Quality/Quantity (Carleas), or: Itchy takes down Ec & Bri Bri single-handedly

We have a support group. It’s called “people who talk funny anonymous”. It’s not something from which we ever fully recover.

@Carleas, question. Could r go in the quality sphere here?

Just curious.

Time sure flies.

Some material y’all can use:

he didn’t need a line, he only needed one word

I told him, yeah let’s walk

and he said


out with the old precedents

in with the ecmandu

“I’m sorry mom”

One has ta do, what One has ta do, in order to be content with the choice/s One will eventually make.
Any discerning ‘person’ would want to ensure that they only have decent discerning people in their life and sphere of influence, no?

Ec says yes.

Include this:

taps fingers silently

Also include this:

always waiting for the mic to drop