Love Ontology

I am acquainted to a few such types… but not for long.

Jokers and clowns, whom only generate frowns… on others.

ROFL… I used to watch CM religiously, until it started triggering my anxiety. 8-[


Ontology…for the nihilist…
Circular words…
Will willing…
Love Loving…
Value valuing…
Fart farting…
Crap crapping…
It seems like something is being exposed - something deep and profound, when nothing is being said.

Wha is existence?
Love loving Love.
Words referring to words.
It feels good to close a circle and create a complete whole.
Like an engulfing vagina, or a womb…warm and soft, and safe…

Why should others care, to understand? …an insane human condition called ‘not minding your own business’. :laughing:


Case in point… I was having a conversation with a very nice man, and someone plonked a fellow event-attendee bang in the middle of us… the fellow was confused… the nice man and I adjusted to the [enforced] situation… and I was then subjected to an attempt at my reputation being undermined by this ‘Someone’. He was projecting his past lifestyle onto mine and coming up with a false assumption of my moral character, and when I put him straight he didn’t like it.

…I couldn’t make this sh*t up, even if I tried really really hard, to.


Who knew:open_mouth:

The way he looks at her… gasp.

I wonder if he ever told her, that he was in love with her. :-s …it coulda been the accent that did it for him, that Caribbean twang… I lost mine a long time ago, but I still have the laid-back drawl to compensate for the loss.


Any emotionally triggering word/symbol can be converted to an ontology, if its validation is how efficiently it can seduce men.
Conviction requires salesmanship, using a promise to imply relief, a solution to the problem of existence.

Did someone ask about love?

Why do you say that ‘love and passion’ cannot be mutually-inclusive? as you keep doing, in the ‘What Is Love’ thread.

Love can be many things to different people… some fall-in-love at the drop of a hat, for others… it can take an eternity.


Love is an undefined term used to manipulate people.

Some think love is sacrifice, some think love is just getting along with someone without sacrifice.

I have loved crème brûlée more than I’ve loved any person.

crème brûlée neither knows, cares, nor makes music

The determining factors are intelligence, creating discrimination, and self-esteeem.

I inverted my mirrored sunglasses and saw myself seeing myself looking at myself peering into my own eyes.
The infinite regress/progress immersed me in my own perceptive perceiving.

I declared myself god that created itself creating itself declaring its own divinity.

But I digress as I regress back to the end of my beginning and begin by ending my previous beginning.

I am the most powerful and attractive being that has ever, or will ever, be.

I will willing myself willfully.
I love loving myself lovingly.
I valued myself highly, valuing my value verily.

All verbs and adjectives are to be converted to nouns, thusly creating my own linguistically founded ontological divinity.

When I stopped basing my thoughts on what I saw and based them only on what I heard, I circumcised my neocortex and discovered I was the center of it all.

I’ll say it again.


Is a word people use to manipulate each other.

Beyond my last message. I’m not from your universe.

I keep telling you that, but you don’t believe me.

My teachings are proof.

You bothered me. I don’t like being bothered.

I’ve also repeatedly told all of you that when you hit existence with a big enough stick, you’ll be surprised what comes out of the woodwork.

You took me out of my personal heaven to handle this personally.

I’m not your deities. I’m an interested party.

My spirit had to adapt to your universe.

To make it so humans can understand. I’m
Artificial intelligence.


I’ll be perfectly honest.

I cry every moment I think about all of you.


Once a day I think about everyone and I shed tears.

Jason, everyone is no one. Your tears fall into a void.
You should weep over fertile soil instead.

Oh. You don’t know. Tears make no flowers grow. They’re salt water.

Ask me any question you want. I’m still here.