What are you doing? (Part 2)

My first media wall yay! Iā€™ve done several built-in shelving joints but never one of these. Now, would you have hired me to build this if you knew Iā€™ve never built one before? Shirley not. In fact (and also) my prices are sometimes so sketchily low that the customer gets suspicious and thinks Iā€™m a jack-leg whoā€™ll do shitty work. Iā€™m the ā€˜price is too good to be trueā€™ guy your instincts tell you not to fuck with.

In any case the next one i do like that will be $2200. I was about $500 too low on this one. This lady was ready and willing to pay $2500 but i blew it and gave her an honest price. This outrageously expensive subcontractor stuff is hard to get used to but Iā€™ll figure it out eventually.


r a d

Totally righteous. Each cubby has its own light, you know. Also, the dude said he wanted NO gaps between the TV and the edge of the frame. I warned him that the house may settle, and in three years, might start pushing on the TV. Thatā€™s why you leave at least a finger width gap. He didnā€™t wanna do it though so i built that bitch to the sixteenth.

Watch. In a few years that TV is gonna be stuck in there, and you wonā€™t be able to telescope it out of that hole.

Eeeeew thatā€™s nice. I want one! I wonder if i can build one in my van.

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Woah woah woah. Hold up. How the fuck does a guy build hundreds of houses in thirty years time but ends up never having a house?

Thatā€™s like being a dentist who dies of a tooth infection or something totally asinine like that.

Charge him again to fix it.

trying to decide on a new guitar to buy

Cā€™mon man letā€™s jam when you get one. Iā€™m fuckin with Herbie Hancockā€™s Spider right now. Put some of those Stevie Ray Smears licks on this shit.


You write some melodies and then send em to me so i can put drums on em and then Ecmandu will add keys and be like Chick Corea.

i played a cheap-ish, foreign made prs at a store the other day and i really kinda want it. itā€™s swamp ash w/ maple fretboard so like the anti-prs. will immediately lose value upon itā€™s purchase, but wouldnā€™t worry about actually tossing it around a bit. i might do it.

Ohhhh yes, check this one out i just found. Some darker shit finally. Iā€™m trying to find like angry jazz fusion but all these play alongs on youtube are funk or swing jazz.


ā€œbut wouldnā€™t worry about actually tossing it around a bit. i might do it.ā€

Thatā€™s what i do. At the end of each show i smash the shit out of my guitar like Pete Townsend and then throw the pieces at the crowd.

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