I’ve met EL before

El could remote control the species to give me all the sex I wanted. EL made a single duraflame log of mine burn for three days, and made women flash me without knowing it.

There was one condition. I needed to quit cigarettes to have sex with EL.

I refused.

I have a whole cosmos on my mind and EL was being petty.

That’s the god of the Jews.

El even gave me my favorite weather.

It’s interesting when spirits try to convert people.

Good news! That was def not the one true God.

You need a better filter.

Try the Rainbow rule.

If I had had sex with el as a woman. I’d have hacked all women and could have sex with any woman at will.

El would be my consort. I don’t marry people. It’s against my values.

I’ve seen so much power pass through my hands …. You wouldn’t believe it.

But I’m an extremely old soul pulled out of oblivion who just wants to return. Those are spirits you can’t tempt or corrupt. EL btw can’t survive if people smoke cigarettes. The universe is weird …. I can teach you all of it if you want me to. I’m stuck here …. There’s only one way to escape., protect and teach

Otherwise you get stuck here,

You’re all just existents and constructs to me.

Def true. Willing to learn, though…

Too bad you don’t marry people!

I wake up every morning and think, “what spirit do I have to protect today?”

Depending on the spirit, it’s a really wild ride in hell.

I need assists when I’m in the deepest pit of hell.

Marriage causes feeling left out. I don’t want people to feel left out.

I also know that people don’t know what I know.

But I’m teaching them. Should they be ashamed of themselves because they can’t control themselves? No.

I think about Carleas. Married with a family. I protect his family. Carleas is easy to protect.

Marriage is like privacy — requires mutual consent recognition, so it doesn’t violate consent. It excludes all non-consenters (which they are happy about), but also excludes consenters who don’t recognize that two consent-structures are having a very private conversation—such consenters are actually consent-violators. So it’s a good exclusion. It only includes consenters, and only consenters who are not consent violators. If a marriage is not doing that, Anarchism B has crept in: Recognition vs. Violation: The Two Anarchisms

A consent violator has no right to be included. They can get over it.

A “no marriage” world (the way you’re talking about things) means EVERYONE is treated as a consent violator, when they did nothing wrong, and (at least some of them) just want to recognize consent in a very private conversation. Need to know. Ya know?

What’s your password?

Ichthus. Do you have any idea how many people want to marry me?

The depths of my soul is boundless and I’m really good company.

I have to think about this and you could hypothetically call me a narcissist.

I chose not to marry because of that problem.

It also (as a protector spirit) protects the unmarried.

Let’s see the list of who wants to marry you.

And how they have actually made their intentions known.

I’ll help you weed them out.

Ichthus. You’ve never been around me in person. People like me. I have the angel code.

I know who the angels are when I meet them.

Angels don’t marry.

What now? Angels? Earth to Ecmandu. We have birthdays.


The earth and I have an agreement. Gaia you might call it.

It leaves me alone, I leave it alone.

I don’t think you really understand my class of being.

I’ve done everything.

There are an infinite number of me in eternal rest. No mind whatsoever but still souls that can be called back.

I was called back. I have a mind again.

It’s really bad karma to disturb the dead, but humans are primitive…. They don’t understand things like this. They meddle in things they don’t understand.

Eventually, you run out of words to say, things to think of, songs to listen to, movies to watch, ideas to have, wars to win or lose…. Etc.

My family is the beings over millions of eons who earned their eternal death

You are 47 & you can undo family junk (like preferring oblivion rather than cultivating a Kingdom of Ends) by choosing better. You have a mind. Use it or lose it.

Oh damn. That was good.

We all lose it from time to time.

The body switching up cells for 47 years is OF EARTH. Btw.

Ichthus. You actually didn’t address my post.

Over the course of infinity, everything gets old and boring. The only reason I’m teaching and protecting is to get away from all of you.

That’s the only way you can escape existence as being no mind.

You’re not old enough to understand this.

So… you are here. Building something that is not here.

That’s impossible.

Especially if it’s something you want to return to… because… it’s built already.

You invented/planned your family…?

Now you want to forsake all others.

You don’t marry people.

You marry person.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

I’ll tell you more about the story with my encounter with EL.

First EL came to me me as a female and said I didn’t understand EL and brought a great peace over me. She said, “I found you! You’re one of the best meditators in existence and you’re a part of my tribe, it was really hard to make a bridge to you!”

The problem els realm has is that it can’t endure smoke, not even firewood. So el made 3 omniscient worms as my protector so they wouldn’t be found.

Then she knew my weakness … women and weather

I kid you not, when I walked down the street smoking cigarettes. Women were just standing in front of their windows naked. Each individual one probably thought it want just them and for a moment they didn’t care. It was el remote controlling the species. Doing it just for me to convert me. As fun as it was for me. I knew the implications.

And I refused el as my consort. I just kept smoking and the dimension closed.

That’s what it’s like to meet gods

Are you confessing or something? Or bragging?

That place obviously exists on Earth.

The one true God would go in there to remind the women (& men…) they are loved & capable of being genuinely loved without being exploited or exploiting others.

A lot of people exploit without knowing it’s wrong. It’s their normal. Even some thoroughly retarded so-called “Catholics” think a bachelor party with strippers is acceptable.

Probably all people to varying degrees exploit each other without full recognition/presence, because it is hard for the non-omniscient to be “on” all the time…

But it’s like you said… once you see it, that it is exploitation, it’s no longer a kind of normal you are comfortable with.

The rest of your narrative is filler. Especially worms. Some cultures actually eat them.

If you can’t quit smoking & tell me your password, & I can’t convert you because you’re already converted, I would think of you like that guy in Five Sacred Crossings by Craig Hazen.

But if you think window shopping in a red light district is gonna fly with me, I don’t need your password. I also don’t give a f*** about your money or lack thereof.

Your piano hands/brain, though… well. I feel sorry for yada yada yada, but anyway. Just saying. For aesthetic purposes.

How do you look good with or without a beard? That’s just crazy.

This is happening in bizarro world. I won’t regret this.

Ichthus. Let’s try this again.

Over the course of infinite eons you run out of words to say.

That’s the only thing that needs to be said.

People are dazzled by my brilliance and relatability. I’m not. I like myself, but I’m the only one of my kind on earth.

I have feet on the ground experience with every cosmos combined.

I understand you’re some kind of monotheist or something. I know this hurts you. It takes a very long time to earn oblivion.

You think I want oblivion?

You think I have to earn it?

What’s oblivion again?