Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Go there.
Click Computer
Navigate to where your image is saved to your computer
Start Upload
Copy/Pasta the message boards link that comes up after

Updated picture.

[tab]2011-07-07 21.47.20-1.jpg[/tab]

That’s a burly beard. You look like a mountain man!

For Jayson: this is I, earlier this year. I admire a man with a solid beard.


I do live on the highest peak of the tallest hill around my area. I could at least be a hill man. :wink:

Nice beard yourself!

I try to picture how people look with their posts. Needless to say, that isn’t the way I pictured you. This is more of what I imagined:

It just shows my imagination really lacks. :slight_smile:
As for how I look, just imagine a red neck looking fellow in a ball cap wearing a pocket T-shirt and Nike shoes. :sunglasses:

SHould quit smoking… :smiley: I smoked for about 5 years up to smoke a pack and a half a day, just realized it was like wlking towards a cliff with your eyes shut, and I quit… Many of the chemicals in ciggarets counter act the absorption and production of vitamin and minerals in the body, and overall lend to a reduction in capacity of full activity, when I quit smoking my activity went way up… anyways… I think ciggarettes couteract B12 and other B vitamins…not sure though, might want to look into what vitamins and minerals it effect, maybe take a supplement at the least, though thats sorta inefficiant…

Yep. They’re bad for your health.
I smoke because I want to smoke.
I can’t smoke forever, but I can enjoy it now for a bit.

Oh, and for added fun to being stupid, I have spontaneous pneumothorax (lung can collaps at any time, due to blisters. Genetic abnormality. Smoking could increase risk, though unverified).
I have a 5% chance of near immediate death everytime my lung collapses. That is the probability estimate of the lung collapsing onto my heart and killing me within 5 minute…10 minutes if I’m really lucky.

I know its hard to believe but here is my picture:


Just kidding…of course…I couldn’t resist… :laughing:

Ab, can you resize that bad boy?

how? i wanted the whole pic but it came up to big and cut off half…do i have to save it out and then upload it smaller to some other website…do I have to have my own website…i have blog but then sometimes it won’t let me link to the pictures whats a good way for uploading images?

I fixed it for you.
I can’t record the computer I’m on since I’m at work, but basically:
You would have:

  • Gone here: … -Bush.jpeg
  • Saved the image to your computer
  • Then gone here:
  • And resized the image until it was manageable (in this case, I did 75% reduction, saved it, then re-uploaded it and reduced that image by 50%)
  • Then save the final image from
  • Then, in your post, at the bottom click on UPLOAD ATTACHMENTS
  • Select your image file and click on ADD THE FILE
  • After this, click on a location in your post that you would like to place the image
  • Then click on PLACE INLINE in the new section at the bottom titled POSTED ATTACHMENTS
  • You will then see something like this:
  • Finally, press SUBMIT to finish your post

That’s how.

Oh, and Lity…
That’s funny! :laughing:

What causes the air to accumulate such as to cause the collapse? it says on Wikipedia air accumulates in front of the lungs. how do blisters causes such? interior blisters?

Blisters form on the outside of the inner wall, wedged between the outer wall.
When a blister grows thinly enough at the right tension, the aggravation of the walls friction upon the intrusion can possibly cause the blister to pop.
When that happens, the air inside of the blister pushes into the fractionally tight space between the walls.
Due to the nature of the lung design and the properties of thermodynamics, this causes the inner sack to stretch away from the outer sack in opposing direction that the blister faces.
It’s not so much a collapse, in this form, as it is a pushing against the inner sack like a pillow in a pillow case.
Once it happens you can either ride it out and let the air dissipate naturaly over time, or you can let the doctors cut open your chest, stick a tube in, and forcefully suck the extra air out.

I chose to learn breathing techniques taught by the tradition of Buddhism, but mixed with the understandings of modern biology, rather than putting even more holes in myself only to accomplish the same results.

What causes the blisters? I imgine it can be said to be a gnetic cause but is it perchance a build up of a certain hormone, or something. Might their be a specific name for thosesort of blisters, that I might study such?

I would agree to think that is more reasonable…

hmm…I wounder if living in alaska helps that…colder climate could increse the density of the air and thus reduce pressure…living at a higher sea level might help too…

lmao so randum XD xx

The last photo of me before I shave sometime tonight or tomorrow:



You won’t look like a Drama/English teacher anymore. You can pull that look off, though, so you may want to reconsider.