A Discussion of Moderation

Actually, demons can be pretty cool. It’s just a way I could explain it for someone who doesn’t know much because of how language evolved.

When you really understand it ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ can both fuck shit up.

All this shit is telepathic. And I’m holding the fort down. I’m a force of nature. Not a boss.

Beings from all over existence ask me questions. I answer them. They like me for that.

There is a saying that goes something like “Show, don’t tell”.

“Telling” is fine so as long you’re doing it for the first few times. But since pretty much everyone here knows what you think you are, there is no longer any need for it.

Have some respect for your readers (:

I am told the word “humble” means “having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance”. Since you think you’re creating “a new plan” for everyone – literally everyone in existence – I’d say you consider yourself to be pretty much important, if not the most important person in the world.

Let’s derail this thread with stories about how great you are.


Part of being humble is being realistic, even if others don’t like it. If you are not realistic, you are not humble, you’re a fucking nut.

I know I’m making a new plan for existence. What am I supposed to say to people? That I’m their equal? That’s insanity. Any spirit that gazed upon my life realizes it’s exceptional. Am I going to be an asshole to all of them and say that it’s not extraordinary at all. I’d be insulting them.

I’m a realist. Part of being a realist is excepting respect when it’s due.


Besides the above post, I’m going to refer you to this post as well:

ilovephilosophy.com/viewtop … 2#p2816172

What if you found out that God was the only one besides you?

Note to others:

Maybe we should have God as our moderator.

What do you think about that?


Meanwhile, the subforum “Religion and Spirituality” is more philosophical than the subforum “Philosophy”, and the subforum “SGE” seems to be a terror subforum. That makes one think, doesn’t it?

And why should anyone be interested in convincing someone who insanely believes to be a “progressive”, but is also conservative (because: everyone is conservative). There are no “progressives” - those who call themselves so are exclusively anti-conservatives, although conservatives too, but just dissatisfied with their own situation.

The real Kropotkin (1842-1921), was at least a soldier before he became a “revolutionary”, i.e., an atheist and an anarchist/communist. So he made at least a little change.

According to his own statements, the ILP-Kropotkin was always an atheist and always an anarchist/communist. He never made a change. How boring! How conservative! He is actually so conservative that it is impossible to be more conservative! He has always been left, always, always … How boring and without any change. He has probably experienced as good as nothing and transfers his being conservative, to which he must not stand, to others who know that everybody is conservative anyway and it depends only on the measure of being conservative. It is not possible to convince someone like the ILP Kropotkin, because he is too conservative, hiding this behind a trial of being anti-conservative. He is like the conservative dinosaurs, the reactionary bullheads in the former Soviet Union and today’s China.

Or a question! A good philosopher should be a good questioner.

One could proceed in such a way that opening posts that do not contain arguments or questions are moved to the non-philosophical chat subforum. In case of repetition, a warning or ban will be issued.

Yes, I agree with: good questioner - actually a good question can encourage a fruitful conversation much like a good argument.

I think you have a sense of humor - I think a sense of humor is a good thing. It can help us stay sane.

That is what I think.

To be able to ask means to be able to wait, even for a lifetime.

“For the pensive God hates untimely growth.” - J. C. F. Hölderlin.

Thanks. Thanks to God as well.

A good quote.

On the importance of questions I wrote in another thread:

My vote for moderator is for Phyllo.

Karpel Tunnel and felix dakat concur. :wink:


If I may guess:

Magnus Anderson and Obsvr could be sock-puppets of James S. Saint.

Magnus functions as a provocative questioner and moralizer, Obsvr functions as an admirer and deputy (“on earth”) of James S. Saint (“in heaven”).


But please note that this is not an assertion, but a guess.

I would mod but would have to get on here more, like I used to.

when you find a dude on the internet who talks about meta demons and how they can sometimes be cool you just kinda stand back with your popcorn and watch him wind himself up and go

Uh, no. Not even close.


That was not even close a guess?

I can guarantee you, that was a guess.

You wouldn’t happen to be, after the above two, the third sock puppet, would you? :laughing:

[tab]Just joking … Sorry.[/tab]

Otto, Otto, Otto…whatever shall we do with you?

There is no need to be sorry, I found it rather, hilarious. What purpose would James have for even one sock puppet? There are plenty of puppets already!

Yes, you made a guess. In terms of estimation, however, there is an error in the judgment of the value regarding James having the motivation behind using a sock puppet, to begin with.


I agree too, Kathrina.

One can’t really do much wrong with a question in an opening post. Well, it has to be appropriate to the forum and the subforum where the thread with the question is to be opened, and it has to be serious, understandable and not offensive.