What films are you watching right now?

Pitch Perfect 3

…a comedic affair.



…me… currently watching videos on YouTube, on the evolution of humans.

Halloween is over and anxiety and ptsd are rife, and yet sinister horrors now abound. Do they know it’s Christmas time… Come on! sing it with me now. =D>

Films, I won’t, be watching!




Beauty and the beast 2017


That isn’t a film.

Hello MagsJ

About youtu.be/Yjfa1GFwmUA

So as illusion the video is a great set for film
Both have their start as the illusionist’s trick


That! ^^^


Psh, mediocre movie. Actually hurt.

U.S. Marshals is a better movie than The Fugitive. Get over it baby.

Fool’s Gold - 2008

Matthew McConaughey shouldn’t have listened to the critics. Those were good movies, it was great acting. Whereas the artsy movies he made later, meh.

Meno you reminded me…

Citizen Kane with Orson Welles


Yes, Shieldmaiden, and did You know Mr. Hearst had it in for him, I mean out for his life, literally for Citizen Kane? Incidentally, he was also a Nina fire psychic.
His now dated films are really great, like American masterpieces.

Red Line 7000

Absolutely mind boggling to be reminded that that world existed.

Howard Hawks. Underestimate him and suffer.

Hahahaha girls musta loved him for that movie. “Oh it’s about racing.”