Observing JSS' thoughts on Psychology - RM:AO

Since we’re on the topic of pick up lines we’ll never use. I designed you a very special Valentine’s Day card.

You know, while I was walking. Without you.

outside: I valentold you:

inside: You’re mine.

A person who doesn’t want to exist belongs to everyone and no one.

Hey. That’s totally me.

It’s possible Ichthus.

The problem is that almost everyone on earth feels pride winning a negative zero sum game.

“I earned it”, they’ll say.

I’ve never built a new dimension before. I have very little help because of the above.

I know it can be done.

I solved the whole damn thing three times over.

My latest version is hyper playacting marionette realities that use your highest self to cater to your aspect self without hurting it or you in a secure self contained universe. It’s reflecting spirits hyperdimensionally to absorb all the knowledge of existence without possessing them, and can as a single being, your highest self, give you the moods you want as well. There are an infinite number of moods, and the only person you can trust …. Is you.

Thread after thread they hijack and reduce to their madness.

one after the other…same shit, over and voer.

Does anybody do anything…nope.
Carless only notices my Race thread, and places it in the Rant section.
He says it lacks rational arguments and evidence…go see if it does.

Here we see what the moron means by rational arguments and evidence…insane ramblings about magical realms and supernatural powers.

then he concludes that his forum is going to the shits because of lorikeet
Brainwashed buffoons finding fault in whatever suits their ideology…

Like those who find the cause in racial disparity in “systemic racism” and not in their delusional convictions that race is a social construct.
Here we see the consequences of such a delusional mindset.

This is philosophy? :confused:
In the name of tolerance let’s tolerate anything that does not threaten our all-incusivity agenda.
Let’s not hurt any feelings, unless they are of those we secretly despise because they challenge our comforting delusions.

You have to scan for projections before you post lorikeet


ILP needs a thread called “The Glossary of Ecmandu” including a status update on which terms are defunct and why they didn’t work out.

with video… …you can recite your glossary whilst casually fiddling with the ivories, can’t you?

It’s got the word ‘Psychology’ in it… akin to a red flag, to their schizo-opportunistic ‘proverbial’ bull(-crap).

So. Bob is protecting mag. And mag is protecting lorikeet.

I’m protecting all spirits. It’s nice to have reprieve.

I have a lot on my mind. In lower levels of the cosmos, it’s helpful to have helper spirits so I don’t have to do it all myself.

…having to post this… ilovephilosophy.com/viewtop … 4#p2928304 after, would reveal otherwise… about being self-assured, in a self-appointed [non-]job.

The side-kick keeps deeming me racist [and the head of a(n imaginary) hate cult, here, at ILP. :laughing: ] but racist, and hating, against who/m. :-k



tips hat

It’s not so you don’t have to do it all yourself. It’s because true power sets free. Get it straight.

¿Imaginary imaginings, need ‘getting straight’? :open_mouth:

What I describe as ‘words used to disconnect mental abstractions from reality’…so that the individuals can live in their heads.
Words referring to text = dictionary definitions, describing conventional use; philosophical text that refers to nothing experienced - what they call “metaphysical”, or “esoteric”; spiritual text where all the terms are emotionally triggering; to politics or what is useful for exploiting and manipulating the masses - seducing their lowest-common-denominator.

Words referring to other words…never to actions; never to independently verifiable, phenomena.

This is what I call “nihilism” - all concepts that “liberate” the mind from tangible constraints. The sensation is empowering, no doubt; seductive. Words acting as pivots to invert experienced reality - protecting the ego; allowing it to inflate itself.
This is what I mean when I say, “words defined out of existence”.
This is what I mean by god=humanity is inverted to humanity=god. When the ‘god’ concept - as defined by Abrahamism - was debunked, was made useless, was perceived to be divisive, and so had to be eliminated…it was converted to a collective, i.e., humanity - this is what the Jews did. their Demiurge is a representation of their collective. Collectives based on ideology.
They sell individualism but practice collectivism. Their entire narrative describes how they made themselves divine and worshipped themselves in the abstract - their covenant. They appropriated Gnosticism and corrupted it to meet their needs.
To return to god, signifies a submission to the collective. You must earn your entrance by proving your loyalty; sacrificing reason to need. Those that can do so are accepted into the collective - merge with the divine
Mosaic ethics were god’s admission demands. Noahide laws signify entrance if you submit.
To become “one with god”.

Virtue signal that a false high hope is wonderful and good then people will collect toward it and away from reality - an ideology/religion is born - in contention with every other false hope as well as reality - divided waters.

Definition of the world we live in - nothing but blokes blindly defending their bubbles of belief - out of fear of the defeat of their false hope.

That certainly seems to explain possibly the entirety of world history.

Are you not entertained???

From the movie gladiator.

All of you know now that I never wanted to exist.

I was really bothered by the mechanism, because it’s the only thing that holds this species back.

But now I’m here. As a cosmic being. I’m sure that sounds narcissistic to all of you.

Like I stated before…

I don’t think you’re sentient beings.

The mechanism only applies to sex dimorphic species who have reverse sexual selection.

But there are deeper problems that are structural to every being in all existence.

1.) pleasurable exclusive access problem
2.) negative zero sum problem
3.) consent violation problem

Because everyone thinks the problems are life’s purpose, it makes my job much harder.

Think about most people…

I got the job, the spouse, the children, the house…

I won!!!

No. Actually you lost. And that’s where I come in.

Not world history…the part where civilization creates a bubble around the polis…within which men can live in their private realities, if they pay the cost of admission.

These bubbles have become increasingly sealed…
Outside these manmade and maintained bubbles, or when they inevitably burst, nature exacts a harsh penalty on those who insist on existing in their own subjective reality.

Here is the secret on how to make slaves into their own prison guards.
Once habituated within intuitional lifestyles, how many inmates would choose to exit its regimented, comforting, confines and enter the uncertain wilderness beyond?
They will, instead, fight tooth and nail to maintain the walls and chains that keep the wilderness outside.

Try liberating a domesticated animal from its Orwellian farm.

You’re talking about mind reading realities.

I actually can read minds. I choose not to abuse that power. Why? Because I’m smart enough to plan my forever and mindreading sends you to hell if you abuse it.

Some people are delighted when you read their minds…

“Wow, you totally understand me”

As a hyperempath, I read people’s minds through their feelings. Let’s just say it’s a skill i picked up along the way.

Do you want a peer relationship lorikeet?

So do I

People do it all the time. They go out into the wilderness, climb mountains, white water raft, adventure travel, hike, sky dive, go on safari, live off-grid, cross-dress, etc… etc… It’s about balancing the need for security against the need to test oneself and discover one’s limits/identity, done mostly when you are young.