What are you doing? (Part 1)

you just gotta believe in yourself and never give up, and dont let the laws of physics stand in your way. a lot of people dont even think science is real so i mean theres that

that’s the macchiato. i’ll get one and then another to go. i don’t think a day goes by that i don’t start with 4 shots of espresso. i used to drink more but i think it was killing me.

coffee as a desert should be like this affogato here. a bit of hipster vanilla bean some kind of gelato with a few shots of espresso dumped on it like an espresso-gellato float. so good.

That pic of the macchiato gave me a dose of PTSD.

That desert sounds good though.

if i dont drink that every day i turn into a monster

Caramel macchiatos, mm mm… not anymore tho, became processed and therefore toxic af.

iced coffee desserts never thought of that…need to try.

You do that, bae…

“are you white trash”

I ain’t no white trash piece of shit I’m better that you all. I can out learn you, I can out read you, I can out think you, and I can out philoso-phize you. And imunna out last you!

Because of u, smears, I got all three planters into the van bro. I said to myself ‘u know what, I’m not gonna give up because I’m a fighter’.

But yo this shit is like the black plague. I’ve accomplished complete emancipation from the capitalist bourgeoisie (now working for myself) and yet the motherfuckers still manage a way to get me. The price of a piece of plywood has like tripled, so I gotta come down on my bid to account for the outrageously expensive building material.

They get you when you produce, and if you don’t produce for then, well they’ll get you when you buy.

promethean i am not cussing you up, you seem like a straight bro.


And something special for the dyke Scultpor and my step-daddy SATIRE.
i.ibb.co/QdCG7sK/e2c4dbee-011e- … 666555.jpg

You see no connection between your vote for the communist and the inflation?

I mean you prolly didn’t vote for him as no one did, but I mean, between the communist running the FED and the inflation.

If you think Biden is purposefully raising prices for Americans…everything will get tighter, because in China, a billion of hard-working and well organised people wake up to work every day and they want the same things you want and they need the same things you need to get these. You people realize what a billion of human beings funneled into an extremely well-organized economy looks like? A billion.

Wait u guys think Biden is a communist?

A communist is someone who exists in, and is in favor of, a stateless society (whatever that means)… but uncle Joe is all about big government. Wtf is going in here?

Have you guys even read an introductory book of Marxism? No?

What about a quote? Shirley you’ve seen at least a couple quotes somewhere.

Im not judging, just saying to prom that what the commie is doing is the long announced cause of the tripled prices. I mean it was clear that this was going to happen to anyone who took notice of the commie’s plans. Not saying it’s good or bad. For China this is probably good.

By the way Im not an American.

Yo holy shit that’s a deep ass informal fallacy and I can’t remember what it’s called. One dealing with false attribution of causes or something. Oh wait ‘complex cause’ is it?

So it isn’t necessary that a piece of plywood cost three times as much if, and always when, their is an economic shutdown due to a fake ass virus (I believe it’s real but I’m granting u this for argument sake because it makes no difference either way).

Therefore there must be other causes working at the same time which make the tripling of prices possible (or necessary).

Now see how that just rearranged ur whole shit? That goes on a lot wit u guys. Lotta these little almost imperceptible mistakes in reasoning.

The cause for the tripling is capitalism, not the fake ass virus or its resulting economic shut down.

Wonder if commodity prices tripled in chi-NUH during their lockdown.

Ill try to explain.

Printing trillions of dollars for handouts devaluates the dollar. Pretty soon other nations will stop accepting it if this goes on. Then what you have now will seem like a really good deal.

You Communists never learn, do you?

Im beyond worrying. Incipit Comedia.

…doing politics, but politics has started doing me. :neutral_face:

Be back on da weekend… or if I ain’t, I’m sleeping.

trump admin grew the defcit by 7 trillion