The Meaning of Life. Does life make sense?

Can you remember the idiot who taught that nonsense to you?

Obviously not.

Or more likely merely an effrontery to your pride, thus you attempt to “throw stones”.

You are fantasizing, using your experience with yourself as your only guide.
It is called “projecting” (I suspect yet something else “thrown in” that you hadn’t heard).

You are working only with what people have told you (as you accused of me), specially about gravity and the “1+1=2” issues. You are the one “arguing for sake of arguing” (although that is really a misnomer in almost all cases). Those are examples of “projecting” (your sins upon others - the Dorian Grey Syndrome).

I was willing to let it all go far back there with:

Yet you are doing exactly as I predicted: arguing…arguing…arguing with the only negative things you can think of - the accusations and sins in your own life. You are shadow boxing with your own fear/pride.

Best to just let it go.

Random Factor

All sorts of horrible things occur right in front of God, namely the manifest causal reality he created. When people or creatures do horrible things, it isn’t a product of their subjective consciousness, it is already written in their brain. Then you get ‘normal’ people act like they did in Bosnia and Nazi Germany, because their environment/society made them act that way. We are all primed to go off – so to speak, and are products of evolution and causality more generally.

God is the only guilty party – given that we say he is the cause of everything. He cannot be that of course, because one cause causes another cause and not always in linear fashion, but most [imho] his worshippers believe he is the lord of everything and so its [causality] master.

Causal info in the brain can only be marginally changed by the conscious experience, if we could read the brains of criminals we would nearly always [if not indeed in all cases] find the root causes already written.


I’ve been reading the brains of criminals since I joined ILP. :laughing: :sunglasses: No need to literally delve any deeper into criminal brains. :evilfun:

On-topic content: Yes, life makes perfect sense since it’s all God’s fault. God bred inhumanity into each and every human being. God forgot to add consciences, his faux pas.

I think that God is everyones favorite scape goat. They forget that he isn’t the only entity in existence. Want to credit him all the good when it might be unwarranted at times due to other things doing good; or perhaps want to attribute to him all the bad as well, forgetting that other things exist that might just as well create nasty and horrible things.

Someone who thought outside of the box to picture beyond the rigidity and face-value of mathematics. Someone in the mind that came into my consciousness with an idea beyond the norm. And, it makes sense. We are not, as humans, so advanced that we can claim to know all there is or claim our systems to be the best or to even be advanced in comparison to what we might know in the future.

Then, tell me what I read wrong. Defend your station. Do something other than what you have been and actually secure that what I’m doing is akin to trying to empty the ocean with a childs’ pail, or trying to empty the beaches of sand with a spade.

No, merely a distaste for you being in a place of the mind where you do not see clearly and do not think clearly and think of yourself so well that you fail to see this. If my stones thrown hit close to the mark, who would know if you just refuse to admit it? If they don’t, then why not tell the truth of the situation beyond casual statements? Why not back up your words with actual content? Can you do that?

My experience with others, as well; my experience with putting myself outside of my own perception and perspective to peruse others, too. Actually, I don’t work with what others have told me, unless you can entertain the fact that all of our thoughts do stem from others. Nobody living has spoken physically, to my face, these things. I am not projecting. Beyond my own denial, there is proof of the moment based on others interactions with you, what they know of you, others watching situations and circumstances involving both you and me. If I am projecting, why do I not project more having been through more than what I am saying of you? If I am that far gone that I am foregoing reason and sense beyond this situation, then where is the proof of it?

Except that I’m not being negative. I’m calling out what I see to be there, the merits of this situation. I am boxing with you and you have yet to actually solidify a single thing you have said. I am trying to avoid arguing and trying to add actual content and to have this be an actual conversation, but you’re making it very difficult to do so.

What happens when Dr. Banner goes full Hulk and merges his intellect and knowledge and wisdom with the beast inside? Can the Hulk learn the gentleness to handle a flower without crushing it in those gigantic hands of his? Could he learn the restraint through the flowing rage and anger and strong emotion that causes the Hulk to be beyond the man, to actually speak of reason and sense and wisdom beyond that which the man, Banner, could? Where once there was 1, there is now 2 in one, at the least. And, if He does go full Hulk and remains as that, what happens to the man, Banner? Lost somewhere within the beast that has become better than the man could ever be, so lost in a world that he has grown sick of, that he has to hide in, run from everything, deal with so much sick injustice.

Or, is it akin to Piers Anthony’s Xanth, where the Ogre Smash is able to move between his Ogre form and Man form, from brutish beast to intelligent gentleman, and change in size as well, just like the Hulk. What of an Orc in the World of Warcraft that has a simple name and yet can wax wisdom and reason like a human, a paradoxical formation of nature, what they would call a freak, but would ultimately just be a force to be reckoned with.

If you weren’t already, you are becoming embarrassing (comic book characters??? Seriously??).

99.9% of everything “outside the box” is called “insanity” … for a reason (incoherency).

The first time we interacted, I defended you against trolls. You weren’t as sure of yourself as you are now and struggled. I stopped defending you against trolls when you continued fighting and egging them on and further instigating the arguments. When you first argued against a theory of mine; finally worked up the nerve; I didn’t come down on you as I did other trolls because you wouldn’t have been able to handle it, so I said what I said and saw that you weren’t content, that you would eventually come at me again. I saw that before you first argued against a theory of mine based on how you took criticism of your own theories. No matter how constructively measured, you took it as a personal offense. So, it didn’t come as a surprise to me when you did argue against me, and when I did dispense with your arguments to show the soundness of my theory, could tell that you weren’t done, that you would come at me again. Each of these interactions, I knew would only be a matter of time.

That is how transparent you have been since I came to these boards. This current interaction was seen before you ever even truly considered it, though I would warrant you held it in the back of your mind until you felt ready to do so.

You have learned a lot about attack tactics with words, but have yet to learn how to be accurate. You go with what has worked for you without truly understanding how it works. Furthermore, you drop your philosophies and whatever else you’re arguing to focus on your attacks, which is a mistake. You look more for the fight than for knowledge; you look more to win than to further your understanding or to have a reason for winning other than pushing forth your own ego. You know nothing of defense tactics or of having a stance you stick to, though you’ve learned enough of verbal combating to know something of defense, but only insofar as it turns into another attack against who you’re arguing with.

You say that I’m embarrassing myself by talking about comic book characters, but there is deep philosophy there that is pertinent to the conversation and I have thus employed it. I wonder, would you call Tesla’s groundbreaking inventions as insanity? Leonardo Da Vinci’s? When the apple hit Newton on the head, did he think about it hitting his head or did he think outside the box to consider the dynamics of gravity and how it effects the Earth and all that live on it? What manner of incoherency have you seen from Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle; from any of the great inventors or great leaders? They all thought outside the box of the established norm of society to be great men and to have their legacies last, whether that was their intent or not.

We’re done, here, James. You kept moving with your learning, but you didn’t truly account for others doing the same. You weren’t on par with your philosophies when we first met and you still aren’t, because you focused on so many other things that weren’t important, so many aspects that weren’t important and stinted yourself. You slacked off on your thinking and understanding and instead wanted to win arguments whether your philosophies were true or not, whether you had something worth arguing or not. If you had not done that and instead worked on understanding, worked on fleshing out your philosophies, you still would have remained behind me because I never stopped doing those things myself. At best, you would have paced me, but still would have been behind because I was ahead already. Since I kept going with it and you only kept going in certain aspects of it; aspects that I kept fleshing out at the same time as every other aspect of my philosophies and understanding, which you let up on and stopped learning at a certain point; I have far out-distanced you and out-paced you and now have to show you the extent to which you fall short.

Something I was reticent to do before because you wouldn’t have been able to handle such a bruising to your ego in any of our previous encounters and interactions. If you think at all that I didn’t see this coming, that when I let up, I didn’t note the hunger in your response and what it meant, then you fail to understand what I have come to know of others.

It’s like when I was still in WA and my friends son wanted to water-wrestle with me in his community pool and the first time I said yes. We wrestled, and every time I played pure defense, he got me eventually, though I made him work at it. When I played offense and went to win, I won every time. Most of the time, I didn’t feel like water-wrestling, simply because I saw all that he had the first time and he kept using the same tactics over and over again simply because they worked. He would wrap his legs around my waist, work his way to my back and eventually get the choke hold in. He was teaching me nothing new, while I taught him defense tactics that he never used and wasn’t good at. During one of our bouts, I switched stances on him like how fighters do in Suikoden or any other fighting game.

I bring this up because one time I had him in a choke hold, dead to rights and instead of ending the fight there, I let him go; I let up. I pushed him away from me in the water and he turned back to me with light in his eyes, a hunger that said, ‘you shouldn’t have done that.’ And, he came at me twice as determined as before. It is reminiscent to what you have done in words, over the extended period of time that we’ve been here. The same hunger to win, the same light in your eyes (behind your words) and the same lack of understanding of anything other than a quick victory; and if you can not get that, your attacks become weaker for lack of the platform, for lack of actually working your philosophies and I ask you the same question I’ve asked others: What are you doing here? You’re not a philosopher. You don’t care enough about what we talk about, nor do you wish to learn.

Once in every few hundred years, someone said something that was outside of the box and reasonably legit. So you think that the other billions of people who only thought stupid things outside the box should keep it up. The box was made from those very few. Those very few who actually said something reasonable at the right time. The rest, like yourself, are just repeating old nonsense. Your arguments so far have been seriously invalid and naive.

If you believe what you have said, you are seriously fantasizing, in fact delusional. You haven’t said anything true or legit during this whole exchange. That is what “thinking outside the box” does to the much greater portion of society. That is what it is promoted to do … create delusions and the elimination of a generation of unwanted so they can be replaced by the preferred.

To you it seems, the “meaning of life” is merely the next fantasy you dream up, still shadow boxing the same fears. Still trying to live a comic strip life. Still lying to yourself … and anyone else who will listen I suppose. And you have no idea of what I have done. You are too busy dreaming up stories to try to convince yourself is reality.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Says the comic strip philosopher.

You’re an idiot because for all of your mocking and claims that I only embrace fantasy, i have more rational thought backing up all that I do than you will ever have. And now, people know you’re not as stupid as you’ve been pretending to be.

Care to debate one of those “more rational” thoughts … ON THE PROPER THREAD (if you can muster up the maturity)?

…such as that silliness about “1+1=2”?

No, I don’t care to have any further conversations with you unless it becomes unavoidable.

You’re the one who brought up the silliness of 1+1=2. I showed 3 examples where that wasn’t always true and you proceeded to tell me that I existed only in fantasy and you refused to have any further theories to add to it, or anything solid to back it up. You continued to engage me in verbal battle and improperly placed your ‘attacks’ against my character. You became ambiguous about just what you believe in, clouded and murked up the thread in the process and when called on your shit, continued to try to make yourself look better by tearing me down without having anything actual to stand upon, hoping to throw confusion of the observers into the mix.

Regardless of your claims, you allowed your emotion to trump any bit of rational thought and the only reason you exercised was aimed towards knocking me down.

Tell me, because I assume that this is true: Do I put off such an air of superiority that you and others feel the need to knock what you perceive as ego out of me? Do I argue so well with thoughts beyond what you’re used to that you feel the need to ‘humble’ me by placing me below you? Because, if that is the case, it’s faulty practice. If you didn’t put that much thought into it, you at least noted where I hit close to the mark with my assessments and my own retorts which were not attacks against your character but pinpointing truth and your reasons/motives for responding to me the way you do. At the point of being so trumped up on your own thoughts to believe yourself to be superior, as evidenced by how you respond, why do you then seek to deflate mine other than misperceiving my statements as an attack against you?

And, at the point of stating that I am doing the same; misperceiving your gestures as attacks against me, what is there to actually detract from that assessment when you fail to have anything solid philosophically to stand upon? And, if you can misperceive me as having an ego the same as yours and that I am doing the same, certainly you can understand that with such attacks of character as you’ve launched at me and others have launched at me, that this is an impossibility.

I get the feeling that due to your own negativity, bias, limited perception and perspective based in negativity, bias, ego, etc. that you and others do perceive me to be the same as you in that regard. And, there is nothing that I can do to convince you otherwise because you do not see yourselves as wrong.

I have asked you and others several times that if I am wrong, correct me. You do not. You continue to attack me. Instead of proving me wrong, you prove me right at least in the analysis of your characters and of my theories in psychology; which are not the joy and highlight of my philosophies or theories. I would rather talk about the universe, about things beyond the physical aspect of the world which are just as true and do tie into how our physical reality works just the same as the physical reality ties into those things and how they work. You would call them fantasy and imagination and that IS what is taught by modern society, but there is just a bit too much reality in those things for me to believe that to be true and furthermore, to allow you and others to bully and peer pressure into ceasing and desisting the believing of them or bringing them forward or to believe that they are as silly as you claim.

That I can tie these things together and bring them more into reality and think realistically at the same time as entertaining them is evidenced throughout my every action and reaction. I am not just a daydreamer with my head in the clouds imagining stuff just to imagine it, being lost in ‘fantasy’ to the point where I can not deal with and respond to the reality in front of my eyes. How you respond and how you react is evidence of this and evidence of you denying whatever truth is there because I accurately analyzed it, assessed it, and called you on it. If that wasn’t the truth and if you were a truthful person; like me; you would defend the truth of yourself, you would actually want to and you would correct me as I asked you to with actual material instead of roundabout attacks meant to detract from the situation, drag off topic; out of context; and try to make me look bad by sounding reasonable and wise and knowledgeable when you hold motives and do abuse knowledge of psychology to do so.

It becomes obvious through interacting with you, how you dropped philosophy; how you dropped thinking about anything other than bringing me down; that your main priority was to attack me, that you did not value anything that you brought forward or anything else that was said, either by you or by me. You do not value philosophy or knowledge if you can not put it to practical use directly, it is a toy-thing to you, something you don’t take seriously. You dropped every single thing to attack me personally, to tear apart my character, to try to speak me into being stupid, into backing down and put all of your energy into that instead of actually providing the proof of what you were saying or adding more to the conversation to back up your exact thoughts on the philosophical thoughts that were brought forth. You reduced yourself to insults and such completely.

Why should I wish to further engage you in philosophical conversation or debate at such a point?

RF warned for ad hom. James, any more responding in kind will meet the same fate.

Please keep things civil.

Fuck off. You couldn’t moderate an argument between a cat and a plastic bag, or a dog and a wet paper bag. I don’t respect you or any of the other mods here. Why don’t you follow carleas’ example and just do nothing? Why do you fault those who are in the right, who have every right to freedom of speech and expression and why do you lump them in the same boat as the faulty? Don’t warn me next time… Just ban me and make it permanent instead of adding faulty and inconsistent moderation and mediation to the mix. You got that, or do I have to break it down for you?

Go ahead, ‘make an example’ of me, you piece of shit. You argue on other accounts and when it doesn’t go your way, you hop on you moderator account and warn or ban.

See RF, that was precisely why I took a step back from you in the other thread. I realized that with what attitude you were having, it would lead to you getting warned or may be banned, sooner or later. And, I did not want that burden on my shoulder.

RF, there are three ways of interacting with anyone: listening, discussing and arguing. You cannot do any two at the same time. So, decide what exactly you want to do, and act and also expect accordingly.

RF, take a pause and calm down.

With love,

You don’t understand, I don’t want to be here. I am forced to be here as these bastards try in every way to drag me down. Its fate, momentum of immaterial motion. I want conversation, I’m not getting it. All I get is repeated strains of the same bullshit. You might say that since I don’t want to be here, to just leave and its not that simple. You might similarly ask me who is forcing me to be here and there are a variety of answers with proof not accepted by the masses. I am tired of government agencies, of supernatural agencies working in similar ways, tired and sick of all this and they call me weak and pussy for taking and making a stand and you don’t care. No one here gives a shit, so fuck them, fuck it. Call me a traitor, call me a terrorist, but I would support all those against you and those agencies that seek to control and keep others down and claim good things to be the same all because we have to be because they will not listen to truth and reason, refuse to budge and would destroy all that is still good just to shut it up and get their spoiled way. Fuck the ‘free’ eternity.