and all collectivism, but I am collectivism hesitant.
For me, the people, as individuals and a democracy, come first, not left or rightwing ideologues, not ‘experts’ or even experts.
If they suspend parts of our constitution and law, they better have a damn good explanation for why it’s absolutely necessary.
That they tell us to just trust the experts, that they just dismiss and censor any and all criticism, that they don’t include the public in the decision making process, tells me all I need to know about them right off the bat.
Our ‘representatives’ are tyrants.
A lot of people aren’t libertarians or populists like me, for them, their party is sovereign, or a personality, an ideology, religion or the ‘experts’.
Liberty and democracy wither and die to the degree the people don’t consider themselves sovereign.

All that crap is solved if you create a true democratic government body of the people themselves. Plato’s problem was to figure out a way to prevent rulers from lobbying themselves to create policy in their own interests. These guardians, he proposed, would have to exist so independently of the body they governed, that they’d be able to rule with disinterest (for an interested party might be compelled to lie or deceive).

Now to this day that problem has not been solved and it’s only gotten worse. Reason being, there is not yet, nor has there ever been, a truly horizontal democratic government. In every first second and third would country on erf you have some kind of government that is interested first in securing the wealth and power of the economic elite, and only second in the well-being and security of the majority.

It really is that simple. Everyone would love to indulge conservative philosophy with all kinds of deep, profound and meaningful content… when all it is is what resulted from the magnificent conflicts between two opposing classes over the control of property for thousands of years. Conservatism wuz like a conceptual tumor that grew out of circumstances already favoring the rich. Even Descartes cogito - the private, independent self with freewill, deep in its own hidden experiences and isolated existence - contributed to a philosophical world view responsible for further isolating and alienating individuals from each other. Long story but I’m telling you, the countless errors in conservative philosophy are not just accidental. They are systematic products brought into being in environments that had already favored some class or group over another. It can all be traced back to that setting; a property and/or labor dispute.

As long as this structuring of society exists, leaders, rulers and politicians cannot be true guardians of the state.

and you miss the point… democracy died when it was taken over by corporations…

the tyranny you fear isn’t the tyranny of government, that government you so fear
is bought and sold by big multinational corporations… they own the government
and that is who you should fear…the modern government works for big corp…
and so vent and attack those corporations that own the government…

if someone pays a guy to beat you up, who are you gonna to mad at?
the guy who got paid to beat you up or the guy who paid for it?

I say the enemy here and now, is the multinational corporations that own
the governments of the world…

and the second part of this is that corporations love, absolutely love
dictatorships… Hitler doesn’t become dictator without the money/help
of big German corporations… IQ45 tried to become dictator with the help
of large American corporations…dictators become dictators with money
and the money is provided by the big corporations…this has been true of
every single dictatorship of the 20 century… even the communist takeover of
Russia was funded by wealthy individuals who own corporations and by corporations
themselves… no one advertises this because it doesn’t fit into the narrative of
dictators or corporations… and so, it doesn’t make it into history books because
the history books are published by… big corporations…the nasty truth that
everyone tries hard to hide… dictators are made by the wealth and power of


Yup, it’s an old playbook, divide and rule, order ab chao.

Gloom I’m saying shit is already divided and conquered, bruh. The circumstances this country and other last stage capitalist countries are in right now have been fundamentally the same for over a hunerd years. No parties, no wings, no Democrats, are responsible for these conditions because they already existed as the environment in which such things would evolve much later in the already divided society at this fundamental level.

Y’all niggaz is thinking the last eighty years in amnerika have been a leftist takeover, when in fact without the existence of the things u might identify as leftist-at-core (the new deals, social security, medicare 'n caid, etc.), people would have it much worse right now.

That’s a double irony bro I’m just sayin.

Yea there oughta be more direct democracy, but then again, people aren’t even fully taking advantage of the democracy we have, because they keep voting for the duopoly.
They may come around tho, they tend to every few generations.

What do you mean by conservatism?

Do you mean classical liberalism?
Individual liberty?
Private property?
Representative democracy?
Separation of powers?
National sovereignty?
States’ rights?

Or do you mean throne and altar conservatism?

Or Fascism?

The nuclear family?


Retributive justice?

All of the above?

Is technocracy conservatism?

I think Darwinism can also explain many aspects of conservatism.