Is Israel in Trouble?

Fixed Cross:
And yes Trump did a lot to disrupt the genocidal practices of Obama and his handlers. No matter how hard the cartoon in chief tries, he won’t fully undo what Trump has accomplished.
K: please, IQ45 accomplished nothing outside of giving massive tax cuts to the
wealthy and big business…IQ45 tried to start a war with Iran and they declined
the offer…

where is your evidence that any U.S money has gone to hamas?
if your “evidence” means something from Faux news or bitchute,
it means you have nothing…

IQ45 is the worst president in American history for a reason…


So your bubble of belief is so tiny * you don’t believe that Mr Trump wiped out ISIS?

  • You don’t believe that he and Mr Kushner achieved peace between Israel and the major Arab countries?
  • You don’t believe that he secured the US southern border?

Of course you don’t believe he did anything good for the US economy - because you know nothing about economy.

Your bubble must be mighty tiny. :confused:

This is a joke right? A vastly superior modern military is just going to run out of ammunition at which point they will be hopelessly overrun by the low-tech peasants in Palestine with their little rockets?

Israel only has one problem, and it’s not their lust for land… it’s that they still continue to this day to indoctrinate their children that they are eternal victims. Strength doesn’t come from seeing yourself as a victim. Of course, this politics of victim-hood has infected the entire West.

K: as usual, you are wrong… Obama reduced the ISIS to about 10% of its former
territory before IQ45 came into office… with help from partners like Russia, Britain,
France among others…

two: IQ45 didn’t achieve peace at all in the Mideast… there was
a great deal of Middle east fighting during the IQ45 years…
for example there were 7 civil wars in the middle east from 2016 to 2018…
Syria and Yemen for example…and there were Turkey incursions into Syria…
and the main rise of violence in the middle east has been in non state violence…
which means groups like Isis and Al Qaeda drove the violence, not necessarily
the political states like Iraq or Iran…(of course these groups are funded by
Iran and/or Saudi Arabia)

K: “secured the southern border” please he did no such thing…
securing the border also means bringing down the amount of guns and drugs
coming across the border… he didn’t do that… IQ45 brought down legal immigration,
but he didn’t bring down Illegal immigration…the number of illegal immigrants
is basically the same between Obama and IQ45…

IQ45 was a failure as a president… he didn’t build his wall, he didn’t reduce crime,
Obama had greater economic growth then IQ45…recall that IQ45 lost 3 million jobs
over his 4 years and Obama had a job growth of 11.5 million jobs… take half of that,
which means the first 4 year Obama increase jobs by 5.75 million…

by every standard, IQ45 was the worst president in American history…


How naive - mighty tiny bubble you have going there.

Mr Obama was all about destroying the US - but CLEVERLY. He called it “Managed Decline” - slowly, carefully, secretly so the people would not detect it. He was/is in favor of everything O’Biden is so BLATANTLY doing now to destroy the US. He warned Kamala Harris to “not underestimate Joe’s ability to mess it up”.

Mr Obama treated ISIS in the same way the US treated Vietnam and Afghanistan - endless warring but being careful to never win. He proposed publicly to to have Congress make “Endless war on Terror” a law.

Mr Obama’s tactic was to use up and disperse ALL national defense resources of the US - he helped to send 30% of US uranium resources to Russia (using Sec Hillary Clinton). He used up military defense ammunition without replacing it (that was the purpose of the “war on terror”). He minimized defense spending. He sent billions of USD to Iran. He minimized the southern US border protection (leading the socialist party to not simply make different laws so that it would be legal). He funneled arms to the Mexican cartels.

O’Biden does exactly the same things that Mr Obama was doing - merely far more obviously and stupidly - he’s in a hurry.

You might want to tell that to Israel and the United Arab Emirates. They seem to be saying the opposite - and accrediting Mr Trump and Jared Kushner for their Abraham Accords.

The rest of your spewing is equally naive political punditry - “Lies” - as always to support that tiny bubble you live in. You might try to be a little more observant. :smiley:

I have not been arguing that Israel is a great nation. I have been arguing that IN THIS DISPUTE - Israel was keeping the peace - Hamas was not - and Palestine was merely being used by Hamas as a shield while they used O’Biden money to buy more rockets (largely from the Palestinians).

This was not - as promoted in MSM propaganda a war that Israel launched on Palestine or any more aggression from Israel. Israel was holding to the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement. O’Biden was breaking them.

as I must work shortly, I can only say,
you didn’t deny that IQ45 is the worst president in American history…


Why argue with a communist troll?

The entire world - even within America - knows beyond any doubt that O’Biden is the absolute and most embarrassing president for the US in their entire history - both Left and Right agree on that even though the Left enjoys it and wants it to continue (of course).

O’Biden, just as Mr Obama, absolutely hates the US and is doing everything he can - everything the US’s enemies want him to do - in order to destroy the US permanently.

So of course You think he is great. =;

Kropotkin, you poor bastard, ISIS came into existence under Obama. It established its “caliphate” under his reign.

As soon as Trump took office he made a pact with the Russians and liberated the area of them.

And as soon as Trump left the White House, of course they started coming back, and all kinds of wars began popping up again.

Trumps presidency has been the most humane one of all of America’s post WWII presidencies, with both by far the least American and foreign casualties.

Perpetual, have you actually been to Israel? It seems very doubtful. I have been there several times, stayed there in kibbutzes, and I assure you there is no victim mentality there. On the contrary. It is a quite happy warrior spirit, people are grateful to have their own land back.

Which sources are you reading?

Also - are you not the one here creating a victim mentality by suffusing that the Israeli’s forced the west into a victim mentality?
How can someone else do that to someone? That presumption alone can only derive from victim mentality.

People are responsible for their own mindset.

And it seems apparent that ISIS was a US CIA and Five Eyes creation - expressly to create a terrorist enemy to use for a global socialist agenda.

It was quite obviously an American creation, yes.

Its upper tiers consisted of the disbanded Baath party members who had been allowed to keep their arms and keep roaming the area after Hussein was ousted.

Baphomet reigns - although not supreme.
“Unite them all to attack each other to weaken and divide them all.”

What a stupid cunt you are

You are such a stupid cunt

I wrote a song about Bafomet in 2005, let me translate.

Ive dished out the prejudices
prepared the warmachine
little kids go to sleep
eyes and ears shut, its best that way,
I am Bafomet
Im not a cruel man: I dont want you to know what I do
when I smile Im always standing with my ass toward you
in the meantime I draw everything into my grasp
and that grasp is increasingly tight, Im masterful
at conjuring, tricking, deluding the senses, intoxicating, selling opium
to the larger part of the masses
cast a glance in ny cash register and you’ll see cross eyed from my class
and turn into a wax statue
soulless and goal-less, without joy or regret
for your actions you’ll keep repeating the stories I write
more and more frequently
ready made like a map
as longas there’s enough on my bank account, you think gratefully
you think I will do everything for your security
while I collected from your hypocrisy
a fortune, to invest in the government
to implement my policy of bribery
a sick combination of zombies and nazis
that the claim to democracy is unfounded shows on the
faces of the sickly politicians
who will in the years to come prohibit so much
of which you know these are your rights
but because you’d rather not believe we are the bad guys
you let it happen. We declare your rights forfeited
and auction them
to the highest bidder who soils and desecrates them
my wiles are razor-sharp like arrows, reach miles far
your brain becomes increasingly unsafe
allow me in your life, camera in your bedroom
I just have to ask, you happily consent
penetrate your logic with infrared gaze
instantie you are frightened into compliancy.
so everyone go to bed
close your eyes and ears, as this is Bafomet.

( )


Seriously dude if this is controversial to you you’re truly in for some very nasty surprises in your life.

No, I haven’t been ( would like to).

It was a documentary. It was a while ago, I’ll see if I can find it. I think it might of been on the ADL but they went to Israel and showed how the schoolchildren were subjected to victim mentality propaganda (the whole Jews have been “oppressed” for thousands of years, always surrounded by enemies, you need to be constantly on guard, etc etc )… I’ll try to find it. But it was clearly indoctrination into a hyper-defensive victim mentality. I’m sure there is a strong warrior spirit there among some of the people… Now I read the Jews were first a warrior people before they became priestly people… Were they a pagan people back then? There’s no getting around the fact that the priests still exert a big influence in Israel.

That’s not what a meant. I meant that all of the west suffers from this victim mentality which is result of the slave revolt in morality… And Israel is no exception.

All that brings about an interesting question though… How did the Jewish priests who brought about this slave revolt way back when outwit the Pagans who literally had gods of mischief? I actually like your for formulation in the Brave Christian Worship thread:

"Actually looking it it technically Christianity is most identical to Osiris worship.

Im sure the Romans constructed it with this in mind; the Egyptians knew better than anyone how to subject great masses to masochistic hypnosis to tap their vital energy."

We can’t underestimate how devious Pagans themselves can be… Being a pagan doesn’t necessarily mean you strive for a perfect Spartan-like warrior ethos.

Well this is a fact, you are aware of that I hope. Jews have been persecuted ever since they were cast out of their homeland.
Not to say its a great idea to make children all too aware of this - and this definitely goes on too, but on the whole the country is a happy warrior nation.

Thought the (post)modern generation is being taught to feel sorry for having the land back, leftist ethics.

I see it as the greatest arc of will in human history. Cat out nearly three thousand years ago and consequently persecuted everywhere, and still managing to take the country back. Epic will power, truly heroic.

They still are pagan. Jewish religion is polytheistic but it has been translated into Latin with all the names for gods simply translated as “god”. Its very comical how monotheism came to be due to a lazy (or deliberately false) translation.

I disagree, there is a very strong sense of mourning for the immense suffering of their ancestors, but it’s not a victim mentality.

I obviously know many Israelis as they’re in my family. None of them is acting like a victim, though all of them are aware of the constant fact of of a billion people clamoring for their annihilation.

Christianity on the other hand - first the romans kill Jesus (who was a Jew) on the request of their own proxy regime (Jesus was a rebel) and then they try to pretend the Jews killed him, and as if he is not a jew… and out of this hypocrisy they make a religion.
Yes, naturally this is a slave religion.

The Jewish branch of family by the way got decimated in WWII in the camps, and yet the survivors never acted like victims. My grandfather was the only one who survived of his direct family and he became very warrior like and never talked for a second about being a victim and never seemed to bear resentment to Germany even though I would think he had some feelings about it. Jews are tough man. Unbelievably tough.

But they didn’t bring about this slave revolt - they simply intended to get their country back. Nietzsche says they should have given up their god and given up on political ambitions, but they didn’t, and now they’ve won, and thus their god has been true to them, kept his promise -
Nietzsche really did get this one wrong.

“[T]he Roman world was indeed peopled by a race of pygmies; when the fierce giants from the north broke in, and mended the puny breed.” - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire;
They were nothing like the Greeks, and no philosophers, no scientific innovations and hardly any good literature outside of political rhetoric; Virgil, Ive read him in Latin, is dreadfully boring and yet he is supposed to be the best -
they were definitely a very devious people and certainly would never shirk back from trickery on each other - the history of the politics of the Republic consists almost entirely of trickery.

Still. Priests of an empire in decline are certainly going to go to great lengths to manipulate the population into submission - our own media do it very well of course. But what Im observing about Christianity qua Catholicism, which is quite simply literally the deified rule of the Caesars (the Caesar/pope supposedly being the representative of god on earth) is that its form is akin to Osiris worship and not anything to do with Judaism or with Greek paganism. Rome of course had strong ties to Egypt, and Im guessing this creation of Catholicism didn’t come about without very clever preparation.

Anyway, if you ever do visit Israel, go to the Temple Wall on Friday at sundown and you will see feasting that is unlike any happiness on Earth - the Jews are completely elated to have succeeded in fulfilling the promises their god/s made to their ancestors, and they bounce and sing and dance like children every beginning of the Sabbath. In the religious sense, theyre truly a happy nation. Lots of bounce in their step, especially the ‘ultra orthodox’ ones, as the liberals call them. It just means the ones who are serious about their religion.

I was there with my Viennese, Catholic girlfriend in 2011-2012, and she, looking at these very glowing, extremely energetic and proud (and very well dressed) Jews in Jerusalem, she said something like “they truly have something”'. It struck me that she meant that her own world doesnt have that. That Catholicism is lacking that vitality. I began to think about that then and there.

I made a pretty good video of that trip.

That seems a very distorted view of Jewish history.