Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Sure thing cuz

Not to worry. No way in hell you qualify for the meta-theater.

Well, as an usher perhaps.

On the other hand, online, the audience is virtual. :sunglasses:

You are a genius.

Maybe. But, in the end, you’ll get the girl.

You know, if, in the end, you actually do. :sunglasses:

This is like the best James Bond script ever written.

On the other hand, in this production, Prom75 plays James Bond to phoneutria’s Pussy Galore.

I haven’t cast Goldfinger yet. I’ll need a psychopath.

Me, perhaps?


I don’t know, as auditions go, maybe Oddjob.

How lethal are you?

Can you play a virtual Korean ?

Can you put on virtual weight?


Where’s the plutonium?

Well, in the new meta-theater production the new location is cleverly hidden in the lyrics of the song:

Too cleverly perhaps.

Here’s a hint though: they don’t call her Pussy Galore for nothing. :sunglasses:

Do you have phoneutria tied up somewhere?

You sick bastard what have you done with her?


On one of the Know Thyself threads. Cleverly disguised as Lyssa. Even Satyr can’t tell them apart. :sunglasses:

yo nobody’s gonna tie me up
i know jiujitsu imma break your fucking arm

That’s for me to know and Bond to find out. And you ain’t him, remember? :sunglasses:

Yo, pedro!

Explain the meta-theater to her. :sunglasses:

It was a diversion…

But what is he trying to hide? If it’s not the plutonium then it must be…

Hey, who is not directing or not acting or not scripting this production, you or me? :sunglasses:

Nobody’s not scripting you, Iambiguous.

You have a way of doing that all yourself.

True. But Julian thought up the name iambiguous. And Becky hammered the last nail in the coffin. The objectivist was buried. Dead and gone.

And now, nearly twenty years later, the productions just keep getting grimmer and grimmer.

So, again, grow a pair and actually understand them.